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From the Ashes, I Rise Against


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The soldiers heard the news and bowed their heads in respect, their leader now gone. Devil was frozen with disbelief for a long moment. Radz had been with them since the beginning, and for her to be gone so suddenly was adding more pain to his grief over Silverthorn being gone.

Mephisto nodded and went to gather the others, the final battle soon approaching.

When Blood had finished draining his blood into the magic bowl, his body shimmered with magic and he looked in pain. "Darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked with fear. Blood nodded and pointed to the bowl with his blood. "It's your turn my love....it must be consumed by a mortal to finish the process."

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Azure dipped his head in sorrow, He knew Radz was a good leader despite her choices to keep secrets, but she will be missed.

White sat atop one of the buidlings, he heard the babble about Radz but didnt care, "Whatever, not like we needed her anyway...." He mumbled sorrowfully, his lightning sparked around him still feeding from his anger and loss.

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((Wow, White's an @sshole.))

An hour after Radz's death, a funeral was held as everyone was gathered in the courtyard Thunder stood in front of a funeral pire "today we have lost probably one of the best commanders that was ever to lead. Radz led us against the army of darkness and we are now tasting victory on our tongues." He paused "She put everyone before herself. Sacrificing so we could live, and now she made yet another sacrifice...her life for our survival. She died for all of us...ALL of us." Her looked at the crowd and then focused on Dawn "we are all soldiers of the rebellion, Radz brought us all together in brotherhood. We all became family, brothers and sisters in arms. None of that would have been possible if it wasn't for Radz" Thunder stepped down and walked over to Dawn standing in front her "you may judge her for her actions." He looked at Tavi too "but she always did what was best for all us even if you didn't agree with her methods. Be grateful...she is the reason you're even here. Remember that." He said walking over to Devil "the same to you, We'll get them both back, you will see her again. You have my word that she will be saved." He patted Devil's shoulder as he walked near the wall grabbing a torch before walking back up to the pire "before we send Radz off, does anyone else have anything to say?"

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Dawn flew up to the stand, "I do since some mistake me for not caring about her," She glanced at Thunder in the eyes with a but anger flaring from them, "Radz was a dear friend even if we didnt share the same ideals, she was charged with keeping my brother and I safe after the fall of Canterlot, My father intrusted us with her. He made a good choice in choosing her, willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good is something all of us can look up to. Even though we didnt get along at times, she was still a good friend nontheless, she will be missed." She stepped down after finishing, "Dont insult me like that again." She whispered coldly passing Thunder. Tavi nodded her condulences but she never had anything against Radz in the first place. Azure thought about going up but he decided it wouldnt be right of him.

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"You mistake my intent Dawn, I did not insult you, only letting you know that even when you weren't around, Radz always made sure you were ok. Especially after that outburst yesterday. There is something that I've realized "where is White?" He asked.

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Devil had separated from the others again and was sitting alone staring out a window. Lyra walked over and put a hoof on his shoulder. "You alright, kid?" She asked. Devil didn't answer for a moment. "I can't remember......" Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Can't remember what?" Devil looked at her with dead eyes, as if his soul were gone. "What life was like before the war....I can't remember."

Rarity hesitated, but finally began to drink the blood in the bowl. It tasted foul to her and she could barely do it, but she managed to consume it all. She suddenly felt really strange. Blood's body glowed as a magic essence seeped out of him. "There's only one thing left to do...." He said, approaching Rarity, his fangs out.

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Devil spread his wings and quickly flew over to them. "There's no time! We have to get him before they kill him!" He said, worried for his cousin.

Rarity gasped as the fangs sank into her throat. She felt woozy as she faded in and out of consciousness. Suddenly she felt her teeth elongate into fangs and she felt cold. Once it was finished, she collapsed onto the ground. Blood helped her to her feet and smiled. "The ritual is complete." He said. Rarity looked at herself, shocked for a moment but smiling and hugging Blood. "Now let us never part ways again, darling." She said as the effects of her now being a Batpony began to feel comfortable.

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Thunder waved to everyone to stand down. "Dawn, we cannot risk the entire force to save one life. I'm sorry but I cant give that order..." he said in a grim tone. "but what I can do is go personally to retrieve the little brat. Dawn, please get Azure back we'll need him in the final battle." he said spreading his wings "and no..it's not negotiable." Thunder launched into the air and towards where White went "Radz told me you were to be in charge if I died, so you must stay here." and with that a large boom echoed through the air as Thunder sped off. He passed Devil "help Dawn with Azure, you two need to fall back...I'll make sure White is returned safely." he said once again rocketing passed Devil.

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((well my original plan was to give the rest of the day to mourn, like Thunder hasn't even lit the fire yet. Plus Thunder needs to...correct White. So I was thinking after that, timeskip to tomorrow morning because that was when Radz said to move in.))

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It's ok Metal, just a little mix up. Let's take it from the top!))

"You mistake my intent Dawn, I did not insult you, only letting you know that even when you weren't around, Radz always made sure you were ok. Especially after that outburst yesterday. There is something that I've realized "where is White?" He asked.

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