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The republic in danger

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"Red squad, accompany Midnight and be her support. Shadow squad, prepare to cover a boarding party, Fire, there is a ship waiting for you if you want to fight in sapce, or you can join the boarding"

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Midnight finished getting her ship powered up. She turned her radio on.

"Red Squad?" She asked

"Roger that Ma'am, Red Squad here. We've got your back" was his reply.

Midnight started to take off, waiting for the hanger doors to be opened.

"Ok, Sky? We're ready to go, give us a target, or do you want us to protect the ship?"

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Midnight swore, turning her radio off.

"Thanks for the orders Sky, they totally help me" she muttered to herself, before seeing all green lights from the rest of her team.

"This is Midnight with red Squad, we're taking the lead!" She said, piloting her ship towards the exit and onto the battlefield.

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Midnight saw Fire enter the boarding craft, and quickly sent a call to her team.

"Red team, we're going to be helping shadow in providing cover for the boarding parties. When they get aboard, we'll split around and start commencing bombing runs on the enemy carriers"

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Sky would run into the hangar wearing all his gear, holding his rifle in his hands, which was currently set to rifle mode. Sky would rush onto a gunship, the same one that Fire was on. "Shadow you know what to do. LETS GO" Sky would yell, and with that the gunships would lift off and fly towards the hangar.

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Midnight got her fighter and red team flew up into the battle. She saw the enemy fighters all converging on them, and realized that if she covered the transports, she'd bring more attention to them.

"Red team! We're changing mission, take up an aggressive position on the right, try drag their attention away from the boarding crafts"

She took off, leading her team away from where the boarding ships were going. She saw a large portion of fighters headed straight at her. She tightened grip on the joystick, things were about to get hairy.

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Midnight and Red team went straight into the heart of the enemy formation, causing as much chaos as they could. They kept tight, and so far, they hadn't lost anyone. They flipped around, blasting the fighters that had been trailing them. They did all they could to keep the eyes on them and off the boarding craft.

"Master, we'll give your boarding craft an opening. Good luck and best hunting in there" Midnight said to Fire, getting Red team and her to land a barrage of bombs on the heavy guns that were on the Boarding craft's run.

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"WELL HERE WE GO, ROCK AND LOAD" Sky would yell as the gunships flew into the hangar. The doors would stay closed as blaster fire started pounding it. "Echo squad, exit and hold the right flank. Alpha, i need you holding the right flank. Fire, by the sound of this blaster fire its going to be roough. I need you to get out there and go after the ones pinning us down the most. Flame, Frost, your with me. We go down the centre towards the hall way, reignforcments are bound to be arriving, and we need to give them time to secure the hangar. All clear on the plan?" Sky would yell over the comms

"Sir yes Sir" Would be heard back from all the troops.

"Alright. Admiral, get Bravo prepared, we will have wounded and will need reinforcements plus medics to help the wounded, all right, HERE WE GO"

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Midnight got red team to commence a bombing run, giving Fire and Sky a good shot at the hanger. After that, she got her ships to do a blitz run. She and Red team was doing a good job so far, she just hoped it would be enough.

"Thank you Master. Radio me if you need help, I'll be out here running interference"

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Helia woke up.

It was dark and stuffy in the ship's hold. Coupled with the fact that the place doubled as the ship's engine rooms, the place was filthy beyond belief. She held in a sneeze as she swept the dust away from her face, then extended a small Force aura around her head to keep the dust away. She'd already been here for several days, but at last it seemed that things were happening. Even from the fortified hold she could feel the raging space battle outside the ship. The battery emplacements were firing, lasers thudding against the hull... everyone was probably distracted. Good.

Using the Force to ease the opening of the main hold door, Helia swept down the hallways and corridors in her plain jet-black cloak, making nary a noise with her nearly silent footfalls upon the metal floors. She was an enigma, there one moment and gone the next, as she sprinted in the direction she'd memorised on the floor plan days ago which would lead her to the hangar bay.

Finally, she thought. Days and days of being cooped up in here and stowing away in the first place is finally starting to pay off. Thankfully, she encountered no one on the way to the hangar, seeing as everyone had something to do elsewhere, and lo and behold there was still an ARC-170 fighter in the bay. One of the spares, probably. It would do.

She dashed into the hangar proper and Force-leaped into the air, positioning herself so that she descended onto the docked fighter just as the cockpit hissed open when she telekinetically unlocked it. She fell straight onto the seat and began the procedure for booting up the systems. Thankfully her training at the Temple had allowed her to come into contact with this sort of machinery often enough to learn how it operated. Until they kicked her out, of course, but she got enough before then, and even some experience afterwards.

A brief period later, the ship eased out of the hangar bay doors and into deep space. Helia decided she would just help from space rather than docking in any enemy ships, if only to avoid obvious detection by the other Jedi. Nonetheless, the time had passed to disguise her presence any longer, since during and after this fight she was fairly certain she would be broadcasting her presence in the Force like a huge glowing beacon. She opened herself up to the Force and began to detect some pretty interesting things.

She could sense the auras of the other Jedi knights, one of which had boarded a particular enemy ship. But nearby was a beacon even brighter than she'd seen anywhere, perhaps other than that one time she got to meet Anakin Skywalker in person. It was like a diamond, bright and beautiful, full of potential, but still uncut, flawed, waiting to be polished and perfected. It was a thrilling feeling. And it attracted her to it like a moth to light.

Helia swung around and brought her starfighter to bear around Midnight's area, helping to take out hostiles in the region. The Force guided her actions as the reticule of her fighter's laser cannons centred time after time on enemy targets, sending them crashing and burning into whatever they were flying towards at the time. She even reached out with her telekinesis to just slightly adjust some of the trajectories of her opponents, sending them flying in directions they weren't fully prepared for and allowing her to flip around, execute a few complex dogfighting manouevres, and shoot them out of the sky... er, space.

This day is going to be perfect.

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Midnight had yet to lose anyone from her team yet as she navigated them through the enemy fleet, causing as big of a distraction as she possible could. She felt the enemies around her, and could start to predict their shots. She was moving before she'd seen the fighters on her radar. It was a good feeling, to finally understand why she could do what she could.

That's when another ship, a friendly, popped up on her radar. It was an ARC-170, and a single one too. She was slightly confused, but shrugged it off. Concentrating on the raging battle around her. She saw another team being attacked, and ordered red squad to intercept, leaving her on her own with just the ARc-170 that had arrived. She flicked switches, and tried to open a radio channel with it, when she noticed an enemy fighter right behind her! She moved her fighter into a deep dive, but was unable to shake it they opened fired on her. She kept dodging, but she wasn't able to fire back! She made a call onto the radio to the ARC-170, Helia's ship.

"Help, i've got a fighter on my tail! I can't shake him, mind giving me a hand?!"

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"I'm on it" Fire said as she force jumped to the front, ignited her lightsabers and started to take out the droids. She suddenly felt something, like the force was telling her of another force user. She couldn't make out if it was dark or light, but she knew it was there.

"Sky! Keep an eye out for force users, I can feel it. I don't know why i couldn't on the ship but something is going on" Fire shouted as she sliced off another droid's head. She threw her lightsaber at a rolling droideka.

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Helia glanced at the comm system in her starfighter. Someone was asking for help. It took her all of half a second to realise it was the Force-sensitive she'd detected earlier; the uncut diamond. An excellent opportunity, then. She wondered if the Jedi had already gotten to her - or him, but the Force aura she was sensing indicated a her - but seeing how uncut she was it was likely that even if she was in the Jedi camp she hadn't been for long. Even better.

Helia swung the ship around, saying "I've got your back, don't worry" into the microphone and centering her reticule on the offending starfighter. She pulled the trigger.


Nothing happened. She tried again.

click click click

She realised that they were overheated. Just her luck. She wouldn't be able to fire any of them until they cooled off. Now how was she supposed to... ah, right. Of course. Where there wasn't a way... the Force would clear a way.

She arced upwards and then down, levelling out again right behind the enemy fighter. She raised her hands, and began channelling one of her favourite abilities - Force Lightning. She could feel the waves of anger, hatred, and fury rolling out through the Force to any nearby Force-sensitives, but most of all with it came a feeling of pure, extreme power. She relished it, let it concentrate in her hands, and then driving it into the nearest piece of exposed metal in the ARC-170.

The electricity raced outwards, conducted by the metal components, all the way onto the tip of the laser cannons, and then it jumped over onto the enemy starfighter's exposed engines. Helia maintained the blast, allowing the electricity to keep flowing, until at last the enemy engines flickered momentarily and then died. It was crippled now, flying under its own momentum. It wouldn't be able to manouevre until its engines came back online - which was all the time anyone needed to destroy it.

"Weapons overheated," she muttered into the microphone over to Midnight. "I'm afraid you'll have to make the killing blow. So sorry about that."

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The clone squads Echo and Alpha would leave the gunships as they fired on the hostiles. Two men were already down.

Unlike the rest, sky would be leaadign Flame and Frost towards the hangar door so they could hold off any reginforments.

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