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The republic in danger

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Geenak smirked, mostly to himself. " You're right, they aren't, which is why she stopped being one. " They were then ordered to the front line and Geenak watched the jedi lass jump into the fray. He whistled, then unslung his repeating blaster from his back and aimed down its sight, before raising an eyebrow as another force user showed up.

He lowered his weapon slightly, then let it hang in his arms as the two lightsaber wielders easily dispatched the enemies. He turned his head towards Baltan and nodded at them. " Well, they seem to have that handled....I'm hungry, and i'm thinking they wouldn't take too kindly to me partaking in some of their dead troops, soooo...lets get these troops to someplace defensible, help the wounded, then head to the cafeteria, sound good? "

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Blatant slipped his helmet on, his feline eyes peering through the T-shaped visor made so infamous by mandalorians and cleared his throat, "Alright you lot, look at this visor eh? We're practically the same you and I, now we need to move to a more defensible position and make sure they don't hit the life support. If we lose that we're as good as dead, let the nice jedi do their jobs and you do yours, follow me and this scaly gentleman if you please."

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The droids kept up their unrelenting assault, unable to feel fear. They no longer charged, but they maintained a front line, bombarding the Jedi and clones repetitively. Several droids moved up, as other teams snuck around the Jedi, using it as a decoy.

"Maintain the assault! We need to keep them busy!" came an order over the droids radio, meaning they kept their assault.

Deeper in the ship, several individuals had managed to sneak around via the ventilation system, unnoticed. They didn't speak there was no need to. They'd managed to get this far, and so far, they are going well.

"Keep going. We need to find them"

The droids changed their pace, now throwing themselves at the clones and Jedi. They continue their heartless run, after all, droids were not human.

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Lazav grins under his face mask as his eyes narrow. "Go!" he grunts as the grenade flew from his hand. It lands between several droids and with a pulse they disable. Lazav charges forward and in a rapid flurry of blurred purple light, his blade dances around the droids until they are nothing more than bits of microprocessors. "Hmph... Droids... never a challenge..." Lazav comments as his steely eyes look toward the Imperial forces. "I can smell their fear..."

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Baltan and Geenak were making a steady pace with the group of clones that had decided to follow them, he hated the idea of not getting into the action, but being a mandalorian wasn't all about ham-handed bravado, mastering battle was just as much about knowing the most opportune time to strike as it was about hitting the enemy hard and fast. You never send your whole force at an enemy like that; three jedi would be more than enough to deal with some battle droids, and while they dealt with them he and Geenak could stay busy making sure the rest of the ship was safe. The two mandalorians began fortifying defense points and making sure there were troopers at every area that was open for sabotage.

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The Droid Army was being defeated, but it kept charging at the Jedi and Clones, incapable of retreating. Hundreds of regular Battle Droids filled the hallways now, and where the Jedi weren't, they were managing to push past the Clone blockade. At the rate they were going, they'd be able to take the ship, if loosing all the droids in the process.


Meanwhile this war was happening, a group of 15 people exited the ventilation system, unseen to all. All of them wore dark, long robes, all of them worked for the Black Sun crime group, and all of them had Red Lightsabers in their hands. Some had duel-hilted ones, others had two, some only had one.

Several of them re-entered the shaft system, and make their way to their destination. The others slowly started to walk towards their targets, staying as a large group. They looked like Jedi to many of the clones, and as such, the Clones passed them by without thinking.


As Baltan and Geenak patrolled a section, one of the clones paused.

"Wait! What was that?" He called out to him team, taking a step towards another hallway, before being gunned down by a barrage of blaster fire. Leaping out of the hall were nearly a dozen assassin droids. Hightly mobile and armed with blades and blasters, they lept from place to place, dodging majority of the clones shots before killing them. The doirds then all turned their attention to the non-clones, raising their weapons and firing.

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Helia grimaced. Even though more and more droids were wandering into the field of her lightning it didn't seem to be shutting them down fast enough. She intensified the flow of the lightning and concentrated it into one hand, summoning her lightsaber back to her with the other and deflecting incoming fire with it. She did allow herself to be struck a few times in non-vital areas, however, serving to fuel her pain and hence her Dark Side abilities. At this point, emotions and anger were roiling outwards from her in waves, easily sensed by any Force-Sensitives who were nearby, as she channelled her rage and power into the Force Lightning. In appeared that she would soon require a much more intense ability to keep them back, though.

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Fire winced as she watched Helia release an enormous amount of dark force into her Force Lightning. Fire needed to back up Helia with disabling the droids. She had seen Helia take some damage while she was fighting while she was using her force lightning to disable the droids. Fire quickly stood on the other side of the sector, banging her fist together to send out a massive wave that disabled many more droids. What where the imperials doing? How did they even board the ship?

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" Hey trooper, what's your name? "

" Ct 43- " " Naw naw naw, not your number, your name. You're still a person there soldier, so lets hear a name. "

" Uhh, Linx sir. "

" Well Linx, I need you to- " But Geenak's words would fall upon dead and deaf ears, for the assasin droids burst forth and slaughtered the clones. Geenak grit his teeth and shot out a hand, grasping the neck of the droid who had slain Linx in his crush gauntlet.

" Hey, I was TALKING to him! " He then proceeded to decapitate the droid simply by squeezing, before tossing it at another droid and slinging his repeating blaster to bear, befor filling the hallway with lasers, firing a continues stream of rounds at the droids as they jumped and dodged around the enclosed space.

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Baltan's helmet began tracking targets as soon as they burst into the room, unfortunately still too late to save any of the troopers, but they would be avenged nonetheless. He pulled out his blasters with a little twirl before dispatching two of the assassin droids, the machines were craftier than most droids, but they'd be dispatched easily enough. The trianii began firing away, firing his blasters rapidly at the group of would be assassins, "Stupid slag heaps, you'll not kill us so easily!" He clubbed one of the droids several times until it stopped moving, then shot down two more with the deathammers.

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Fire frowned as she kept fighting the imperials, making force waves that disabled the droids. How were they supposed to look for the Black Sun if they keep fighting? Fire saw the enemy forces getting less, most of the wounded were moved to the medical bay and Baltan and Geenak are helping with looking for enemies that snuck past us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Geenak let out a roar as his clip ran dry, then used his weapon to hit on of the droids before reaching out and placing his hand on its shoulder, then digging his claws into its metal carapace due to his crush gauntlets. He then began to use the droid as a shield while charging others, hitting them with his newly acquired bashing droid/blaster shield.

He slung his weapon on his back, and grasped another droid by the chest after stunning it with his other robot weapon, then began dual wielding them as he smashed and bashed his way around the room, blocking shots with both droids as best he could, but still taking a few glancing hits on his armor.

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