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From the Ashes, I Rise Against


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Silverthorn stopped by a huge bolder and slowly pushed it away. Inside was a small cave with nothing in it. "There's nothing here, is this a trick?" Devil asked, getting defensive. Silver said nothing as she whispered something in the bat pony language. Suddenly, a blue portal opened up within the cave. "Coming?" She asked, one hoof already through.

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Radz took a step back "wow...as if you didn't look suspicious in the first place, you now have a portal that leads to Celestia knows where!" she growled and grabbed Silver and held a knife to her throat "just a little insurance...just don't flinch okay?" she said stepping through the portal.

((I would add more but I know not of what's on the other side lol. So I guess describe the area and Radz will let Silver go and continue to be the sorta b|tch she is.))

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Silver sighed in annoyance, but didn't resist as she led them all through. On the other side of the portal was some sort of dimly lit temple. "I'm here, I brought them!" She called out. Suddenly several figures appeared in the room. An orange bat pony hissed at the party. "Shut up, Helios, it's me, Silverthorn!" The bat pony hissed again and backed down. A tall, purple bat pony unicorn stepped forward and removed his hood. "Welcome, Children of Shadow and Blood, and I see you brought lieutenant Radz with you." He threw his scythe on the ground, and the others did as well. "No need to be defensive, we mean you no harm. We've been expecting you."

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Radz looked at the ponies surrounding them "Right..." she said slowly took the knife off Silver's throat. Radz was still on edge, the whole ordeal didn't sit well with her. Plus getting attacked by Bat Ponies like Silver and her friends didn't help at all. "you ponies wanna tell me who you all are...you know me which doesn't really put me at ease..."

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Dawn looked around in shock then in awe, "Who are you and how do you know who I am?" She stammered in disbelief. White scratched his head in confusion at the whole situation, "I thought all bat ponies lived in Vampireece?"

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The group came into view where they could be easily seen. The tall purple bat pony spoke first. "I am Mephisto, leader of this order." A female winged bat pony stepped forward. "This is my wife, Serenity." He pointed to the two orange winged bat ponies. "These are the twins, Helios and Hellion. They don't talk." The two orange bat ponies hissed in reply. A massive, muscular winged bag pony stepped forward. "This is Wolfbane, the enforcer." Wolfbane nodded in reply. "And of course you've met Silverthorn already." He looked back to the group. "We are the Bloodmoon Order. Founded by Bloodline, brother of the King of Vampireece. We trained and waited in secret for the moment that a great evil rose over the land. Bloodlines secret last wish was to find you and aid you in taking back our home." Mephisto said. Devil didnt know how to respond to this information. "My father made this order? He knew an evil would come?" Mephisto nodded. "He also knew you and your friends here would be destined for greatness."

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Radz sighed "Find it hard to imagine us even having a chance with just us few...but I'm guessing you have some ridiculously planned strategy to win such a fight..." she said rubbing the back of her head "you are gonna have to convince me because I say it's suicide if we started something..."

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Dawn shook her head in disbelief, "Hold on, you mean my uncle started a secret order behind my fathers back, and you expect me to just go with it? Do not know Silverthorn is Blackstars daughter?" She asked angrily, her mind was racing with so many things as she was still catching up with everything prior and now this. White looked a little unsure at the group but noticed his sister losing it, "Dawn maybe you should sit this out for awhile, you know to catch up on all this." He said intelligently.

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"Of course we know, she's our biggest advantage right now. Black doesnt know her intentions." Mephisto said. "When Bloodline made his discoveries about the Oracle, he was told that a great evil would befall the land, and that this order was to be founded in order to combat that evil when it comes." Serenity stepped forward with her husband. "We understand if you don't trust us, and if it seems that this is suicide, but we have the best chance of taking the fight to Black if we work together." Devil was silent for a moment, but finally stepped forward. "I can't speak for my friends, but if my father planned this, I can't argue with his wisdom."

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"bet dying wasn't part of his plan..." Radz mumbled to herself. She stood back, she didn't need to say anything, she was going for a long ride no matter what the verdict is.

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Dawn frowned with uncertainty, "I need to think about this and convene with my comrades first." She told them before turning to Radz and nodded to the otherside of the room for them to talk. White started over there and felt his body twinge as an electrical current struck through him, his eyes flashed and glowed once more, the patch over his right eye no longer had blood staining the cloth.

Blackstar stood in front of Shadows cell, Echo at his side, Shadow had been strung up for torture. "Lets see how well you remember my lightning from 18 years ago." The tyrant aimed his horn at the injured King, his horn sparked but nothing happened, Blackstar growled and tried three more times before he roared in frustration. Shadow scoffed in laughter causing Blackstar to lose it, he went into cloud form and went right up to Shadow and choking him, "Dont you mock me you weak bat! I have not lost-" he stopped himself as he was reminded of what he did to Shadows colt. "By Starswirleds beard, that brat of yours carries Echos blood, and his body absorbed my lightning power, well guess who just made the top most wanted list." He added in a taunting tone as he phased through the cell bars, Shadow awoke and hissed threateningly, "Touch him and I'll make you wish you stayed dead!" He howled out in anger. Echo silenced him with an earsplitting sound wave that deafened him to the brink of passing out.

White listened carefully, his right eye glowed under his patch, his left sparked with electricity. Dawn had taken notice but decided she would ask later. "What do you think Radz, this whole thing doesn't rest easy with me."

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"He's right about one thing, just the four of us can't make a difference. With them, we may still be outnumbered, but they seem to have some kind of plan, plus they have a sanctuary nopony will find us at." Devil said to the others.

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Radz crossed her arms "Look, it seems we are in this if we like or not. I don't trust those freaks either, but what choice do we have? It sure beats running the rest of our lives just to wait until our luck runs out and end up part of black's undead army. We pretty much die either way, I guess it would be better to try than to run." she whispered to Dawn. "I'll still keep an eye on them though. Lets just see where this goes."

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Devil nodded and turned back to the group. "Alright, we'll take your help." Mephisto nodded. "Excellent. Make yourselves at home, we have rooms, food, weapons, anything you could need. They'll never find us here. We welcome you to the sanctuary of the Bloodmoon Order." With that Mephisto and Serenity left the room. Wolfbane nodded and returned to the training room while Hellion and Helios each hissed and wandered off. Silverthorn approached the group. "I know you still don't trust any of us, but I promise, we are going to do whatever it takes for you."

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Radz said nothing and went over to the equipment and found some oil and lubed up the joints in her armor. After that she went into the training room.

Killjoy heard everything going on and chuckled "So black lost his lightning to a colt...how embarrassing..." she couldn't help but laugh a little. "Magic's a b|tch ain't it?"

Luna heard Killjoy's voice but said nothing, showing her excitement that Killjoy is alive will give them the idea to torture either ones of them more.

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Dawn and White went off to the weapons room to pick their weapon of choice.

A sudden blast of sound hit Killjoy sending her across the floor, Echo stood outside the cell, her fangs bared in a warning before walking away.

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Soul stood up and went to the front of his cell. "Hey, bat b!tch! You're lucky we're in this cell, or else I'd rip you and your insolent colt of a king to shreds!" He shouted in anger.

Devil looked to Silverthorn. "I'm sorry....I guess being Black's daughter makes earning trust difficult." Silverthorn sighed. "It's alright, I didn't expect them to take this whole thing well anyways. I just hope what I'm doing is right....my father has to be stopped."

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Killjoy hit the wall and just chuckled "you gotta do better than that...that one was so weak." she said sitting up and leaning on the wall. She remember something and hoped they didn't take it. She took a sigh in relief and pull out a pouch that contained rolled up pieces of paper with tobacco in them. She pulled one out and walked over to the torch and lit the end and put the other end in her mouth and inhaled. She then exhaled letting the smoke out. "Soul don't be so loud...it's too early" she said going back into the corner and sat down. the tobacco helped to keep the insanity back so she quickly learned how to make it more portable.

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In a heartbeat Echo was behind Soul, "Careful of your words soldier," In one fluid movement Echo had Soul pinned to the ground and Twilight was restrained by her shadows against the back wall, "They can be hurtful to yourself and others." She whispered into his ear as she pinched and broke one of his ribs, then squeezing Twilight to the point of her passing out.

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Echo laughed as she kicked him away and pulled out the shank, the wound slowly leaked a little blood before it closed, "Oh your gonna pay for that brave one." Echo threw the shank sticking through Souls front leg and pinning it to the solid rock ground. She stood over him with a deathly glow in her dark violet eyes, "Maybe a rib wasnt enough," she took souls other front leg and twisted it to the point if breaking, "maybe losing a leg will teach you." She taunted evilly with a wicked smile.

"Maybe you should just die and do everypony here a big favor and be spared of your suductive excuse for punishments." Shadow breathed out loud enough for all to hear.

Echo was instantly in front of him, her eyes flashed with pure anger, with one kick, Shadow was imprinted into the back of the wall breaking the chains that held him upright. Shadow fell to his knees with blood trickling down from his head and over his face, Echo grabbed his hair and gripped tightly, "You know, technically we cloud buck and it wouldn't be considered cheating, of course, she'd probably prefer Blackstar over you anyways." Her words were like hot iron stakes in his heart as he struggled to lift a hoof to retaliate. Echo gripped and pulled his hair lifting his head then punching him down to the ground. Shadow coughed up blood and turned over on his back, "Please, your hits are like pillows to me." He spat blood onto her hoof. Echo chuckled and licked the blood off her hoof, "I forgot about your hard past, maybe physical tortures are too soft for you, but how strong is your mind?" She asked coldly as her eyes glowed with purple and green flames, Shadow instantly felt his body cringe with searing pain, he yowled in agony that made Celestias skin crawl. As Echo increased her mental torture, Shadows cries for her to stop grew louder and louder, "STOP! MAKE IT STO-AAAAAAHP!" Tears rushed from his eyes, blood leaked from his nose, his cries becoming a deathly scream of agonizing pain worse than any physical torture he'd ever known.

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Killjoy exhaled another puff of smoke "hey psycho s|ut...how about you give it a rest." she said flicking the Cigarette across the room. "I'm already getting a headache."

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