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The adventures of a GentleColt and his aprentices ( 4 slots remain )


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(( during the this week ( monday to saturday ) it will be hard for me to post much. ))

The old earth pony scribbled vigorously onto a piece of parchment on the farthest right of his small table, de-coding the message hidden in the note. He was so committed to finishing his work that he had completely forgotten that this was the day his net help would arrive. Karlile was never as fond of other ponies as he was being alone, but in his age it was simply too much risk. He often wondered if " the new help " would be useful. a couple of ponies looking to make a quick bit would not do in the slightest, but he was prepared to deal with incompetence for the sake of success.

The hours flew by as each letter was decrypted. The trouble with this was that every few words the language changed to something older and aggravatingly similar to the former. Soon it reached mid-day, the time his " guests " were to arrive.

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Blackwing was walking through ponyvile, he had just finished eating his lunch. As he walked back toward's the park, which was where he was currently taking refuge. As he got there he would walk towards a small area that was completely hidden from sight. As he saw his journal on the ground, he opened it too see that it was the day he was going to see that other pony, but he didnt know who he or she was. Blackwing would stand up and leave his secluded zone before walking towards the house of this pony.

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Karlile heard hoof steps outside of his small home. That was unusual in these parts or the town. He got up from his desk and walked to his window. Upon shifting the curtain he saw not a pony, but a griffon! This was perplexing to him because, while of course had had seen griffons, they were extremely rare in ponyville. Fixing the spectacles on his face, karlile whent to the door and unlocked the 3 locks.

" Excuse me, Griffon, is there something you need? I'm extremely busy with my work! "

He peered out at the Griffon and studied him. Or her? He couldn't tell. That was perplexing. The Griffon seemed feminine, yet had male traits. he assumed that their voice would tell him the difference.

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Blackwing looked at the pony who had opened his door, he saw the spectacles on his face, that was the first thing he noticed, he then noticed that he seemed very.....frustrated.

"Work" He would say to him

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Male most likely...He was about to ask what he meant whan yet another pony walked up to his abode, this one female. What did she mean by-Oh. The memory hit him like a brick to the face. How could he be so incompetent!? How long had it been since the sign was post, a few days? He would remember to mark a day off for himself later. He cleared his throat

" I see. " He spoke like a teacher " In light of this, wont you come in? " If there was one thing Karlile didn't like it was allowing people to snoop in his home. With a swish of his hoof he ushered the two visitors inside, locking the door behind himself.

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Emerald walked to the house where he was supposed to meet the pony and saw a griffin and a pony and a griffin following somepony into the house, ran up just as the door was closed and locked and let out a sigh before knocking on the door.

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