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Equestria's War (private)


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Moon had gotten up long before the others. He was outside watching the sun come up and smoking. He heard the others begin to wake and reentered the building. "Morning." he said to Fox and Kim, although he wasn't sure Kim wanted to talk to him.

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Firestorm was still asleep, the light tapping couldn't be heard or felt. He could easily be mistaken for being dead. It was the first time he time to sleep more than an hour in weeks.

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(( alright, for comical purposes, swing at Fox but he dodges it and Moonshield gets hit instead, then Fox cracks a pun))

Fox sighed and put on a look of determination, "Welp its time to nut up of shut up." He said while loading Kims rifle, he pointed it at the wall and fired.

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The punch landed into Moon making him go flying through the wall on the opposite side of the room. once the paranoia went way, he realized what he did. "uh...sorry Moon, you aren't dead are you?" he said looking into the hole waiting to see some signs of life from his victim.

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Firestorm yawned and stretched. "well, there has been reports on a human armored division heading east to reinforce a few cities, I was thinking about take them out, I ordered a few tanks...you two know how to drive don't you? these tanks were made to be driven by one operator instead of five. so we all get a tank of our own and we will move out once we get them, but first we will need to get the human back to Canterlot, I'll make a call to Celestia and have her bring a chopper in and make sure she personally takes care of the human." he said pushing the radio button. "Princess, we have a human in captivity and I don't want her to come to any harm so is it possible for you to come by on a chopper and take her, I would like to leave her under your protection." he said. "Yes, I can do that." Celestia said in reply. "Okay, Firestorm out." he said flicking the radio off. "Alright all set, so get ready."

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The chopper landed right in front of the station with Celestia on board. Firestorm looked at Kim. "C'mon, your ride is here." he said "Celestia will take good care of you, you'll be safer with her than around here."

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Kim stood up without a word and went up to Fox, "Make the ******* pay for what he did." She said coldly. Fox nodded, "Consider his days numbered." He replied in a simple tone. Kim starred at him a little longer before she leaned in and stood on her tippy toes to kiss him. Fox froze in sheer confusion, she pulled back and walked around him to Firestorm, "Lets go Captain."

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Firestorm smirked "told you Fox..." he said looking at Kim "right this way" he raised his machine gun as he went out the door and looked around. "it's clear, get up on the chopper...and don't worry, I'll personally see that Slipknot is killed, any requests on how you want him killed?" he asked helping her up on the chopper.

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A large cargo plane flew over the town dropping three Main Battle Tanks. "there they are!" Firestorm said pointing up. "Chimeras, Heavy armor, mostly depleted uranium and magically enhanced steel, and firepower, 200mm cannons equipped with H.E.A.T rounds. climb to speeds up to 30Kmh. Those babies are so expensive, only three were made, lucky us right?" he said chuckling.

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Firestorm climbed in his, his tank was customized for Firestorm to fit in the tank with his bulky armor. He looked at the screen inside the driver's cabin and hooked his helmet to the screens. He turned the tank on and suddenly his helmet's screen lit up showing what the camera sees outside of the tank, he turned his head to the right and the gun also turned to the right, same happened when he turned his head to the left. "the gun syncs with your head's movement, so only bad side is that you gotta turn if you wanna see behind you. as you can see, there is a steering wheel with two trigger and a button. left trigger is the mounted machine gun, right is the main gun. button is smoke canisters. Our helmets sync with the tank so it can go thermal and night vision. It will be dark when we meet the humans. any questions?"

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