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From the Ashes, I Rise Against


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Luna looked out of the bars and saw them, she sighed. "even the crystal empire fell to Black's evil...even if we escaped, I fear that it wouldn't make much a difference." she said grimly.

Radz nodded "alright sparkles, get on the weapons." she ordered strictly to Blade. She then pointed to Azure "Then go visit your friends Twinkle hooves!" she barked out at Azure. "Thunder, I'll need to go around near Canterlot and find any Nightwatch that may have survived, if I'm correct, there should be one. I believe Maelstrom is crazy enough to survive. try finding him." She ordered. Thunder nodded. "Yes ma'am!" he said spreading his wings and darting out a window.

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Shadow had woken up before they came, his eyes glowed with color as he watched from the shadows of the cell, "Blackstar wont stop at the Crystal Empire, he'll move on to the other cities." He said monotoned.

Azure nodded and headed out, Dawn chased after him, "Whoa I dont thin-" Dawn shut him up with a tail to the face, "Shut up and Fly handsome." She said with a wink before flying down the hall. Azure raised an eyebrow in surprise then grinning as he raced to follow her out. White put his head down in annoyance, "Stupid wings.." He mumbled under his breath.

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"And what about my daughter, has she completed her training?" Blackstar asked Trax curiously. Trax stepped aside as a little filly walked in,her mane and tail were white with sliver stripes and her coat was a light grey. A single short katana was strapped to her back. "Ah my lovely daughter returns, even though you do not have magic or wings, you are now ready to make up for you weakness." Blackstar mused proudly, "I Silverstream, have returned to you as a full fledged warrior, I live to serve only you father." She claimed soundly. Blackstar grinned, "Good, I already have your first assignment ready in ponyville, you are to oversee its cooperation." Silverstream nodded and walked out. Trax started to the door, "Oh I thought you'd like to know, but Shadow is in the dungeon below is you'd wish to chat." Blackstar in a simple tone, Trax froze and his eyes flashed, he then continued out the door.

White looked around at all the work being done, "I hate being young, you can never get any respect around here. Time to earn some." He preached softly and headed for the exit, once outside he looked around, nowhere to go if he walked. "Alright plan B." He said out loud, he pulled off his bandage revealing a lightning bolt shaped scar over his right eye which was perfectly healed. His body sparked all around as he jumped forward and transformed into a stream of lightning and zoomed over the land at a high speed.

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Silverthorn suddenly felt a feeling come over her. She sat down as she clutched her heart as if something was causing it pain. "Sister.....". She then stood up and looked to the others. "I have to go to Canterlot. There is something I must personally deal with. I'll return shortly."

Oblivion appeared near Black and Trax. "My lord, the Empire is secured. Another gem for your kingdom." He looked over Silverstream and scoffed. "You're almost as cute as your older sister." he said with a snarky tone.

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((I figured it was implied that he already left to go do that.))

Blade went to the armory and opened the sword rack. "Buck.....how in Celestia's name does somepony deal with this?" he said in disgust at the low quality weapons.

Oblivion laughed at the younger pony. "If only you were half the mare Silverthorn is, you little runt." He thought to himself. He turned to Black again. "Are you sure she's supposed to meet you here, my lord? There is still no word of her location from anybody."

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Blackstar frowned, "She has earned her right to come and go as she pleases, as long as she answeres my call, she does not need a babysitter. When you have her hand you can do what you like with her but untill then, Have Patience." He growled with annoyance at the stallions jabbering. Trax stood still with composure, "Perhaps you should tighten the leash a little more if she is gone for too long." Blackstar snorted and went back to his throne. "not that I agree with the impatient crybaby." Trax added nodding his head over to Oblivion.

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Oblivion huffed and teleported away, not willing to deal with this other pony.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Silver?" Devil said as Silverthorn was gathering supplies. "I have to. My father has to keep believing that I'm still loyal to him. Plus I have to find my sister, I have to know what is going on with her." Devil approached her and put a hoof on her. "Let me come with you then." Silver shook her head. "No, you'll be killed. I'll be ok. I promise." Devil looked into her eyes with pain. "Silver....I....." He didnt finish as Silver kissed him on the cheek. "I know." She headed for the portal in the sanctuary. "I'll be back soon." She said as she stepped through. Devil stared at the portal for a moment before turning back to his own gear. "No....I won't let you go alone."

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Azure and Dawn reached the edge of ponyville and landed behind a housr, Azure found a scarf and coat fir Dawn and found a high collared jacket and a ball cap for him. Once disguised they walked onto the streets where ponies went about their daily lives mixed with the patrols of undead.

White zoomed in his lightning bolt form onto a rooftop, he stopped forming back to normal, "Alrighty, lets see what I can do.." He said to himself laying low and scanning the area.

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Silver spread her wings and flew towards Canterlot. After a decently long journey, she arrived and landed in front of the throne room. She pushed the doors open and entered. She slowly walked towards the throne, a little awed at the monstrosity that this city had become. "Greetings, father." Silverthorn said in a calm voice that was covering up her uneasyness.

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Blackstar sat up in delight, "Ah my beautiful daughter has returned, how was your vacation dear?" He asked trying to sound like a happy father at the dinner table. Trax scoffed and rolled his eyes ad watched the evil King embarrass himself.

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"It was well, father." She said, still pretending that nothing was wrong. "How is ruling the kingdom coming? And how is Silverstream?"

Outside the hidden portal entrance, Devil appeared with his gear ready and armed to the teeth. He was determined to follow Silver and ensure her safety.

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Blackdtar scoffed, "The kingdom? I have had little trouble with controlling it, and your sister just returned from her training with Trax." He said pointing to the empty space where Trax used to be, "Errrrr well as I was saying she is going to make us proud, in fact I put her in charge of keeping tabs on Ponyville." He added with glee. His evil mood was bad, but his fatherly mode was worse.

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Blackstar tipped his head from side to side, "I do not know his exact training methods but consider how Silverstream behaved, I'd say she has become quite the expert killer." He said happily.

Silverstream entered the town under cover, she would occausionally meet with the captain undead and devise plans and trade info, but untill then she did her own patrolling.

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A chill ran down Silverthorn's spine at the thought of her little sister killing somepony. "Don't you think she's a little young for-"

"There you are."

Oblivion entered to room, smiling evilly at his "fiancé". Silver grew even more uneasy. "Oh....hey there Oblivion, dear." She said awkwardly. Oblivion forced a kiss onto her which Silver pretended to enjoy. "I've missed you, dear." He said smiling, yet in a malicious tone."

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When Oblivion noticed that Black had left the room, he turned to Silverthorn and slapped her as hard as he could across the face, knocking her to the ground. She put a hoof to her sore face and saw that blood was appearing. Oblivion walked around her, glaring at her. "Who the buck do you think you are? What makes you think you can just leave whenever you want?" he yelled at her. Silver tried to hold back her tears as the stallion she was promised to was standing over her. "You're lucky that you have your father around, or else I'd make you wish you were never born, you dumb b!tch." He grabbed her and yanked her back up to her feet. "When we're married, you better watch your ass, because the very second you step out of line, I will make your life hell. I don't care who your father is, you belong to me. Do you understand?" Silver couldn't answer, as she could no longer hold back her tears. Oblivion tightened his grip on her. "I said do you bucking understand?" he snarled at her. Silver weakly nodded. Oblivion threw her to the ground and began to leave the room. "Clean yourself up. You look like hell." he said coldly as he left his "fiance" weeping on the floor.

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Azure and Dawn headed into a bar owned by the Triads, making this their first stop to get some sort of income.

White also went under a disguise and walked through the town to the playset area, he remembered his old colthood with his friends as they played in the courtyard garden just outside the castle. He first noticed the small pony when he heard a sniffle, he looked around the tree and saw a young mare starring at the swingset.

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Silver eventually got off the floor and went into a nearby room, taking some water from a bowl and cleaning herself up. She held no love in her heart for either Oblivion or her father, but it was times like this she wished Black was actually there to protect her.

Devil quickly scaled the walls of Canterlot, disguised in a hooded robe to hide his identity. He quietly made his way through the city undercover.

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White watched as the wind blew her hood off and revealed the young mares beautiful white and silver striped mane and her gorgeous face. He lost his balance as he qawked at her and fell only to catch himself on the tree in time, the vibrations sent a small acorn down on Silverstreams head causing her to squeak, White blushed, "That was cute." He exclaimed only to look back and see her flying at him. He didnt even move as she tackled him down, "Oh my bad, I didnt know you were a local pony." She apologized quickly after realizing he was her age and probably a colt who lived here in Ponyville, she backed off to let him stand and brush himself off. "Nononono, its I should apologize, I shouldnt have been sneaking up on a beautiful treasure... I mean a pretty mare... Uh a fellow local." White stammered franticallly, Silverstream couldnt help but giggle at the nervous colt. White smiled innocently knowing he was burchering his first impression, Silverstream giggled a little longer before she cleared her throat and straightened herself up, "Im not really a local, im just passing through is all." She said calmly and mannerly.

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