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From the Ashes, I Rise Against


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Azure followed while keeping an eye on the undead, once to the table he threw a bit on the table and a waiter gave him a glass of cider, "Take it easy, we're just moving to get away from the undeads weapon checks, what brings you two to ponyville?" Azure asked trying to start a conversation with out being singled out by the undead.

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Thunderstrum didn't exactly trust this pony so he didn't say anything. thunder was a sergeant in the Nightwatch, one of the few that escaped. "I've just been wandering." was all he said.

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"Just seeing how far the disease has spread." The hooded pony simply said. "We saw what happened and prepared, my home is safe....for now at least." As he drew in on his pipe, the embers lit up brightly and revealed part of his face, which seemed to glisten a bit when it came into contact with light.

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"Sure you dont want to be there when the empire is attacked? I hear its going to be soon." Azure told him before he took a sip of cider.

Giants balls if green flames pounded throughout the streets of the Crystal city, undead soldiers marched towards the city, the magical shield crumbled and fell like broken glass. Blackstar stood with smile on his face, "Not even Cadence and Shinings love could defend against my might."

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Knowing that the normal shield had fallen, Cadence lit her horn up and the Crystal Heart spun rapidly, a massive beam of energy rising from the spire and surrounding the city. The city's real defense shield was raised. Shining Armor lit his horn up and casted his own shield spell, provide double coverage for the city. The crystal troops marched in legions towards the undead horde, taking a phalanx formation to prevent anything from breaking through. Shining Armor was among the leading legion, his shield and spear adding to the iron wall of ponies. "Let none of them pass, slay them all!" He shouted.

The hooded crystal pony was silent for a moment. He secretly knew the empire was under attack, but he was given a mission to infiltrate Black's controlled areas. "It will not fall. I know it won't."

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Thunderstrum waited for the undead soldiers to leave the pub before reaching for his l liquor again. He knew just wearing the Nightwatch's armor would make him a target, but he wanted to be ready if he ever needed to defend himself. He took one more swig before putting the bottle in his bag. "We thought Canterlot wouldn't fall...especially under Killjoy's command, but they tore through like our defenses were paper, not even the Nightwatch stood a chance." He said, though he quieted down after revealing he was a soldier.

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The hooded pony lowered his good just enough for his face to be visible. He took another drag and exhaled the smoke. "Gleaming Blade. Just Blade is fine." He said, his crystal eyes sparkling from the light of the embers.

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Thunderstrum didn't want to give away his name. "My name isn't important, names can get you killed. Call me Knight...that is all." he said revealing he was wearing a helmet under the hood.

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Azure looked between the two stallions, realizing he was younger than them and probably less experienced in actuall combat, "Im getting a hint that you two are the soldier types, your from the empire," he said pointing to Blade, "and your Nightwatch because if how you talk about them. Me, I'm Azure Blade, my father was a part of Nightwatch but he died during the invasion and I left to the streets when Blackstar marched his troops in. Crazy how things can change in one day." He said solemnly.

Blackstar scoffed at the new shields and charged his horn, "Oh I'm going to enjoy taking them both as prisoners." Blackstar sucked in air then blew out, from his mouth came green and purple flames forming a fireball that halved the shields. It crashed with the shields holding only for a couple minutes before it burnt through and melted it away, the access flames rained down onto the crystal legion. The undead army began its massive assualt on the empire.

Moments later Black stood behind cadence with a smirk, "I do like them younger afterall." He said viciously with an evil grin.

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Thunderstrum slapped the back of Azure's head "we aren't anyone, nor are we soldiers for anyone. Understand?" he said sternly. Just being a survivor can get them a one way ticket to getting executed. Thunderstrum didn't want to leave anything to chance, though there aren't undead soldiers around, there could spies...who knows how many ponies are under Black's payroll.

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"you're a dead pony walking if you go about saying you killed an undead officer, one of us could be a spy for Black and you just told us that you're an enemy of the dark overlord. If you were smart, you would keep things secret...plus you two just gave away your names so that makes you reckless. If you wanna survive, we aren't soldiers...we have no name...we killed no one. Get the picture now?" Thunderstrum said glaring at both of them.

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Blade shook his head at Thunder as he blew out smoke. "Are you so afraid of death that you fear your own name?" He said snidely.

The crystal legion's shields blocked most of the raining flames as they formed up. The undead horde crashed against the shield wall as the crystal ponies began to impale them with their spears.

Cadence turned and lit her horn up, ready to engage with Black. "Not another step." She commanded.

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"I fear of dying without a cause...I want to die fighting a winning war...not like a dog on the streets. I'll give my name when it has meaning again." Thunder said coldly.

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"I can tell simply by the way you carry yourself that your name will have little to no meaning anyways. Why keep it a secret?" He retorted in his own cold tone. "Don't try and impress me with your misplaced bravado and foalish attempts at intimidation." He blew the remainder of his smoke and out his pipe away, standing up. "We all end up dead, it's just a matter of when, and nothing we do in life will make a difference." He left the area, fully raising his hood again.

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Thunder snorted "fool..." was all he said.

Radz walked over to the armory to inspect the gear and everything she found was sub par. Though she wasn't surprised, not like they had much to go with in the first place. She went through looking at every piece of gear and found little defections here and there. "this has to be improved... and improved soon." she said to herself.

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"Try me Princess, I defeated your aunts in one go, imagine how fast I can take you down. I'll give you one chance to surrender your city to me, since I'm in a good mood today." Blackstar began as his horn lit up and shadows formed around him.

Echo was the first to break the line as she released a thunderous sound wave that made a wide gap into the crystal legion. She ran in and headed straight for shining while the undead poured in after her making the gap wider.

"Commander, they've breech the line!" A Crystal captain called to Shining, suddenly a sword impaled him from behind, Echo tossed him aside and grinned as she made eye contact with Shining.

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Devil and Silverthorn saw Ponyville in the distance. "Ok, remember, keep your voice down and don't show your face. There must be somepony in this town that can join us." Silver said. Devil nodded as they both shrouded their faces and proceeded forward.

Cadence glared at Black before turning back to the Crystal Heart. She lit her horn up and a massive flash appeared. Suddenly the Heart was gone, yet the crystal ponies and the Empire were unaffected. Cadence had sent the Heart to a secret emergency location where it's power would still be felt. Cadence returned her gaze to Black. "Go to hell." she said coldly.

Shining saw Echo approaching and gripped his sword tightly. "Break formation! Secondary legions regroup!" he called, as the legions in front broke formation and engaged the undead, while the rear legions held their positions. Shining glared at Echo and approached her. "Come on, b!tch."

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A shadowy vine lashed out and took Cadence by the neck instantly bring her halfway over the railing, "No no no, that wasnt very kind of you princess, perhaps you need some LESSONS!" The vine crushed Cadence over the railing, "And some discipline!" She was thrown into the wall. Blackstar snorted, "Lets hope your husband is more entertaining."

Echo smiled and dashed forward carrying twin swords, she bashed into his shield with such force sending him over the ground.

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