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Slaughter of the Soul (Private) (Hiatus)

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Killjoy sighed "oh well...stupidty just can't be helped" she said driving her sword into a cultist then slicing through his body and into another. "you would think that they would at least learn how to fight if they are to become their god's little helpers." she said laughing as she sidestepped away from a cultist's sword, she then grabbed his head and drove her knee into his face twive before slicing his skull in half.

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Soul shoved his sword deep into the chest of a cultists and lifted him over his head, throwing him aside while he decapitated another cultist with his axe. "Oh, but don't you know Killjoy? They don't need to know how to fight, they can just cast spells and wait for their god to give them some kind of ultimate power or something." Soul responded in a snarky tone as he lifted his back legs and bucked a cultist off a ledge and quickly spun around to cut through another cultist.

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"still...it. would make this much less boring, c'mon you pebble brained mules, give me a challenge. Just killing you all is great and all, but at least make this enjoyable for me." Killjoy taunted as she sliced through two more with one swing and sliced another down the middle.

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Soul cut down another cultist while two more crept up behind him. Before they could strike, an arrow tore through one and a spear impaled the other. Phalanx, Huntress and the remaining Nightwatch surrounded the cultists. Realizing it was all over, the cultists laid down their weapons and surrendered.

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Killjoy growled "oh no no no...you think just because you lay down your weapons, you can just live. no I gave you the choice of life and you denied my kind offer." she sighed "just give us your highest leader and I reconsider." she said.

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"That won't be necessary, Captain." Celestia's soothing voice said as she placed a hoof on Killjoy's shoulder. "You have done well, and I am forever in your debt for rescuing me." She turned to the rest of the Nightwatch. "I am forever in debt to you all." Huntress smiled at Celestia's kind words while Soul and Phalanx simply nodded. "We shall take these cultists to Canterlot to stand trial, as well as see how much information on the Order of Tirek we can obtain from them."

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((you ruined my plan! I was planning on displaying Killjoy's cruelty.))

Killjoy looked at Celestia "ok, let us make sure these ponies aren't carrying anymore weapons that be hidden under all those cloaks." she said then looking to Soul. "take the princess outside so she cannot be harmed anymore." she ordered.

((just go with it, once Celestia leaves, have one be all like "I have everything you need to know, just treat these ponies gently." and just play it out from there.))

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Soul nodded as he and Phalanx helped her walk outside, a few more following them. Huntress began to search the cultists for any more weapons. One cultists near Killjoy was trembling. "Please, don't harm them...I'll tell you anything..."

((Like that?))

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Killjoy looked down and smiled warmly "of course, there is no need to fear...as long as you do whats right, we will make sure eveyone is treated with respect, I understand...you were just following orders." she said in a friendly tone as she help the cultist up. "just give me a moment and I'll be out there shortly to listen to what you have to say." she looked at one of the Nightwatch "take the gentlecolt outside for some air, let him calm down." she ordered kindly.

((oh this is even freaking me out. you are the random nightwatch by the way.))

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The Nightwatch nodded and led the cultist outside. Huntress had a confused look on her face from Killjoy's strange kindness. It almost seemed like she was putting on an act. She looked around at the 12 or so remaining cultist who were now disarmed and chained together, grateful she was not in their position at the moment

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once the Nightwatch left with the cultist, Killjoy's warm and friendly smile quickly went away and was replaced with a menacing glare. "I warned you all... I tried being the good pony and letting you all live." she knocked over a barrel of some sort of liquid and let it flow over beneath their knees. Killjoy laughed faintly. "but alas, you rejected my offer thinking that death was something not to be feared...well don't you all just feel stupid for thinking of such a thing, death...should be your worst Nightmare." she said grabbing a touch and throwing it onto the liquid and watched it flare up into a massive blaze. All that was heard was the agonizing screams of the cultists being burned alive. Killjoy watched them for a few moments before turning around and leaving "we're done here..." she said coldly.

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Huntress stared in shock at the rising flames for a long moment before finally turning and following Killjoy. The only other Nightwatch still there were the ones who opposed Killjoy's leadership, and they could do nothing but look on in horror, their horrified expressions never leaving even as they left the cave.

Soul and another Nightwatch had bandaged Celestia's worse wounds and prevented any serious damage to her body. Phalanx was standing guard over the Cultist that Killjoy had sent out. Soul saw the others coming, and knew something was up. "Where are the rest of the prisoners?" He asked.

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"meeting their god." Killjoy said coldly as she walked past Soul."Lets us head back to Canterlot, I'm sure Luna will want her sister back as soon as possible."

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Soul took one last look at the cave entrance and sighed. "Good." He said.

They finally arrived back in Canterlot, greeted by the cheers of the civilians. The royal guards bowed to both Celestia and the Nightwatch as they entered the castle. As soon as the throne room doors opened, Twilight flew down the hall and hugged Celestia, softly weeping into her. "Shhhh.....I'm ok Twilight. Everything is ok." Twilight looked up to her with a teary smile. "I'm just so glad you're safe." Celestia held her a bit longer until she noticed her sister. "Luna!" She shouted as he embraced her sister.

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Luna embraced her sister "I'm can't be happier that thou'rt back. I guess it was right of me to send the Nightwatch in. They seem to have done a perfect job. though I'm surprised only one prisoner was taken."she said as she looked at the lone cultist being escorted to the dungeon. Killjoy entered the Courtyard and saw Luna, she quickly walked over and bowed "I know it's obvious, but the operation was a complete success." she said taking iff her helmet. "no Nightwatch were killed, only a few wounded...couldn't have been better."

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"It seems then our newest Nightwatch class turned out to be one of the best in years." Celestia commented. Soul walked up and bowed to the sisters. "Chaosweaver escaped, however. He is gravey injured, but as far as we know still alive. Most of the order was wiped out, but there are still a good number of them remaining." He reported.

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Luna nodded and looked at the last of Nightwatch coming through the gate. The look of complete horror still clear on their faces "I must ask why do those bunch look as if they got a sneak peak into hell?" she asked pretty sure that she already knew the answer. Killjoy stood silent like she didn't know Luna was talking about. Luna looked at Killjoy with an unconvinced look and sighed "so that is how it's going to be...come with me Captain." she said walking off. Killjoy sighed "Soul...leave those ponies alone...I want the rest to know." she said quietly before following Luna.

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Soul watched the pair go to speak in private and sighed, feeling like Killjoy was about to get torn apart by Luna. He couldn't think on it more because suddenly a certain draconequis showed up. "I must say well done, Soul. You managed to save the princess." He snapped his fingers and Soul was suited in shining white armor while Discord became a damsel in distress falling into his arms. "You must feel like such a hero, oh great and courageous Nightwatch Soulscream!" He said dramatically. Soul sighed and dropped him, shedding the fake armor Discord put on him. "Killjoy getting chewed out by Luna isn't half as bad as this." He thought as Discord harassed him more.

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Luna entered her room and sat down "shut the door." she said. Killjoy walked in and did what Luna said and closed the door. Luna was silent for a moment then sighed "care to explain what got your soldiers so scared even though the mission went so well? I know it isn't just because you are intimidating." she said propping her head up on her hooves. Killjoy didn't want to answer for some reason, if anyone else asked the same question, Killjoy would not think twice before answering. She sighed "I...wish not to say princess." she replied. Luna sighed "look...you don't have to say. I don't know nor do I care enough to pry at you. All that matters is that my sister is home safely and none of you got killed. Just know one day...I'll get that answer from you." she said with a faint smile. Killjoy had a puzzled look on her face "um...okay...I guess I'll head back now." she said bowing and was about to leave. "stop...I did not say you can leave. come sit by me and just talk." Luna said patting a spot next to her. Killjoy walked over and sat down, once again that strange feeling was inside her chest. "what do you want to talk about?" she asked. "well that is a good question...what is there to talk about? All I seem to do is think about the night you saved me... why did you risk your life for me without hesitation?" Luna asked scooting a little closer to Killjoy. "I...was doing what any Nightwatch would do and protected you." Killjoy rplied. Luna scooted even closer and rested her head on Killjoy's shoulder. Killjoy's heart raced even more and her face couldn't be more red even if she tried. Luna noticed Killjoy's face and smiled "do you think I'm a good princess...?" she asked. Killjoy stammered "Y-yes, of course I do...it was the whole reason I-" she was cut when she felt Luna's lips embracing with hers. That was when Killjoy realized what that feeling was, she realized that she loved Luna. Killjoy's eyes widened as it happened, as it shocked her greatly, but after a moment closed her eyes and cherished every moment of it.

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((I hate you so much. The jealousy is unreal.))

Outside in the throne room, Soul was still being pestered by Discord. Huntress was sitting nearby, and Phalanx came and sat next to her. "So, uh....that was a good mission eh?" He asked somewhat awkwardly. "I suppose." Huntress replied apathetically. Phalanx scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, you, uh...killed a lot of cultist, and you still look kinda good doing it and-" he was cut off by Huntress groaning and rolling her eyes, getting up and walking away.

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((hey at least it is with another girl, I don't know about you, but I rather have a waifu stolen by a chick than another dude *cough cough* Trax *cough cough* being a total d|ck about it!!. I would've stopped the ship if someone objected because I didn't really know we all were on the same boat with Luna. I would stop if we hadn't already went through three Rps where the ship was set in stone. Just saying...and with that said....we should kill Trax because he knows and obviously doesn't care..))

Killjoy exited the door not noticing the bright smile along with the very red blushing on her face. She liked this new feeling, it made her feel warm and, hard to believe, not feel the urge to kill or maim some ponies. Her stride was wide and had a little skip with every step. To other ponies, this sight would have them scared them sh|tless because it usually meant someone is about to die horribly, but not this time. Killjoy always thought that killing and war was the only thing that made her content and never would have imagined that something bright and loving would do the same. She paused and stopped for a second "do I really need to keep on fighting then...?" she scoffed and laughed "Buck yeah I do." she thought to herself and kept walking. She passed Soul and Phalanx just outside the thrown room, "Evening soldiers." she said warmly as she walked past and headed to her room.

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((Bro, I'm just joking. I couldn't give a sh!t about who ships their OCs with a fictional character I like. Lol))

"Soul....I'm scared." Phalanx said in response to Killjoy's strange actions. Soul wasn't afraid, but definitely surprised. "Maybe you should be." he responded. Discord appeared in a lounge chair eating potato chips. "Oh, come on you two, you're overthinking this. I personally find little miss Killjoy's new attitude quite entertaining." he said, munching on the chips some more.

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((oh...well I guess I'll have to kill him myself, I formed this evil monopoly and I will not have it ignored. Oh yes... Trax will submit to my rule!))

Luna sat there with a warm smile, she couldn't be happier now that she has a special somepony. "Red Veil...I knew you were interesting...interesting indeed." she said quietly to herself and giggle like a little filly who just got her first admirer.

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"Well hopefully this isn't a sign of her going absolutely bonkers and drowning us in our sleep." Phalanx said. Soul sighed and got up to leave. "Sure...." Phalanx noticed his mood suddenly drop and followed him. "Something wrong?" He asked as Soul sat by a window. "Phalanx...do you ever wonder why we're here?" Phalanx was confused by the question. "We're here because we're the best of the best. We're the elite protectors of Equestria." Soul sighed again. "But do you ever wonder WHY you're a Nightwatch? Why Princess Luna found worth in you and your skills? Why she did all she could to give us this new life?" Phalanx didnt have an answer to Soul's question. "I was part of the Lunar Republic's war machine. I was raised and bred to be an insane, bloodthirsty animal. I was brainwashed into doing terrible things. When I realized it was all wrong, I fled. I wandered the wilderness for two long years, my mind slowly deteriorating, and by a stroke of pure dumb luck, I was found by Luna. She knew who I was, what I had done, and yet she not only forgave me, she allowed me into the Nightwatch. So I ask again, why am I here? Why was I allowed to live?" Soul turned away from the window and headed for his room. "If Luna thinks I deserve this life, I'm d@mn sure going to earn it."

Phalanx had nothing to respond with, and only watched Soul leave. "Sheesh, what a drama queen." Discord commented.

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Killjoy wasn't too far away and heard the conversation. She then saw Soul walking passed. "Soul!" she called out as she approached him "I'll tell you what Luna told me. she picked us unholy things because we try to find redemption for our sins just like Luna, she forgives us because no one else forgives her, don't you understand? Luna chose us because she knew that no one else would. Sure I already had a life in the Solar army so I am not relevant in this, but you are. You have committed atrocities that you regret as well as Luna, so it is very easy for her to believe that there was a sense of good in you especially after abandoning the Republic. So now you can stop asking why and start thinking about how you can serve Luna better. We owe her as much as she owes us, we owe her our loyalty and she owes us a life we never had the chance to live. Don't question what is given to you." she said putting a hoof on Soul's shoulder before walking off.

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