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Slaughter of the Soul (Private) (Hiatus)

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Soul was touched by Killjoy's words. She was right, he had a new life just as Luna was givin one. He was then troubled by something new. Just a few short weeks ago they were trying to kill each other, and now they had just wiped out a powerful cult and rescued Celestia herself together. And now she had just comforted him. "...so are we friends now, Killjoy?" Soul asked rhetorically, not expecting her to actually answer.

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Soul rolled his eyes and couldn't help but smirk. He turned back to Phalanx. "It's late, we should get some sleep." The two stallions heads for their rooms. Soul stopped and turned around. "Enough, Discord. Save it for tomorrow." He said to him as he was about to intercede with some witty prank. Discord scowled and snapped his fingers, disappearing.

((Skip to morning?))

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Killjoy stopped at her door and stood there for a second before turning around and walking off.

Luna was laying in her bed thinking about all that has happened. Suddenly the door opened "whose there?" she asked casting a light over at the door. Killjoy stood at the end of the bed with a sleak red gown. She crawled into Luna's bed "just the monster under your bed." she said smirking before engaging in a passionate kiss.

((and we all know how that song and dance goes. skip to morning!))

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Soul had woke up early, he had a habit of perching on a roof and watching the sun rise for as long as he could remember. Not far away he saw Huntress meditating and doing yoga. The sun slowly began to rise and bring the day forth. Soul smelled the air. "Even breathing the air is better...." He said to himself.

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Killjoy was still asleep when she felt a slight nudging on her cheek "Red...Red! Time for the Captain to get up." Luna said poking Killjoy's face. Killy groaned and pulled the pillow over her head. Luna sighed and pulled the blanket off. The cold morning air struck Killjoy making it very unpleasant. "what did I do to deserve this...was I bad last night or something and now you punish me for it?" Killjoy asked as her voice muffled through the pillow. Luna giggled "no, it is your job to be up before your troops." she replied grabbing Killjoy's legs and attempting to pull her out of the bed. "I decided to resign then..." Killjoy said resisting. Luna lit up her horn and levitated Killjoy and put her on the floor. "too bad, you can't." she said. Killjoy removed the pillow and sat up, her hair was 10 kinds of messed up. Luna laughed "do make yourself presentable love, I don't think you want everyone to see you like that." she said still giggling. Killjoy groaned and stood up and walked out the door with her armor on. She really didn't care about her mane...anyone says anything about it, she can just kill them and no questions will be asked.

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Soul flew in from the roof and landed near Killjoy. He noticed her insane morning mane and raised an eyebrow. "Beautiful morning, ain't it?" He said, watching the sun continue to rise, the sunlight breaking through. Huntress had just come in from her morning meditation, and Phalanx was exiting his room.

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Killjoy just looked at him "say one word about it and I'll strangle you. It's to bucking early for this." she said walking off to no where in particular.

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Soul wanted to smirk and laugh but Huntress walked over and put a hoof over his mouth. "Don't even think about it. You have no idea how much of struggle a mares mane is." She said in a stern tone and a glare.

((Huntress is definitely a bad b!tch like Killjoy is. Lol))

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((ok sure))

Killjoy stopped and looked back at them "oh yeah...Luna wants us to hunt down Chaosweaver..." she said yawning "you have 30 minutes."

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"Good. I needed my morning run." Soul said, heading back to his room to hear up. Huntress and Phalanx returned to do the same.

In a campsite in the Everfree, Chaosweaver and the remaining cultist were preparing to move again. One approached him with a worried look on his face. "Master...what do we do now? We can't keep running, and now that we're thinned out, how will we brin Lord Tirek back?" Chaosweaver put his now prosthetic hoof on him. "Have faith, for the heretics will not stop us." He said calmly.

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Killjoy wobbled to her room to get her sword. She looked at her bed, the crude straw bed never looked better in her life, she just wanted plop down and just sleep for at least another hour or so. She quickly pushed the thoughts out of head and grabbed her sword "what have I done to desrve this?" she mumbled to herself as she walked out the door just dragging her sword along.

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Soul, Phalanx and Huntress were ready and waiting outside for Killjoy. They saw her approaching and looking pretty dead. "You know, there's a thing called coffee you should try out, sleepyhead." Huntress said with a smirk.

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"well I would usually be on the battlefield this early and killing something usually woke me up....would you like to volunteer?" Killjoy yawned "no? didn't think so, come on" she said wobbling passed them. "I just hate mornings..."

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Soul opened a map with some directions drawn on it. "They fled through a tunnel system in the cave, which scouts report led out of another cave near the Everfree. We should start there." He rolled the map up and put it in his bags. He gave his wings a good stretch before floating up and hovering above the others.

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"again with the caves...don't they know that is the first place we will look? I don't know why they insist on hiding in the most obvious of places." Killjoy said "I guess they just think we are stupid...even though we ruined their plan...and killed most of them...wait no...I forgot I burned them...my bad."

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Huntress shuddered at remembering Killjoy's swift end to the cultist. "They're most likely not actually in the caves, they just left through them." Soul said as he flew along.

Chaosweaver and the cultist were moving along through the forest when he felt a strange feeling. "Stop." He commanded. The cultists all looked at him strangely. "Something wrong master?" One asked him. Chaosweaver was silent for a moment. "We're going to have company."

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((I don't think burning alive is a swift end lol))

"either way, I still don't understand the whole cave thing. It might have been a good idea when it first occured but now it just seems expected and yet ponies still hide in them...maybe I should start lighting all the caves on fire...maybe get criminals to start being creative." Killjoy said with an unsettle chuckle.

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((Oh buck you and your details. Lol))

They eventually arrived at the edge of the forest. "The cave opened up here in the Everfree, so they've got to be somewhere in here."

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Killjoy looked at the cave and grabbed a torch "should we "check" to see if anyone is in there?" she asked "hopefully there is oil down there just like the last one."

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"Killjoy....they're not there. I promise you." Soul said, somewhat annoyed.

There was a rustling in the nearby bushes. Huntress quickly drew and arrow and pointing it in the direction of the shrubbery.

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