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Equestria's War (private)


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Firestorm and team went up onto a hill overlooking a small shallow valley. "they should driving through here any minute now. We have the high ground so we already have the advantage. It will be like a shooting gallery. If they have something more heavily armored that we can't take out in one shot, ignore it and move on to something we can kill. We can deal with the heavier ones with speed after the smaller armor is all gone.

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"reports say about 10 APC's escorted by six main battle tanks. They should have mobile batteries...I'm guessing they want to really reinforce the city they are heading to." Firestorm said scanning the area. "So it shouldn't be too hard if the intel is right."

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"well if we can take out the tanks, we can go down and wipe out the APCs. We have to do it fast...once we open fire on them, they will call for air support and we all know that we can't stick around when the sounds of jets or rotors are heard." Firestorm said before spotting the convoy. "there they are, right one time. Pick your targets and fire on my mark."

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Firestorm waited until the enemy was right where he wanted them. He put his finger on the trigger and took a deep breathe. "Fire!" he shouted as he pulled the trigger letting the loud boom of the cannon echo through the air. The blast kicked up a lot of dust. The round went down range and landed right in the middle of one of the tanks knocking it out of action.

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Moon nailed several more tanks with his powerful cannon blast. Ground troops began to scatter and attempt to get a foothold to fight back. Moon pulled the trigger on the tank's machine gun, ripping through the scrambling ground troops.

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Firestorm sighted in on an APC and fired before the ramp could fall. "you know....it's cute how they try to kill us with their rifles." he said laughing before shooting another tank.

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Firestorm sighed "well we didn't get all of them but we got enough, fall back...we head for the trees." he said putting his tank in reverse and started backing off the hill.

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As Moon was backing the tank up, a plane flew by and fired its cannons at it. His electronics began to malfunction and lights started blinking. "Buck....I'm hit." He said as he tried to get the tank functioning again.

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Firestorm growled and moved his tank back up to protect Moon from the oncoming fire of tanks and planes "Hurry it up, try the back up power and the fuel tank sealers!" he shouted barely avoiding one of the planes auto cannon barrage.

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Fox steered a hard right to avoid the barrage of gunfire from a swooping plane, he turned his gun around quickly and fired, just bearly grazing the jets wing and sending into a spin and crashing before the pilot could eject. He raced infront of Moon and provided cover fire on the ground troops and tanks.

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Moon flipped the switch to activate backup power. Some of the electronics came back on, but others were still malfunctioning. The same plane made another pass, shooting EMP at Fire and Fox's tanks, disabling them only for a few moments. The plane also let loose more fire on Moon. "Buck....that plane is going after me specifically. What the buck is...." he stopped as he realized.

In the plane, Slipknot made a sharp turn in the sky to head back around. "I've waited years for this day, Moonshield." he said to himself coldly.

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Firestorm opened the hatch "Okay, I saved this for the trip back but I guess we need it now." he said climbing out with an anti air missile launcher and put the sight on the plane and waited for the tone. The tone was heard and Firestorm pulled the trigger letting the missile fly. "flares won't help you..." he said laughing knowing he just shot a laser lock missile which once the signal hits the target, the missile will go for it and ignore any other signals.

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Moon was able to move his tank partially away to create some space to operate better. He watched the misse soar towards Slipknot.

Slipknot saw the missle approaching. "Guess I'll have to improvise." he said, as he allowed his plane to take the hit. The burning plane began to fall from the sky. Slipknot used the remaining power of the plane to steer it towards the three tanks. He then pressed a button and he was ejected from the plane, sending him into the distance.

Moon saw the plane heading towards him. He tried to get his tank to move some more, but it was too damaged. He frantically tried to open the hatch, but it was dented in and couldn't open. The burning plane continued to fall towards him. He closed his eyes and gripped the throttles tightly. The burning plane crashed into Moon's tank causing it to burst into nothing but flaming wreckage.

Slipknot smiled as he saw the tank explode. "Farewell, Moonshield. I'll see you in hell."

((I have a plan for this, don't worry))

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