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From the Ashes, I Rise Against


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"Trouble in paradise?" Shadow asked walking from the shadows wearing his infamous reaper armor. "Afterall you did kinda delcare yourself the leader, kinda like how Black declares himself King." He said nonchalantly as he examined the map board and glanced at the table.

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Thunder got up glaring at Shadow "how dare you compare Radz to that monster! If you remember the order needed her help and let her take lead. Where is the order now? They're gone without even a word." He said gritting his teeth. Radz waved her hand "enough Thunder, go get some rest." She ordered. Thunder sighed and bowed to Radz "as you wish." He said before walking out. Radz leaned back in her chair "you can say all you want Shadow, if we ever want to see our princesses in power again, we will have to do some of the wrong things for the right. To rise above monsters, one must become one to understand."

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Shadow ignored her, "Monster? I dont think you know the meaning of the word. Thousands of years ago I destroyed entire legions of Crystal soldeirs, but I didnt do it alone, I had my own army. In the end they were all killed, but not by the Crystal ponies, but by me. I was told by my mother that they would be slaughtered without honor the next day, and there was nothing I could do about it. So I like you I hid it from them. When My army was on its way to camp, I stopped them and then killed them, every last one."

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"That's all fine a dandy Shadow but the thing is. I'd probably do the same if it meant winning this war...I'd kill millions to have the world back to normal, even innocent ponies just so Equestria can see the light once more. I know the meaning perfectly...it's not what I've done, it's the things I'm ready to do. Of course I'll pay for it in the end, just knowing the the world can be safe again would be enough."

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"Is that really a question you want the answer to? I'd sacrifice everything, even myself it it came down to it. Though, I think we both know I won't have to, we know what the end game is." Radz said leaning forward "the powder keg Black has in his dungeon, and I think we both know that it's going to explode very soon."

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"The question is if you will be alive to see it, war is ever changing, the middle is always up in the air. Killjoy will defeat Black but will she make it time to save your life?" Shadow asked her as he walked around her.

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"I don't have to see it to know what will happen. Ive said before that my life is merely a number in this war. I'm not expecting a hero's reward. I only want to win, even if I die to achieve it." Radz answered without thinking "If death is my fate to end this war, then so be it. My life for life is a good bargain to me..."

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Miles away, Blood and Rarity were trekking through the forest to an unknown location. Rarity was highly uncomfortable walking through the damp forest. "Darling, where are we going?" She asked. They arrived at a clearing with a small bowl on a pedestal. Blood turned to his wife. "My love, every day we spent apart was hell, but I know what we can do to prevent it from happening again."

Devil ignored all the arguing and looked to the entrance of the stronghold. He stared long and hard at the entrance, his wings flaring open after a few moments.

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Shadow looked at her from the side, "Thats good to hear, very good know. Willing to sacrifice your life for the good of others, the strength of a winner flows well in your veins." He said smiling slightly revealing his fangs. "How bad do you want to ensure this victory you speak of?"

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"I sense that you are getting at something Shadow, I'm guessing you have something in mind." Radz said not sure what Shadow is thinking.

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Blood led Rarity to the mysterious bowl in the woods. "I will only do this if you wish me to. I will not force anything upon you." Blood said. Rarity took a deep breath and looked at him with loving eyes. "I'll do it...for us, my love."

"Don't do it son. You'll get killed." Moonshield said to Devil, who was standing with his wings spread ready to take off for Canterlot. "I have to....for her." Moonshield sighed. "It won't do her good if you did. Don't do it son."

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Radz looked at Shadow "I thought I just answered that question before you even asked. My life for life...for victory." she got up and walked away from Shadow putting her arms behind her back. "now tell me, what is it that you are planning?"

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"I can't wait forever...what if she dies because I didn't act?" Devil said shaking.

"Let's begin then." Blood said as he peered into the water in the bowl. He took a knife and made a small cut on his arm, letting the blood seep into the water. Rarity watched nervously but confidently.

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Shadow appeared in front of her looking down in her with the sharingan eyes, "Sacrifice yourself here and now, there is a spell in which it can strengthen anothers power for a period of time, like say Killjoys incoming fight with Blackstar. He has a contingency plan planned for Killjoys breakout, if she is trapped the lives of many will be lost. You can save them.""

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Radz looked at Shadow for a moment before laughing "do you honestly think Black would even have the power to keep Killjoy trapped? Shadow, the Nightmare is beyond anything Black can conjure." She calmed down "though I'll humor you and let you explain how Black's plan will work."

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"Underestimating your enemies power is a surefire way to die. I would have thought that being Killjoys student she would have taught you that. Black knows some powerful dark magic that can go toe to toe with the Nightmare, a high leveled floortrap can stop Killjoy long enough for him to kill her before she can move. This way we can ensure that wont happen, but if your afraid of death I understand, I guess you arent who I thought you were." Shadow begining to turn around.

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"If you go to Canterlot, you will die and there will be no hope. You have a chance of her surviving long enough for her to be rescued if you wait, but no chance if you die. Don't. Do. It." Moonshield said sternly. Devil was frozen for a long moment but finally let his wings fall to his sides.

As Blood let the blood seep into the bowl of sparkling water, it slowly began to shine and sparkle strangely. Rarity was intrigued by the process so far, but still nervous.

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Radz grabbed Shadow by the collar "your memory needs work Shadow, I've said it twice now...my life for life. I'm not afraid to die, I just want to know if my life is actually needed. Underestimating your enemy and having faith in your ally are two different things. You and I both know that Black has gotten weaker over the course of this war. I just doubt Black would even have the strength to even cast this trapping spell of his, at least not without help, but even then it would be a slim chance of actually killing Killjoy." she thought for a moment "I'm pretty sure these fools already wish for me to hit the dirt...It's better to ensure victory than go off on chance.Just know when Thunder finds out...he won't be happy. So lets make this quick."

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The sound of steel running through flesh spilt the silence after she spoke, "Know your sacrifice was not in vain..." Shadow whispered to her as he cuaght her, ShadowFang began to glow as Radz blood was being slowly drained into it. "With your blood sacrifice Blacks traps will not hinder Killjoys revenge. You are the true hero of this war, do not forget it."

Azure went to his side, "We'll get her back Devil, I bet my life on it." He vowed. ((Foreshadowing))

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"well I've never been stabbed before, just wish you were a little more precise..." Radz grasped weakly to Shadow as she felt her strength drain. "I never wanted...to be a hero..." she said with her last breathe as she slumped over, her hoof dropped as her life was now gone.

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"Be at peace..." Shadow said as he lay her down and pulled his sword from his, her life energy began to flow into the blade making it glow red in color.

Black froze as he finished casting the last trap spell, "This feeling, it cant be.. " he bit back a snarl of anger, he glanced at Killjoy still in her protective state by Shadows Mothers magic. He sighed and stood tall, "I will not go down easily..." He said whisking off, he knew that whoever had shadowfang now could destroy the spells and give Killjoy a striaght shot to him.

Shadow sheathed shadowfang and bent down next to Radz, he cleaned up the wound and made her look like peaceful. "Now the final battle can begin..." He said warping away.

"Mehpisto, prepare the Order to move. We will keep the 7th, 8th, and 9th legions busy while the rebels make for Canterlot and combat the 5th and 6th."

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Before Black could leave, a dark presence shadowed the room in darkness. The cell where Killjoy sat was pitch black, suddenly a crimson glowing eye resembling Nightmare Moon's shined through the darkness peering at Black. Though still in her trance, one her eyes somehow opened making the message clear. The room lit back up and Killjoy's eyes were close again, Though as the room lit up, blood soaked the walls. Letters spelling "Die." scattered the floor. Right below Black's feet more letters that spelled out "Judgment has come."

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