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Midnight smiled at Sky as he said they were all getting out together. But when he said they didn't have time, it vanished. This data was key, without it, they would be going in blind. When he asked for Rose to help, she paused. She was Rose, wasn't she....

An A.i. Midnight couldn't hide her, distaste of them. Sure, they were a savoir on a ship. But an A.I was just another way to prove that Spartans weren't human, even Sky was no human, not properly. It made her upset slightly, but, surely there was a reason why he'd do that to himself.

"Fine, download it . But don't work on it, it's sensitive and no offense, but it's my work 'Rose, don't stick your nose in it" Was her angry reply to the A.I, and reached back in her room to arm up. Shotgun, SMG's, pistols, battlerifle, knives, grenades and even an energy sword, she walked out, her ODST helmet hanging on her belt. It was still damaged from the incident back on Earth.

She grabbed her shotgun, and loaded a round in the chamber.

"Going loud, hm, looks like you'll need all the help you can get"

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When Midnight talked to his A.I, he could hear the anger in her voice. Sky had still wondered something all this time, back when they were still ODST's, why did she hate Spartans so much? She always said 'They were not human'. Sky was wondering, what was the reason behind that? Why did she call them monsters? Sky would sigh, deciding to bring it up later in hopes of getting a response, hopefully one that will answer his questions. Sky also knew he had to be prepared to answer some as well, he knew that she would have some, no doubt. Sky would, after his moment of thinking, put his left hand on his left SMG. If they were going loud, he wanted somethign stronger. "Hey Midnight, you got a spare shotgun or two?, Rose, get that data" Sky would say as he heard a voice in his helm.

"DAMMIT, There in the hangar, your little 'Frag' stunt got them on us. We will hold them off as long as we can, MAN DOWN" And the transmission went silent

When sky heard that his face would shift. Now he had another reason to move, if he wanted to make it to save them they had to go very soon. "Rose, y" As sky was saying that the A.I would instantly say "File download complete, we have two minutes" Sky would then use his right hand to pull out his right SMG, and he did the same with his left, drawing it. "Midnight, lets go" He would say as he heard footsteps, and unlike before these ones were heading for them.

"Crow, to the hangar, NOW" Sky would say over the com as he raised both SMG's and fired a volly, taking out three grunts who had come around the corner. Sky could hear talking, they were getting closer.

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Crow nodded as she set the trap

good I hate stealth! See we didn’t even need it!” she said as she left the engineering room

the tunnels had a brute leading a group of jackals. And grunts.

Crow took cover on the archway primed the brute spike grenades and threw the first one at the brute closest.

The brute spun and was able to dodge it. But Crow opened fire with the plasma rifle, burning it. The grenade went off, harming but not killing some of the jackals.

Crow took cover dogging some plasma and needles.

“RAAA” “me kill you!” shouted the enemies.. she waited a second and soon enough the brute got closer. She jumped out blasting him more with the plasma rifle. Just as he was about to die she threw he last spike grenade at the other brute further away catching him off guard and stabbing him in the chest

she quickly focused her fire again on the dying brute finishing him. Moving in on the jackals blasted his there arms, and exposed points. She was so close to them that there shields weren’t making a difference. Jackals only realy became a threat at mid range with the aide of a bigger covenant to help them.

making quick work of the jackals with a few melee and plasma rifle bursts she cleared the room exept for a few brave grunts and a brute with a spiker.

Crow ran forward letting the spiker hit her, and whipped out her sword lunging at the brute killing it instantly. Her shield was only at half and she continued to run back to the hanger occasionally stabbing and slashing at smaller covenant in the way. With the door leading to the hanger in site she radioed Delta

“hey I’m back, do you need help? Getting out?

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Midnight followed Fox, letting him go first as she stayed behind and took out anything that got behind him. She kept her shotgun raised, firing at the Grunts and Elites that had gotten behind them.

"We've gotta get going! If this ship jumps before we leave, we'll be trapped. And there is no way we'll survive"

(Sorry for bad post, injuries have kept me down)

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(Its ok, hope you get better)

As Sky started to run towards the hangar, he would notice something new. Normally, Midnight would be the one wanting to take point. This time, she seemed to want to stay BEHIND him. Sky would silently sigh, knowing what she might be thinking about him. 'He is no longer human, so what if he dies'. When sky thought that a second though would invade. 'No, you are human. She knows that, she cares'. That thought made Sky feel a lot more confident. As he was running he would be gunning left and right and even in the center, spraying bullets into all the grunts, elites, brutes and whatever else they had on here in there way. As he passed one particular group that was in there way, sky would grin. Two brutes and a elite.

Sky would sprint ahead for a second as he leapt straight over them, using his evade to do it. The moment he landed he would roll to the side to doge a slam of a gravity hammer. Once the hammer was swung sky would jump onto it, pinning it to the ground. Sky would then duck as a energy sword when straight over his head, killing the brute. Sky would roll backwards and leap up, firing his SMG's while in midair. As the second brute fell sky would pull the trigger once more, and the elite would blow up as a bullet collided with a grenade.

"Midnight, get straight on the scarab, no distractions, and i would put your helm on" Sky would say before they reached the hangar.

Inside the hangar was chaos. There was over a few dozen Grunt corpses, about twenty elites and at least twenty five dead brutes. Sky would chuckle, this was the reason he got this particular ODST squad. They were deadly. As sky looked over at the scarab he would notice where the six where. He would two were on the plasma turrets, one on each one, one on each side of the scarab. He would also see that there was some human blood inside the ramp. As sky moved in eh would see a blood trail, like someone had been dragged. As sky was about to break into a sprint he would see the plasma turrets start to fire. As sky looked towards where they were firing he would see a whole covenet squad rush in and take cover.

"Looks like its a hot evac" Sky would say to himself before he noticed Crow in the hangar. He would then yell into is comms to everyone"TO THE SCARAB, WE NEED TO LEAVE. LESS THEN A MINUTE"

And with that he would break into a sprint to reach the scarab, still shooting at the covy troops as he was running.

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Crow may not have been the smartest Spartan but her love of weaponry extended to vehicles, she was in love with the scorpion tank even go so far as to say she was married to all the tanks. as she looked upon the empty scarab and the enemies following sky midnight she snickered with a sadistic yet girlish excitement. “well it’s a good thing we have an open marriage”

out of my way!” she shouted as she knocked a jackal in the head running to the scarab

she ran inside and turned on the computers, she knew enough about the covenant language and computers to turn it on,

the scarabs head cannon opened up like a monster awakening from slumber


she went to the main screen and adjusted the settings

canons armed, friend foe i.d reverse, main gun …0.5%

She pressed a button and all the Covent in the room were tagged. She grabbed a joystick and fired dragging a aiming laser across the screen and soon the weapons began firing, the main gun with only a portion of its power instantly vaporized everything it touched! And the smaller cannons destroyed anything that was out of its direct line of fire.

hey if you all don’t mind I’m taking it home with me!”

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Sky would see Crow get inside the scarab, as she jumped in sky would wonder, what was she doing? His question would be answered as plasma rained down on the covy forces.

"CROW, STOP SHOOTING. YOU WILL KILL US ALL, JUST PREPARE TO ACTIVATE OXYGEN SYSTEM" Sky would yell into the comm. Sky knew the only thing keeping them alive was the fact that the covey thought that they COULDNT operate the scarab, her firing would get them killed as they would vent the whole thing, killimg him, Midnight, Crow and the ODST.

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she heard delta cry out.

she had already killed most of the force ocupying the hangar and let go of the joystick, slowly. and ran over to the mainence panel.

"lets see here drop sheild, deploy mode, o2 monitor," she pressed 02 and sure enough some small vents opened.

"we got oxygen, you guys ready?"

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"Out of the cockpit, i need the wheel" Sky would radio in before he made it to the Scarab. He woud use evade to flip straight onto the scarab. As he took another step he would hear the wiz of a needler. As he heard that sky would spin around, catching the needle. Sky would then quickly drop it and duck as a hail slammed into the wall behind him. Sky would then pull out both his SMG's and started firing back at the new squad

"Iv got the scarab" Rose would say be

(Now we need Midnight before we continue)

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Midnight heard the order to go straight for the Scarab, and followed it. She put her shotgun on her back and ran forwards, trying to close the distance to the war machine before anything spotted her. Turns out, she wasn’t fast enough. A pack of Brutes got between her and the entrance of the Scarab.

Most of them were average brutes, but there was a Chieftan with them. Now that would be an issue. Midnight grabbed the SMG’s on her hips, and while running, went to town on them. 2 SMG clips area later, all but 3 brutes were dead. She placed her SMG’s on her hip, and charged at the Chieftan, who beat his hammer against his chest before charging back. Midnight waited till he was close before dodging to the left, meaning the hammer swing was off, and she pulled a dagger from her uniform. She ran onto his armour, and rammed the blade into his neck, getting a yell of annoyance, and she leapted backwards, pulling the shotgun out and while she was still flipping, she pulled the trigger, killing the Chieftan. Landing on the ground, she ran forwards and picked up the hammer, lobbing it at the remaining brutes. It hit between them, and sent them flying out of her way. She ran towards the Scarab, she had a clear run!

That’s when something grabbed her neck from the front, and threw her back. An invisible Elite! From right in front of her, Thel materialised. In his hand, was an energy sword!

“You Traitor…Why would you do this?” He asked. Midnight flipped to her feat, and took up a fighting stance.

“Because, i’m not sure who is right and wrong. But i’m not going to be a pawn of Luro anymore. I’ll make my own path, not the one i’m given” Was her reply, knowing she needed to get past the Elite to escape.

She charged, getting in close and engaging in a fist fight with Thel, and he used his blade to force her back. He lead with his energy sword, keeping Midnight on her backfoot. But Midnight saw he’d left his left side open. She lept forwards, and quickly, found herself in the air, with an energy blade in front of her Stomach. All Thel needed to do was ramn it forwards, and she’d die. She looked at the Giant Elite, and he shook his head. Throwing Midnight onto the ground, he ran. Shifting his camo on, he vanished. Midnight had no idea where he went, nor did she honestly care at that point. Picking herself up, she made it into the Scarab. She was firing at the Covies that were trying to get close. She put her helmet on, and waited. But she didn’t see one thing in this waiting, which was the Brute that refused to let the Human that killed his pack get away. The Brute minor, holding the hammer of his chieftan, lept onto the back of the Scarab, where Midnight was alone. It swung, and Midnight dodged. It repeated it’s actions, until Midnight messed up. On the 11th dodge, he didn’t swing down, but to the side. The back of the hammer, a sharp part, hit her in the chest. She went flying back, rolling back and felt her head hit the wall hard. She could barely keep herself focussed. She reached forwards as the Brute walked towards her, taunting her. All she needed was to..Gotcha! Right at the Brute raised the weapon above it’s head, Midnight had gotten a hand on her Energy Sword, and threw it into his chest!

It dropped to it’s knees, dead. But it feel forwards, onto Midnight. The brute was heavy, and the hammer fell straight onto her outstretched shoulder, crushing it. The brute fell straight ontop of her, and she gasped in pain. Her chest was being crushed by the creature, and she felt her ribs actually bending slightly under it’s weights. It was dead, and if this continued, she’d be crushed by it!

She managed to flick her radio on.

“F-foxy, Crow...Bottom level..brute...crushing me….Help….” was all she managed to say, she was finding it harder to breath with her lungs being crushed but the Brutes weight, along with her own ribs bending into her lungs. She tried to push it up, but with her arm being cut by the hammer, there wasn’t anything she could do.

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Sky would be in the cockpit. He was glad that they made it through that alive though in truth there was one thing he was more glad about. He was glad that he had Midnight back. For these last few years, Sky had blamed himself for her death though not just hers. He had been the one who had lost Twister to the flood. Sky would sigh as memories went through his head. Sky would see the flood ripping Twister apart, causing a painful death though he would then see the corpse reanimate, though as a flood. Sky would then see the memory as he had drawn his assault rifle, and he had fired. Sending bullets slamming into it. Sky would sigh again as he remembered Stormchaser.

He had been working with storm for a few years now, they had been on so many successful missions, he had almost died together. His mind would flash back to the fight he lost a friend in. Sky would see the memory. Sky would see himself giving the order to get to the ally. He would see as everyone made it, all of them except for Storm. He would shed a tear in his helm as he saw it, the beam that went straight through his head. His shields didnt even stop it, it pierced straight through. Sky would remember someone dragging his corpse and DashingBlade giving him Storms dog tags.

Sky then remembered Ember. Sky knew that there was a chance he was alive, though also that he was more then likely dead. Sky would remember picking up his dog tags as he was blown into the sewers.

As Sky was thinking all this he would be snapped out by the sound of Midnight. Sky could tell she was hurt the moment the first word left her mouth, and the moment he heard 'Bottom floor' Sky would already be up. As sky reached the door of the cockpit he would go straight through it as he jumped off the scarab. Sky would use his evade to flip straight onto he deck. After that sky would slide down the ramp as he made it there.

Around him sky could see two ODST firing at the covey forces, but they were starting to be over run. Sky knew the only course of action, and he hopped he would live through it.

"Everyone, to the cockpit now. Rose, you know what to do he MOMENT that the ODST arrive, even if im not there" Sky would order Rose.The response he would get would be"B..But I" Would be what sky would hear."ROSE, i will make it. You know me" and with that Rose would sigh before saying "Right".

Sky would quickly turn his attention to a brutwe on top of someone...Midnight. Sky would sprint over and start to lift the brute off. Sky would with ease, throw it off her. Sky could see her wounds were bad. Sky could see the hammer dug into her arm and he could also see the massive wound on her chest. Sky would quickly pull the hammer out and threw it out of the Scarab. He would then pick up Midnight. He knew she would not like that, though he had no choice "GET MED EQUIPMENT SET UP IN THE COCKPIT, NOW"

Sky would then turn to carry Midnight to he Cockpit.

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As she stopped using the scarab’s weaponry more covenant came in.

“hurry up fall back! She shouted to the odst as she picked up either her or sky’s shotgun from earlier and ran providing cover fire

when she ran out f shells she picked up 2 needlers and was pretty much just laying down surpression till the odst and sky+midnight made it to the scarab. She was holding them back and saw midnight and sky limping back to the scarab

“that’s really sweet to see two friends together again but were being OVERWHELMED!”

she shouted as she ran up with one hand helping them inside the scarab, the other shooting with a plasma rifle

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The ODST’s in the cockpit had heard Sky’s order, and tried to set up what they could. They didn’t have much, but they set up what they did have. Bio-foam, thankfully, one of them was a field medic so he brought his kit out. He had no idea what injuries had been inflicted, but he was ready for whatever Sky was going to drop to him.


Midnight felt her lungs being crushed, and she couldn’t breath! Her breath was literally vanishing from her body. She was about to pass out, when the brute was thrown off her. Her vision was blurly, and she couldn’t actually see what had picked her up. She was having trouble breathing, the penetration of her uniform by the brute hammer, and the fact that several of her ribs had gone *Snap*. She felt lightheaded, and was desperate was keep consciousness

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Sky would see Crow covering there retreat. He knew that she was strong, he had learnt that already though he also knew that they had no time for praise. Sky would ignore the hand as he leapt onto the Scarab and moved straight next to Crow.PIT,"COCK, NOW"Sky would order, well, yell really. He would then sprint towards the cockpit, hoping he would make it in time. As sky carried Midnight he would look at her.He was worried, even more worried then when they had been on the run from the flood. At least there he had a chance to fight them off, after all that was his specialty though now with one of his last teammates dying he was hopeless. He did not know if he could help, if he could save her or even if he could keep her alive. Sky would shed a tear inside his helmet as he rushed into the Cockpit.

Once inside he would see the medical gear set up. He could see they did not have much, though he just begged it was enough.

"Grav hammer in the chest, a crushed arm by said hammer, probable broken bones. She had a brute on her. Do what you ca, even if it means using all we have: Sky would order the ODST before he put her down on the ground. He would sit down and hold her hand, begging her to stay alive.

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Crow ran up to sky and said

"incubate her! you need to take over her breathing, Ill get us out of here! leave the rest to me!"

she had a plan, Sky said they would blow the scarab out of the airlock if they began using the weapons. and that was exactly what they needed now! all crow had to do was figure out how to set it to air drop mode. and it would land without harming them in the cockpit.

she ran over to the main gun and activated it, the head of the sacarab opened up and began firing up

all the covenent ran for there life. knowing what was about to happen

"always wanted to fire one of these!" she said as she blasted into the hull of the ship blasting away lairs of metal and wires cutting into other parts of the battalstation.

"sooo cool!" she said :kissy:

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"Stop shooting, Rose, get us out of here WITHOUT blowing a hole" Sky would yell before he looked back at Midnight. He hopped rose could get them out f here

"Right" Rose would say before remotly hacking all the systems she needed.

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"there allready purging us see!"

said crow as the covenent sealed the door and the giant scarab began to be pushed out of the hangar door

"A.i these things have a special mode where they can drop almost from orbit and land with out hurting anyone can you find it?"

she looked at there gun monitor they couldn't realy feel it but they were being pushed to the edge of the hangar as she spoke

Crow shifted thru the systems trying to help the a.i she began to multi task and dial the unsc

"this is spartan AO7 calling unsc do you read!"

...nothing but soon

"this is unsc comand h.q what is your postion over?"

"yess! allright do not fire upon the scarab being dropped now out of the main covenant ship its has spartans and odst anbord we used it as a lift of opertunity!"

"copy that hold fire on incoming scarab"

"stand bye for case-evac 9 line ..." crow took a second to remember the radio lines to call in a medical evacuation

"1. coordinates, are.." she checked the ship computer "02347, on grid map g11

2. call sigh ..horny girl

3. causltie condition is critical!

4. we need intubators and the fastest pelican you got , she's fading fast

5.paitent is on a litter

6. pick up sight condition unkown. we can clear any hostiles away with the scarab but expect some kind of resistance

7. casultie is odst pony

9. no nbc"

after a few seconds she heard

"rodger that were on our way!"

Crow yelled over her shoulder

"you hear that midnight! the docs are coming just hang in there! A.I you find what i'm talking about yet?"

she looked out the gunship camera, they were just about to be pushed to the edge by the suction created bythe hangar bay

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The ODST medic had to admit, the fact she was still alive meant something. A hammer, plus the other injuries, she should have been dead. Still, he had his job to do. He heard the Spartan suggest taking control of her breathing, which is actually a good idea. He did what he could, but he had limited a supplies. Still, he'd done his best. She'd stay alive, for now. He had removed her chest plate, and had pumped her body with air and some Bio-Foam.

He turned to have the Spartans. "Well, i've done what i can, but that honestly isn't a lot. She's got 10 minutes, if, before she dies. I'm sorry, but it's the best i can do. I haven't got enough. She's awake, though, not sure how long till she slips into unconscious"

Midnight took a deep breath, managing to get air in her lungs. It hurt, but she opened her eyes to find her helmet on the ground. She felt something, in her hand. She squeezed it, feeling it was someone's hand.


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Sky would hear the medic's analysis. He would listen to every word, probably taking more attention to it then he ever did to anything, though when he heard that she only had ten minutes his whole world would crumble. He couldnt lose her, not again, though this time there might not be anything he could do...Sky would shed a tear, actually he would shed more then one. He would then look at the medic. "W..We might be able to save her..." Sky would say with a stutter, a shocked and sad stutter, before he heard Rose say. "Detonation in three, two, one". Sky would hear a massive explosion, and at the same time he would feel the scarab being blown away. Sky would have seen the explosion as well as he had been looking out of the Scarab when Rose had spoken. The moment they were sent flying sky would feel the whole scarab shaking as they were blown away. "All systems damaged" Rose would say to sky, who would in return say "Rose, get us to Delta". Rose would then say "Alright" As she started trying to control their decent, though it was impossible.

Sky's full attention would turn back to rose as he felt her squeeze his hand. When she asked what was happening sky would be tongue struct. He didnt know what to tell her, that she was dying and had about ten minutes to live? That he couldnt save her? No, sky knew that he couldnt tell her that, not until he did his best to save her. "Y..Your wounds....they are fatal..." Sky would say with a sad tone in his voice. Sky would then feel the Scarab enter the atmosphere. Sky would make sure that Midnight was not moving around, he was not goign to let any more injurys occur. "Brace for impact" Rose would say to the group, and thats when they breached the atmosphere.

Sky could feel them flying towards the groudn at high speeds, and he knew that there was not much chance of survival, though as normal Rose shocked him by kicking in the boosters causign the ship to jerk. Everyone would feel the jerk of the ship, as well as what they would feel four seconds after, which was when they hit the ground.

Sky would grunt as he shoved off a piece of metal that had landed on him. He could see Midnight, she was still next to him and she seemed unharmed, well, the same as she had been before. Sky would shed another tear, knowing that he couldnt save her. Sky would then remember something, her lungs, she cant breath. If he can supply oxygen, then maybe he can extend her time. Sky knew it was a long shot, though he had no choice. Sky would let go of Midnights hand as he reached up and grabbed his helmet. Sky would then twist once before taking it off. Sky would then look at Midnight. He knew she would not like this, but what other choice did he have?

Sky would then put his helmet on her. He was hoping his suits oxygen system, which was in his helm, would give her air and hopefully give them more time to reach delta. Sky would then lean down and pick her up, before bringing her outside. Sky could see no one else, though he kenw they were somewhere in the crash. As sky got outside he would see the Scarab was completly destroyed, it was just a crashed heap now. Sky would sigh, wondering one question. How would they get there now?. Sky would hear a familiar voice. "Looks like im in your suit, and not your helm for a while". Sky would normally have grinned, though this time he would say "Sorry, i had no choice". After taht sky would jump down onto the grass, he knew where they were. All he needed was some form of transportation. "Everyone, meet outside now, we dont have very long"

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Crow watched as midnight's time ran out, she braced as the scarab crashed

"dang it, where are we, the explosion threw us off course."

she heard delta's order and before he scooped up midnight she looked over her and set the odst armor into lockdown, to keep the jostling from doing further damage.

taking one last look at broken monitors she shrugged, then she nodded and headed out with the odst.

"umm, delta?" she said looking at his face for the first time

"where the heck are we? can we get pelican here or something?"

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When she heard her wounds were fatal, midnight silently cursed. She had guessed as much, but there wasn't much she could do, or anyone. They were in combat, not a hospital.

When the Scarab landed, Midnight's head hit the ground harder, and almost knocked her into unconsciousness. She was awake enough for a helmet to be put on her head and she felt more air in her lungs, before she lost consciousness entirely.


The ODST's had survived the crash, and quickly followed their orders, rallying around Crow and Sky.

"Attention Spartans, you are way off course from the original landing zone, you're in sector D12. The medical pelicans have been re-routed, but it'll be a good 10 minutes before they can get to you, over" Came the radio call from Command.

The ODST medic looked around, and ran off for a moment before returning. He'd seen a dead team of Marines, and had managed to get another field medical kit from them. He walked up to the Spartan carrying the almost dead ODST.

"Sir, I found another med-kit, if you'd let me. I might be able to keep her stable till the pelicans arrive"

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Sky would look at Crow. He realized that so far, no one knew the truth about him. Sky planned to keep it that way, and although his helmet was off, it still didn't revile much. Sky would look at Midnigh, he was worried. sky would look at Crow when she asked about pelicans. Sky would sigh as he responded with "We might" . That was when he heard the call from command. Sky would give a sigh of relief as he heard that. Sky would then hear the ODST say he had found another Medkit, and that he might be able to keep her alive. "Do it, we need to keep her alive" Sky would say before thinking 'I cant lose her again'. Sky would lay Midnight down on the grass. He knew that the medic would do what he could, he just hoped that it was enough.

"This is Delta 226, make sure that you boys double time it, i dont know how long we can keep her alive"

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Crow knelt down next to midnight and bowed her head

"oh great spirt we come to you for your wisdom and mercy, the earth needs this fine young woman, and we need her, please bid her the strength and the spirit to survive. everything happens for a reason."

she then looked over midnight, the oxegen was helping but she would need a full intubation and massive surgury.

"let me see the med kit i have been trained as a c.c.r"

she would need a chest tube, a bag valve mask, and a needle decompresion kit. and maybe something for the pain.

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