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Sky would sigh as he heard the director yell in his ear. "GOD**** ALRIGHT, WE ARE GOING. Rose, take us to the ground" Sky would say with a loud sigh before walking towards the whole group. "We have our orders. Titan squad, im sorry but you have to remain here, orders say that only us three can go in so i need you running air support from the Pelican. Crow, me and you need to accompany Midnight towards the covey force, and then we take them out" He would say to the whole group before saying "Arm up, we have a minute before we leave" Sky would then walk towards Avery. "I know your men wont like staying out of the fight, though please obey this. Il help with your personal matters you said before, the ones about your husband, just listen to this order" Sky would say, hoping that Avery heard that he was trying to disguise his true words, though to make them mean the same thing.

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Avery didn't like being forced to wait and watch. But, she knew there wasn't, in all honestly, a lot her team could do with those orders. But, he mentioned her 'husband'? She wasn't married, so who was Delta trying to reference or say to her? She shrugged it off, but made a mental note that Delta might know something. What that was, she had no idea, but it was there.

Midnight checked her shotgun, if they were headed into a combat scenario, she'd want to be able to protect herself. She looked to Crow. Someone wanted the 3 of them to go into a battlefield or some reason. Well, whatever the reason, she was ready.

"I'm ready Foxy. Lets do this!"

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Old crow stood up

She wasn’t sure what was going on but everything happened for a reason.

She picked up the assault rifle from earlier and said

“yeah we kill some grunts. Kick the aliens off of earth then we deal with this guy. “

Crow turned to her fellow Spartans and said “look are you guys sure your ready for this. You know you can tell me if your not.”

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Sky would laugh as he got all his weapons, first his duel magnums then the rest. As he equiped his last weapon, a assault rifle, he would hear the ship touch down. "Alright rose, time to hand over to titan. Well, Midnight, Crow you two ready? And Avery, make sure you keep your personal matters to yourself, wouldnt want a rumor to get around" Sky would say, realy hoping that she got the message. As the ramp dropped Sky would walk down

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Crow sighed and jumped of the ramp while saying

"once more into the breach."

she looked around the area, if this was the last stand of the enemy it would be well dug into and protected by now.

Crow wasn't sure why they were here but figured it ws something that needed to be done anyway.

she saw a nearbye dead jackal with a needler and went over picking it up and reloading

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Midnight nodded her head. she was ready to go.

"Lets go. Time to get into the battle"

The market district was almost a giant shopping centre. The 3 Spartans were dropped by the front door, and the UNSC had marines and tanks surrounding the building to ensure no one could escape. Inside, several battalions were inside. Brutes, Grunts, every kind of ground troops armed to the teeth. They were prepared to fight to the death, and refused to give an inch. They all knew it would be a fight.

Their commander had organised barrcades, the first one was for a large portion of grunts. They'd set up tables, coils and plasma turrets to attack anyone who walked through into it.

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"This...wont be easy. Alright, ready for our plan team?" Sky would ask his team, hoping they were. They needed to do this fast, if not, it would only get harder. Sky was currently analizying the group, and he already had a good idea on how to do this effectively.

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"Wrong, i know that both of you prefer load fights, so thats the plan. You two go in and do what you do best, meanwhile il be infiltrating from a different part of the base quietly. While you two start at the bottem, i start at the top"

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Crow was o.k with that plan.

she looked to midnight and asked

"so, ready for a girls night at the mall?" crow thought it would be funny at first but then just faceplamed herself

"sorry. i ...always wanted to be funny"

crow looked around the shoping center and was ready for some close quarters combat. the needler would do well and the homing needels would help at first till things got real gritty and she would switch to whatever they got in there.

she walked up to a marine holding the line and quickly asked

"marine Sitrep, report me and my team are goin in there do you have a s.a.l.u.t..e report for us?

{enemy.size, activity, locations, unit i.d, equipment.}

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Midnight actually laughed at Crows joke. It was a break in the tension, and she had to admit, she enjoyed that.

“Well, I could use a new pair of shoes…” she said, trying to be funny herself. Before realizing how much of a fail that was. She doubled checked her weapons, and her blades. If things got close, which she hoped they would, she’d be prepared.

The marine looked at the Spartan, quickly fetching his commanding officer.

“5th Ranger division, Special Forces Ma’am, Captain Phillips. From what we know, the enemy consists of everything, while they have no vehicles to our knowledge, grunts, brutes, you name it, it’s probably in there. They were trying to set up a Forward-Operation Base before we started the siege, we’ve got them trapped, but command said we had reinforcements to smoke them, guess that’s you. As for equipment, I haven’t a clue. If they have any, they got it in there before we arrived”

Midnight walked up to Crow.

“Guess it’s better than going in blind, isn’t it?”

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Crow smiled inside her helmet. it made her feel very warm inside to make someone laugh

"thanks, well deal with the inside, just make sure nothing gets away."

Crow nodded to midnight and began the approach to the mall

she zoomed in with her visor looking for the little lights that give jackal snipers away.

“looks clear so far. They’re probably in waiting till the forward lines see contact.”

They walked closer now in the enemy territory

so midnight do you like to talk when you fight, or do you just shut up and focus on the job?”

Crow would usually talk exept in the heat of a battle. Besides that there were several things she wanted to ask of Midnight, as well as make sure she would stay cool.

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Midnight grabbed her 2 SMG's loading them and spinning them on her hands. She was ready to go in there.

"Depends. Normally i talk a lot, on both the battle and others stuff. But, lets just stick to combat calls, cause I'm not used to being a Spartan"

She took position next to the door, Inside, several teams of Grunts waited, armed and expecting marines to burst through the doors. Several Jackels, and even a Brute with a Brute Shot was at the barricade.

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Crow nodded

There was a lot to being a Spartan maybe she could help midnight, maybe her implants were so different she could not. Either way she had a lot to talk about and ask with her.

But she tiny girl was right it was better for her to get used to her new body and have a few moments to herself.

o.k. I’ll take point. If you need anything I’m her for you!”

She nodded and then moved into the mall where the enemies waited

She saw the usual covie team. Lot of grunts a few jackals and a brute acting as leader.

I better handle the brute and see allow midnight to work her way up to tougher enemies."

“dibs on the ape” she called out as she ran out into the open.

Crow blasted the brute with the needler running to the side. Trying to reach a rather sturdy looking bench in the center of the mall.

Crow threw 2 well placed frags at the brute. One where it was, and one where it would seek to dodge the other.

All while blasting it with the needler.

After the clip was empty she jumped behind the bench letting her shield recover from the couple plasma pistol shots it took.

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Midnight nodded her head. It was, nice, to have Crow looking out for her. Sure, she didn't like Spartans, but when one had your back, there was 0 chance you'd get shot there.

Midnight followed Crow in, and heard the call from Crow. That means she had the grunts. Clean up crew.

Midnight raised her SMG's, and let it rip. She tore a dozen grunts up instantly, before dodging to the side and taking another grunt down. She felt her body was moving faster than she was used too, moving before she was ready for it. But she slide into cover on the other side of the room from Crow. She reloaded her weapons.

"On my mark, we move? Got it?" Midnight waited several seconds, counting them off in her head. They needed to move together.

"Mark" Midnight said, flipping over the table and kicking the grunt closest to her. She put her SMG's away and was close enough to be weidling 2 daggers, cutting the Grunts as they ran for their lives, not getting far.

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Sky watched the two go in before smiling. He knew that Crow would protect Mid for him, he knew that they both would be safe as long as they worked as a team. Sky would look up, seeing the building. He knew that this was easily the most riskless assignment that the director had given him so far, it was also the easiest he had gotten in general. Sky first though, had to think of a way up. Sky looks around, trying t find a way up, he then notices a hornet there. "Well Rose, we got our evac plan as well as our way in" Sky says with a smile as he gets in the driver seat, and starts it up. Sky presses buttons for a minute before it took to the air. Sky flew it until he was above the builing. "Hey Rose, i need you to keep this in mid air while staying with me, are you able to do that?" Sky asks his A.I "Of course i can, creating remote access...complete".

Sky grins as he pops the hatch, looking down. On the roof their was seemingly no enemys, though sky knew better. Sky would smile, knowing he could have a bit of fun now. Sky jumps off the hornet, landing on the roof with a loud 'Thud'. Sky looks up and around the place, and he already knew he was surrounded by eight elites, all cloaked trying to be stealth. "Well well, trying to hide? How about you boys uncloak, then we can play fair, and to make it fair, il only use my hands" Sky says with a grin. As he says that, the sound of cloaked Elites exiting their cloaked state could be heard. "Thats more like it" Sky says as he stands up straight, ready to fight.

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The brute got destroyed by the 3 explosians, caused by the needler and the grenades.

Crow heard midnight’s call to move forward and stuffed more of the purple crystals in the needler chamber


crow stood up and blasted the rest of the ammo in to the group ahead of midnight protecting her from any thing that would interrupt her grunt cutting.

midnight was amazing, she was good with a knife before but now it just looked like she was almost dancing thru them!

Crow threw the needler and it smacked a grunt in the face popping its mask off causing it to suffocate.

She switched to the assault riffle and sot the hands of a jackal holding a shield. this caused it to real back in pain. Lifting its shield. Crow then blasted its head and upper body.

“area clear! Watch your sectors.” She said as she quickly picked the brute shot and an extra grenade belt from the dead brute.

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Sky stays still, letting the eight elites around him draw their swords. Sky listened carefully as he heard each sword activate.After he heard the eighth sword activate sky heard the elites start to rush in. Sky stayed still for ten seconds before leaping into the air, landing on the outside of the ring. Sky would then notice one of the elites had rushed him, one that had not crashed into each other when sky had dogged. As he got close Sky would wait three seconds before dropping onto his back, his hands and legs flat on the ground. The moment he started the drop the elite had swung his energy sword at Sky, doing a slash, and as he hit the ground the blade would go straight over him. Sky would then leap up, going into the air as he swung his fist, delivering a powerful blow to the elites head. As sky landed on his feet he would shake his hand. "Daym, what the hell is your head made of" Sky says to the elite, before grinning inside his helmet. The elite had swung at sky again, going for a quick succession of slashes. The moment sky saw this he used his evade to doge each strike, and after the fourth one he would grab the elites arm, swinging him over head and slamming him into the ground. Sky then jumped onto its chest, punching it in the face once hard, stunning it. Sky then grabbed its head on both sides, then he snapped it.

Sky stood up, his body standing over the dead elite. Sky looked towards the rest of the elites, who had finally untangled themselves. Sky cracked his knuckles before watching the next two rush him. As they charged in, Sky would wait four seconds before rushing in also. As they got close Sky uses his evade to slide straight under their legs. As he leapt up Sky would rush at their backs. The two elites would turn to face their opponent, only to see the 'Demon' right in their face. Sky smiles at them through his helmet as he delivers a quick succession of punches into the Left elites chest and head, knocking it to the ground. As the second one attempts to swing his sword sky grabs his sword arm, stopping the strike. "I though you were meant to be 'Elite'" Sky says to him as he twists, causing the energy sword to deactivate and drop out of his hand. As the blade dropped Sky would snatch it as it fell with his other hand. "To bad" Sky says as he lets the elite go, only to activate the blade and stab it straight through the elites heart. Sky then hears the familiar sound of a energy sword being swung. Sky quickly ducked, causing the blade to go over head. As sky looked up he flinched, seeing the elite now headless."God" Sky says as he rolls to the side, swipign to the side as he rolled. Sky heard a agonized groan as he cut straight through the elites side. Sky stands up and walks towards the two. He would duck a hopeless slash from the wounded elite before kicking him straight off the building. Sky would leave the headless corpse there on the ground, he had more pressing matters.

Sky turns to see one more rushing him. As he got close Sky waited two seconds before side stepping, then elbowing the elite in the back. The elite stumbled, barely stopping himself from going off the edge. "Hey, looks like i didnt hit hard enough" Sky says before placing a foot on the elites back. The elite starts to talk. "Dont" was the only word that sky had understood as he had spoken in Elite. Sky sighs before pushing, sending the elite off the edge. Sky hears the elite screaming as it fell, and the thud when it hit something falling down.

Sky turns to face the last four, who had all put their blades away and drew thei plasma rifles, two each. Sky sighs. He uses a foot to flip up the energy sword that the elite he had just kicked off had dropped. "We using guns now? Really?" Sky says before waitign ten seconds, which was when he heard the sound of Plasma leaving guns. "Guess we are" Sky says as he uses his evade to back flip off the roof, though as went below the roof life Sky stabbed both blades into the wall, also slamming his feet into it causing him to be below the plasma hail. Sky waited four seconds before it stopped, that was when he pulled them both out, using evade to flip straight back onto the roof, landing with a role, deactivating both blades the moment he landed. As he started the roll plasma would fly around him, slamming into the concrete around him. As he finished the roll Sky uses evade to leap straight up above the plasma storm. As he did this the plasma would start flying aroudn him in midair. As he landed sky sidesteps, dogging a plasma grenade that was thrown at him. Sky then takes six steps before raising a blade above his head, stopping six plasma shots that would have hit him. As he does this sky moves so that he is side on with the elites. The moment sky does this two more grenades narrowly miss him. Sky rushes in, using his evade to do one roll straight under the hail and right in front of the elites. As he reaches their sky leaps to his feet, slashing left first, then right. Sky hears the pained cries of two elites as the swords took them out. Sky looks at the last two, waiting three seconds before throwing both blades, each one goign straight through one elites heart. "Well, time to move"

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Midnight threw her blades at the retreating grunts, before collecting them and raising her SMG in 1 hand, a dagger in another. She had killed all the grunts, blood leaking from the numerous cuts on their bodies.

Midnight heard Crow's call, and checked her area. Sure, she had a Radar, but she was used to using her eyes.

"Sector clear. I can't see anything. ****, this wasn't even close" Midnight looked at the enemies dead at her feet.

"We moving?"

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Sky looks around, he knew that their must be a way off the roof, well, other then jumping down. As he starts to scan the roof all around was dead corpses, the elites dead corpses. Sky just sighs, that had been to easy. After ten seconds he see's the exit. As he runs over to it Sky places a hand on his right magnum, making sure he could quick draw if need be. The elites on the roof were minors, had they been zealots, it would have been harder to fight them with his fists, he would have had to use his knives or guns. As he reaches their he keeps his hand on his gun as he starts to walk down the staircase, checking the corner as he moved to the top floor, the one under the roof. Sky knew that Stealth was his best friend here, he had to take advantage of it. Sky removes his grip from his gun, instead placing a hand on one of his chest knives, slidign it silently from its sheath.

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Midnight nodded her head "Probably. They aren't stupid, despite how they act. Given what I know about these brutes, they probably have a chieftan with them. If they do, it won't be pretty"

Midnight kept her sectors clear, before moving forwards. She saw something flash red on some circle in her helmet.

"Hey, Crow? What's this circle thingy on my HUD? Cause according to it, there is some some red dots around this corner, and I don't fully get it"

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Crow took a second to fully recognize the question. She grew up with a radar at the corner of her eye. And she was pretty sure odst had them too. But she said

oh, that’s your motion sensor red means its alien, gold means friendly. See!’

Crow walked around in a circle so midnight could see the relation.

“it won't work on anything shorter than a grunt and cant detect slow moving or enemies who are completely still, but still it’s a good tool for situational awareness.

Crow walked to where midnight was standing and saw the hostiles around the corner also.

“..yup, bunch of grunts and probably a couple elite or brute.”

Crow looked at the area and saw some kind of coffee restraint with a back door that lead to a mainence hallway.

“wann’a sneak up on them thru there? Or just blow em up?” Crow asked patting the brute shot.”

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(They don't, was playing ODST recently. We don't have one :( )

Made sense, motion sensors. Why they weren't in ODST's suits she'd have to ask. But, she was thankful the other Spartan was here.

"Your call. Honestly, I don't care much, as long as they are dead"

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Crow nodded.

o.k just be carful.”

At that crow slowly walked the edge of the wall. And jumped out rapid firing the brute shot quickly emptying the clip.

She stepped back into cover reloaded and emptyed the clip again.

She dropped the grenade launcer and whipped out her assault rifle and said

“move out; on me!”

Crow ran out blasting surpesive fire out of her rifle and made a run to a large plater box which could act as a good cover

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