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Equestria's War (private)


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Fox looked back at him with a slight raise of his eye brow and a grin, "Its a .... possibility, at least I'm not walking dry eh?" He commented back.

Dawn skedaddled off fearing anymore torment from her scary mother. Azure whimpered a sigh before changing back into his human form still not being able to touch the ground, he sighed once more still liking the situation he was in.

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"True enough." Blackmoore said as the two lit a cigarette. Even though they both had been working out relentlessly lately, they could never kick the habit. "So I wonder when we'll see some action again."

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Killjoy sat azure down and just looked at him "what my daughter sees in you is beyond me." she crossed her arms "All I know is that she's obsessed with you...what pisses me off more than anything that she's obsessed with someone who is too afraid to actually say what needs to be said." she slammed her hand on the wall right by azure's head "right now she is in blissful ignorance and just thinks you're playing hard to get but how long do you have left before breaking my precious Dawn's heart!?" she said sternly with a glare that would send chills down the spine of the Devil himself. "the more you wait, the more she has feeling for you, and the more she has feelings for you, the more pain she will suffer. Whatever you do to her emotionally will be physically for you." she then backed off from Azure "I sure hope you understand, because I will not be this generous again." she said walking off.

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Azure was wide eyed and white with fear, he nodded quickly gulping widely. Truth was he did think Dawn was cute, he'd watched her grow into a beautiful young woman, but he also didnt know how to express his feelings. Since he was mute, he couldnt come out on the spot, so explaining to Dawn that he was tired of her crazy games wasnt a choice. As he thought about their first meeting, when she first began to stalk him, when she first told him she wanted to get married when they were older, he began to realize he couldnt imagine his life without her. 'Is this what love feels like, to be in love, to want to love?' He thought to himself, he leaned back against the wall unsure how to express his feelings and unsure about what to do next.

Fox stretched out his wings as he stretched his arms out wide, "No idea, but my recent scouting detail was scary, ran into Castles new team. They were more than willing to kill rather than drag things on, I have to say they made me fear death more than ever, they're not to be taken lightly." He paused and leaned in going completely serious, his eyes seemed to go dim as he recalled the fight, "You cant tell Kim, but these humans made me abandon my mission, something I havent done since my father died. They made fear never seeing Kim again, never to feel her warmth, it shook me to the core of my very being. Castles new team is a force to be reckoned with." His voice trembled as he remember they way he felt during the fight.

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"Let them come then. I'd love to meet these children." Blackmoore said confidently. "Speaking of teams, I heard we picked up a new team member. She should be here soon. Heard she was a killer."

((That's going to be my character. Also, whatever happened to Firestorm? Did I miss that part?))

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((lol ah officer stuff btw, is Fox up for promotion, maybe Azure to Corporal and Dawn to Specialist?))

Fox yawned, "Yeah, Firestorm had me working on her files, shes quite the expert. We need all the help we can get, though Azure and Dawn have been very useful. Azures ability to shape-shift has given us a big win over their methods of scouting, and Dawns becoming quite the resourceful one like her mother."

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A soldier came in to the room and saluted. "The new team member is here." Blackmoore and Moonshield turned to the door as a female soldier entered. She wore camoflauge shorts with leggings on underneath, and a camo tank top which exposed her belly. She had sleek turquoise hair and tail. She wore a black baseball cap on backwards. Moonshield's jaw dropped to the floor when she entered. "Is captain Killjoy around? I was supposed to report to her." She said, with a voice that sounded naturally sexy.

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Fox smiled as he got an evil idea and zipped to her side, "No but 1st Lieutenant Moonshield is here, he can get ya settled in, Im almost done with your transfer orders." He told before lightly shoving her towards Moonshield. "Have fun...."

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Moonshield blushed furiously, as he looked in the newcomer unf he eyes. "Uh...I....um.....welcome. S-State your name and rank." The woman smiled at Moonshield. "Sergeant Silverthorn. I was selected due to my military resume." She smirked devilishly and got close to him. "Good to meet you, Moonshield." Moon blushed heavier as she got closer. She winked and walked away to find Killjoy.

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Killjoy got a message saying a Transfer was looking for her to report in and went to go find, she soon saw Silver walking down the hall. Killjoy stopped in front of Silver, not saying a word, she scanned every bit of Silver with soul piercing eyes. For someone who comes highly recommended, her skills better outweigh her choice in clothing in a military facility. She narrowed her eyes "Name and Rank soldier..."

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Moonshield blushed furiously and glared at Fox. "Shut up, mate." Blackmoore resist the urge to laugh at Moon.

"Sergeant Silverthorn, ma'am." She said, this time being serious with Killjoy rather than tease Moon. "And forgive me for how I look at the moment, I'd wear something more decent but the train got attacked on the way over and I lost one of my bags."

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Meanwhile the leader of Castles newest team arrived by chopper to the HQ for Forward Operations, he strode through the compound with a cool expression, his icy blue gaze sent chills down each soldiers spine as he passed by. The Secretary at the front of the Command building looked up and shivered before turning and grabbing her coat like it was a normal thing around the Leader, "Evening Mr. Frost, General Castle has been expecting you, go ahead inside Sir." She told him as she bowed and gestured with her hand towards the doors. "Thank you Dear, apologies if I made you a wee bit... Chilly, Madam." Mr. Frost said to her with a slight grin showing abnormally large canines. He pushed through the doors quietly and locked them as they closed, the usual when speaking with Castle, Mr. Frost turned to him opening out his arms and bowing slightly. "Always a pleasure General, I have a report from our recent mission, tis quite a tale indeed."

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"if you lose your bag due to a simple attack, how are you going to keep up on the battlefield. you're going to be looking at an entire army and losing your essentials will end your life sergeant..." Killjoy put her hands behind her back. "go to the outfitters to replace your uniform and bag." she walked away a few steps "oh and sergeant, burn those...things you have on afterwards, I don't want to see them again." with those final words she walked off.

Castle looked at Mr.Frost (Black?) "I don't need a story, I need a report on your results." he said coldly.

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((Yeah its Black Frost, and btw, Blackstar and Black Frost are two different characters))

"Right," Frost began sensing no amusement from him, "You were right about the compound being watched from afar, as order we went to scout it out, in turn we found one pony sniper carefully detailing everyting happening at this base. He was no ordinary soldier either, his combat skills were high rank special forces, and he knew exactly what was he doing. After making contact with him, he fought us off for a couple minutes then knowing his defeat was imminent he jumped off a cliff, we lost sight of him after that. Also we will need a replacement sniper for the team, the Special Forces Sniper sent us a harsh warning before he officially left," Frost waved his and teleporting the former teams sniper in with his rifle on the floor, Frost then used his special magic to recreate the scene. "Our sniper here was radioing us back in when two shots were fired from the distance. Taking out both our snipers eyes, first the one looking through the scope, then the other. I havent seen this accuracy since Dropshot, our next sniper better be this good or better, or you can kiss your head goodbye. That pony knows everything at this base now, its no longer safe for you here anymore, nor can I be confident enough to protect you against this deadly shot." Frost sighed, "But we did give him quite the scare during our hand to hand fight, against the team and I he maybe had five good minutes in him before we would have killed him.... but like I said, not much one can when he jumps off a cliff and into a cloud."

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Castle knew the sniper Black was talking about. "well then you might want to train more if you wish to keep up with the entire team. The group that sniper is from is called the Shadow Wolves. The leader of the group is one named Firestorm, a true leader and will prove a giant thorn in your side. The sniper's name is Red Fox who you've already met. There is also one named Moonshield, excellent with an assault rifle and skills with knives that could rival most. Now the last one...this isn't information, it's a warning stay away from the one that goes by Killjoy or the "Lady of death" you may of heard of a soldier that single handedly razed one of our military strongholds to the ground. She is the one who killed Dropshot after killing another operative named Slipknot. She is dangerous, so do not engage her unless you have your team with you." Castle's tone grew serious.

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A soldier came up to Blackmoore and whispered something in his ear. He suddenly ran off to the nearest phone and dialed a number in. "Hello?" A male voice answered on the other end. "David, what the hell are you doing?" Blackmoore shouted into the phone. The voice on the other end laughed maniacally. "Succeeding you, John." It answered before hanging up.

The new sniper entered the room and smirked evilly, gripping a jet black rifle with a high powered scope. His appearance was startling. "I'm here to replace my weak twin brother." David Blackmoore said.

((My new evil character is Blackmoore's twin brother. For future reference good Blackmoore is named John and evil Blackmoore is named David.))

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