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Equestria's War (private)


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Moonshield turned away from the group and walked a few steps away. He couldn't look at Kim right know, knowing that he had something to do with her brothers death. He lit a cigarette to try and calm himself, but the sound of Kim crying tore him up inside.

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Fox held her a little longer before he hit her in the gut knocking the wind from her, Kim went limp as she went unconscious. "Rest easy, we wont let anything happen to you, I promise." He whispered into her ear during her last moment of consiousness. Fox picked her up and followed the group to the police station.

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Fox lay Kim on a bed inside one of the intact cells, he locked it before heading out into the lobby with the others, "She'll be out for awhile, we should make out our next move now and strain to leave as soon as the Equestrian army gets boots on ground." He suggested as he started to look over Kims PSG1 sniper rifle.

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Firestorm entered the station "we will stay here for a while and get some rest, we been up and fighting for almost two days now." he said bringing the M2 50.cal HMG with him and setting it on the ground. "we need to keep an eye on the human though and keep her a secret so we don't have any trouble." he said taking the hand bar off his minigun. "plus I got something to do in the mean time."

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Moon set his gear down and took a seat near a window. The clouds were gathering outside, showing that rain would come soon. Moon took a sip of water as he tried to shake off the feeling he was experiencing. "Slipknot had done enough harm....he must be put down. For good."

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Fox nodded to let Firestorm know he had heard him as he continued to examine the human made sniper rifle.

General Black hung up the phone, he had called Castle and his team into the briefing tent for their next block of intructions, and for their new addition since Kim went MIA.

((Who remembers DropShot?))

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Black saw confusion on Blackmores face, "Well Blackmore, wheres that horse at, he was assigned to you afterall was he not?" He asked impatiently. At the same time a man with their same armor walked in, his helmet had a magnifier lense on the right eye spot of the visor. His armor rating was medium but his high powers sniper rifle told a different story.

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"Typical for an old style pony, well when he does show himself from his cave, brief him in." General Black ordered, he held a hand out to introduce the new comer, "Soldiers, this is DropShot, a master assassin and the best shot in out world. His marksmen ship is legendary because he does not miss his target. He is replacing Kim because of her failure to returne at her given time after the battle in ponytown." The General explained, Dropshot nodded to each to the both of them showing he had manners even is he was an assassin for hire.

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Before the General could answer him, Dropshot stepped forward, "If I may sir, unlike my other colleagues, I am loyal to my first contractor to the very end of that contract. If General Black is putting me under your command I will follow his order and yours till my dying breath, tis the way of honor and respect." He finished with a bow as a sign of respect.

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Castle stood up and saluted "Yes, sir." he said before lowering his hand leaving the tent. He kind of regretted not being at the last battle, maybe Kim wouldn't be missing if he did. He sighed "I should been there to lead, instead I stayed behind to take care of other duties." he said to himself through gritted teeth.

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Firestorm was sitting a bench tightening the last bolt on the modifications he put on the M2. A chainsaw grip with a new trigger along with a handle bar right in front of the chamber. He even cut a bigger bullet slot in the back pack and grabbed a 50. bullet guard. Though the only down side is that the pack can hold 2,000 rounds instead of 5,000. Though it's still good enough due to the way lower fire rate. Blast put the ammo in the back pack and into the chamber before cocking back the charge handle. "hey Fox, switch...get some rest will you." he said walking out of the station. "besides, no one is going ask questions as long as I'm out here."

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Firestorm stood in front of the door and stared down anyone who glanced at the station. As Firestorm predicted, no one even thought about asking why he was standing in front of the door like a guard dog.

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Moon sat by the window, staring out into the night sky. He cracked the window open slightly to smoke a cigarette. He thought about Octavia and what she might be doing back in Canterlot. He had hardly known her long, but for some reason he felt an overwhelming emptiness while she was away. "Gotta love insomnia....." he said to himself, taking another drag.

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Firestorm was actually asleep, the metal plating of the armor didn't let him fall over so he was sleeping standing up. He hasn't slept since ponyville and didn't get any rest as he modified his new weapon.

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