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Equestria's War (private)


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"What could I possibly go berserk on? The steel platings on a howitzer shell?" Killjoy said still not convinced "I was alone for five years before I found out my brother joined the military. You tried? I guess I was the only one that would walk into hell for my comrades." She said clinching her fists "I thought the worst of both of you, thought that the humans claimed you and then you just show up!?"

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Trax sighed knowing he was still at fault for abandoning her, he flipped his hood back revealing his face, a scar traces over his left eye was new to her. "Apologies dear Sister, it was not my intent to cause you such grief, after learning we would be seperated after the battle, Brother and I decided to cross into the human world and invade them. After a while we thought you to be dead, the last we saw was you rushing into battle. To learn of your survival after returning was a symphony to my ears." He told her in a gentle tone like a brother would to his sister. Fox recalled the stories his father had told him about the three man team that faced down the first invasion, The Lady of Death and Blue Eyed Reaper stood before him, 2 out of three, where was the Harvster of Sorrow? Azure and Dawn stood uneasy at this strangers presence.

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Trax nodded accepting this, "Then let me start by telling about your enemies. A team of about your size, under General Castles command, they are skilled but if you have not lost your strength from our days together, they are no match for you dear sister." He said hoping that her years without proper training have not deminished her former powress.

((She can regain her old strength, but maybe for now just put them on par with Castles team, lol I wanna put Her and Marlo against eachother since they are both bloodthirsty in battle.))

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((Ok, sounds good. Yeah Marlo wouldn't even last a second if she was still at full combat potential.))

"We already know Trax, one of our allies ran into them not too long ago" killjoy said crossing her arms. "My skills are lacking due to years of doing nothing...I've training daily ever since being reinstated"

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"Good. You will need all your strength." A new voice said. The third member, Soulscream, the Harvester of Sorrow, stepped from the shadows. "I'm sure you remember what lies beyond the portal. Unless you want to become just another corpse, you will prepare yourself accordingly." Moonshield feared few things in life, but the mere prescence of Soul sent chills down his spine. "No pony has spent has much time in the human world as me. I remained in the darkness of the other world for too long....it's a dark, twisted place."

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"We spent that time together Brother, and well fought too, in time Sister will be back to her full strength. It took all of us more than five years to reach where we were during the first invasion, no doubt she will be at our current levels in due time." Trax said more charmingly to his Brother and Sister. Fox now felt more uneasy with these two... demons... walking as if they knew they could not be killed. "Sir, it seems all is clear here, we should get back to our mission at hand." He said hoping to leave and put his mind at ease, he'd rather face Castles team alone again, rather than stay here with these Two any longer.

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"Do not mistake me for being under you, remember that I was leader for a reason." Killjoy said looking into both Trax's and Soul's eyes that still held the fires of hell within them. "I am almost there, not much longer and I'll be teaching you both once again."

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Trax smiled slightly and placed his right fist over his heart then took a slight bow, "I will cherish the day dear Sister." He looked at Soul, "Have you secured the information for our next move Brother?" He asked speaking about their plans to secure the heavily guarded portal.

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Firestorm just stood there silently not sure what to do or say but he did know that Fox was right, they had a mission to complete. "Right, radio the chopper to come around and pick us up" he ordered to Fox.

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Trax nodded in aggreement, "We will meet again Sister, till then, I bid you farewell." He said to Killjoy before leaping away through the rubble. Fox pressed his com, "Swing around, we're ready for lift off." He said sternly.

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John was silent this whole time. "I remember those three. The destruction they brought was unreal." He said, recalling the trio's path of destruction through the human world. "Aren't you glad you changed sides then?" Moonshield said with a smirk.

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"My father spoke of them when I was colt, even before the humans invaded they were still legends unmatched by the gods themselves. But they still make me uneasy even if they are fighting with us." Fox said as he looked up as the chopper hovered above them dropping ropes.

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Firestorm nodded "ok, let us make haste then." He ordered. He looked at Killjoy again and knew that the enemy is going to be catching her in a bad mood, he could only imagine the carnage.

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Fox reloaded his rifle, Azure loaded his SMG as Dawn cocked her shotgun. The pilot flew close to a cliff-top and opened the doors, Fox jumped up and leaped out the chopper landing into a rolling as he hit the cliff edge. "Give me 5 minutes to get into position, then we bring hell." Fox called in from the radio as the chopper flew over to where the Armored division was awaiting command.

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Killjoy pulled back the charging handle on her M82 and letting the large round slide into the chamber. Anger was still burning in her eyes, she ready to kill, ready to make things bleed.

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The chopper hovered just feet off the ground and opened the doors, "Clear!" The pilot shouted for them to hop off. Azure and Dawn leaped off and greeted the officers awaiting them. "Ready for the assault Major Firestorm." One said with a nod since there was no saluting in the field.

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Killjoy jumped off the chopper followed by Firestorm. Firestorm nodded "let's move up, get one our tanks up near the ridge and scout out the stronghold. Once we do that, we'll start by sending you guys up front and giving our enemy a taste of artillery fire from your guns before charging in with infantry. We'll keep snipers in the treeline to keep the machine gunner in the fort pinned giving our men a better chance of reaching the gate," he looked at the armored commander "and aim carefully, we're going to have to use this stronghold once we're done."

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"Yes sir." The Officer responded before heading off to see the orders through. "Sir, in position over looking enemy base, several towers with three guards each. Some of Castles team is among them." Fox radioed in.

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"Alright, all tanks, move up!" Firestorm barked "start firing once the fort is in sight." He then turned to the infantry "let's get the snipers up here and head to the tree line and find good cover."

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