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Equestria's War (private)


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((The portal wouldn't be at the Empire, the humans would be stupid to do something like that. It would be somewhere away from the major cities. Plus the Portal would be HEAVILY guarded and fortified. That could be the Humans last stand.))

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((Well the war has been going on for a few years before the beginning of the RP, so Actually it's been a 10 year war going on from the beginning to now.))

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((Talk about a back and forth tug of war between the two factions, some losses and some wins here and there, and the growing hatred with Castle. I'm gonna put in a new team for the Human side, and they gonna be bad bad and evil like spawns of Castle himself.))

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((well I was thinking of a stalemate, and I guess the reason for the sudden halt in progress was because of the new team. Maybe give Dawn a special someone that will be constantly under fire by Killjoy? For comedic purposes.))

After the recent operation of taking one of the largest human military strongholds, Equestria and Earth are now at a stalemate with neither side gaining an inch. The swift progress of the Shadow Wolves were slowed down as a new team of highly skilled humans entered the battlefield, they were cruel and showed no mercy or remorse and proved to be a great hindrance to the Shadow Wolves. This giant stalemate lasted for five long and gruesome years and showed signs of it lasting even longer as both sides started to draft citizens to fight for the cause. Equestria was now nothing but rubble, blood, and fire as the war ripped the world apart piece by piece. The only intact civilization were the areas around Canterlot where it looks like the war left them clean. The Shadow Wolves resided the in barracks of Canterlot. The team were taken off the front line on leave from the tiring battles.

((hows that?))

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((Sounds good and you'll see Dawns more interested in him than he is of her but that makes it even funnier))

Fox relaxed as the machine unlocked him from his armor before heading off to the lounge room, he settled back into his chair letting his muscles relax, "jeez, that new team of Castles is a real pain in the ass." He said grumpily. Kim walked in wearing her slick uniform, "It seems after his last team, hes a bit less worried about their morals and behavior, guess Blackmoore and I are to thank for that." She said on the chairs shoulder and kissing his cheek. Azure, now 23 years old and apart of the team, crept into the room sniffing and glancing around as if expecting to get pounced on any moment. Fox and Kim watched him and couldn't help suppressing laughs, Azure held a finger to his telling them to be quiet as he stealthily made his way over to where his bunk was, Fox and Kim both looked up cocked their heads to one side in confusion. Azure froze and went white all over, realizing he was doomed. A young 18 year old Dawn hung from the ceiling rafters, "Going somewhere hot stuff?" She chimed sending a chill down Azures spine forcing out a slight whimper before she fell and tackled him to the ground. Azure transformed into his wolf form which was much larger now, he sped out of the barracks, Dawn stood up and brushed herself off. "Relationship trouble deary?" Kim asked with a wink, Dawn grinned, "Hes just playing hard to get is all. I'd stay and chat but I gotta find a lost dog, tootles." She then sped off after Azure. During the last five years Dawn had been raised by Killjoy and Luna, while Azure lived with Fox and Kim but didnt transform back into his human form for another year. Due to a horrible neck injury he could not voice his story, instead he wrote it out for Fox and the two became close as Fox took him under his wing. Dawn was trained by Killjoy and was taught by Luna in equestrian ways, she loved the two back like the mothers she never had, but her obsessive feelings for Azure put Killjoy on the overprotective side. Naturally it was Azure who was on the receiving end.

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Killjoy was walking down the hallways and soon saw Azure running towards her. He ran as if trying to get away from something, or to someone. Through out the years, she noticed Dawn's obsession with the wolf boy and is pissed about it. It wasn't because she hated any guy getting close to her daughter, but it was because she didn't want the hard sting of betrayal forced on Dawn at such a young age like Killjoy suffered with her family. She lit up a cigarette which she began a habit of smoking during the raising process of Dawn being mixed in with the war. Once Azure got near, Killjoy quickly grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up "going somewhere fur bag?" she asked coldly as she took a drag from her cigarette "hope it isn't somewhere my precious little daughter is, or anywhere in a 500 meter radius."

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Azure whimpered knowing they were going through the same thing since Dawn began chasing him throughout the castle grounds. He only wished he could voice and explaination. Dawn came around the corner chiming Azures name suductivly, she froze upon seeing Killjoy and did a complete 180 hoping she didnt see her.

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"Dawn...come here a second will you? Mommy needs to talk to you for a second." she said still holding up Azure. She heard her voice and tone, it was the same tone Luna used to call Killjoy and Killjoy was having none of that.

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((Yo guys, I know early in the RP I was pairing Moonshield with Octavia, but as the RP went on I just didn't enjoy the pairing anymore and let's face it, I don't play Tavi as well as Trax does. So ignore all that and assume Moon has been single this whole time.))

The sound of clanging metal could be heard as Moonshield pushed with all his strength to bench press an impressive amount of weight. With a grunt he forced the bar upwards. "15!" he grunted as Blackmoore helped him place it back on the rack. Moon sat up and shook his arms. "I'm going to feel that tomorrow. I can't believe you humans lift weights in your world so similarly to us." Moonshield and Blackmoore had gained a lot of muscle over the years and were both now very toned and muscular.

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((Lol cause I like to be the fancy noble one HAHAHAha, That means I can put Trax into Play.... oh the things I can do with him MWHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAA *ahem* Sorry, I can get carried away sometimes when I think evilly.))

Dawn stood straight up as she turned around with a big innocent smile, Azure looked on with annoyance, 'Shes really thinking shes gonna smooth her way out this time? Her cuteness can only get her so far.' He thought to himself. "Hey Mom, uh is uh.... eheh.... Whats up?" She asked innocently.

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Moonshield and Blackmoore emerged from the locker room after showering and changing into normal clothes after they were done working out. They saw Fox and Kim nearby. "Hey Fox, when you going to start working out with us?"

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"Oh I just found this fur ball running through the halls, now hun...what have I told you about bringing mutts inside? I will not allow to have flea infested mongrels inside the base facilities." Killjoy said as she glared at Azure "you're lucky dawn likes you...If I knew it wouldn't break my daughter's heart, I'd just kill you and skin you, your fur can be used for nice hat. Though then again, I could just say I mistook you for a coyote prowling the night..." she whispered into Azure's ear.

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"When Castles team is buried six feet under." Fox began as Kim kissed him goodbye and started to walk away, Foxs gaze lingered on to her as she left, "Besides, I've been busy with other forms of exercise, its more of a workout then you think."

Dawn nodded quickly still grinning innocently, "Yes Mom, anything you want." Azure was blue with annoyance and worry, no matter how many mission he helped out in and provided very useful insight and tricks, he was still treated like he was back at the human labs.

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Killjoy looked at Dawn standing there "I'll handle the dog hun, you go get yourself something to eat." she said waving her off and giving Azure the most sadistic grin. "oh don't worry, we're just going to have a chat, now how about you change back so aren't so furry."

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Moomshield smirked at Fox's comment. "Would that 'exercise' happen to involve Kim, a dimly lit room, a bottle of wine and a bed?" He teased. Blackmoore smirked and resisted the urge to laugh at Moonshield's comment.

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