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From the Ashes, I Rise Against


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A sudden jolt like electricity, sprung through Killjoys body freezing her still, an ear splitting sound caused her body to convulse unevenly. Shadows cries slowed down for a moment but started again as Echo dealt with Killjoy.

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Killjoy laughed, it all felt like nothing compared to the pain she felt during the incident. "Come on. is that all you got B|tch. I know you got better tricks. plus that screaming is annoying me. I also had a question, what are the voices telling you...what images go through you mind when you hurt someone...are they different when you hurt someone you love? I just wanna know." She asked, she noticed the during her and Echo's fight, Echo reacted negatively when Killjoy spoke of the Nightmare. So she tried to Echo's attention so Shadow doesn't get hurt anymore.

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Shadows body convulsed several times before going limp, uis heartbeat slowed to near death but picked up a steady beat, Echos eyes flashed with victory as she got on top of him and layed there. "Look at him now, hes at peace, how could i hurt him?" She said whole playing with Shadows hair.

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((awww why didn't you humor me, Killjoy was trying to be the good pony have Echo torture her instead of the others.))

Killjoy laughed "I have another question...Deep down inside, do you know what you are doing? Lets say you kill Shadow sometime in the future and your brainwashing goes away...would you remember it, or would be clueless and find out yourself soon after? I'm just curious, from one b|tch to another...I wanna know." she said pulling out another cigarette and lighting it on the torch. "I remember everything...just in case you were curious."

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Twilight had woken up and was using her magic to tend to Soul's wounds. "Soul, don't try her right now. We have to be patient." Soul grunted in pain as Twilight worked on his broken leg. "My patience is not very strong..."

Devil and Silverthorn had gone to a cave within the hidden sanctuary that contained a small waterfall and some growing plants. Silver looked to Devil with sadness in her eyes. "I never had a chance to tell you...I'm sorry about your father. Especially since my father had to do with it." Devil smile faintly. "It's not your fault, Silver." He said, putting a hoof gently on her arm.

Wolfbane was busy swinging a massive battleaxe at some artificial enemies that were being magically spawned.

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Echo froze still, her eyes darted back in forth as she starred in horror at Shadows faded blank eyes. "What have I done?" She started in a terrifying voice. Suddenly she snapped back, "No, this is what I was made to do! I will not let things like love, ruin my chance at true power!" She said to herself in an angry tone.

Dawn began looking through the selection of cutless and rapier class swords, White sat glued to a set of dual katanas, his eyes sparkling in delight.

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Killjoy laughed "oh don't you love that moment when snap out of it and just look at the horror you caused, friends or family you hurt or killed. Look at you...Black has tied around his hoof. I'm starting to think you like being his b|tch." she said insultingly.

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In an instant Echo had Killjoy against the wall, holding her by the throat with one hoof and standing up-right to lift her off the floor. Echos face was dark with anger, "What do know? At least you are your own pony, I am just a thought, a nightmare brought to life. I am greatful to Blackstar for giving me meaning in the physical world, and be at his side when he rules this world." She stammered with rage as she tightened her grasp on Killjoys neck.

Dawn walked into the training room carrying a cutlass, White trotted in after he with his twin Katanas.

Shadow lay still, his eyes faded of any color or shine, his mind was blank and not a single thought crossed him.

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Killjoy looked into Echo's eyes "I know more than you think." she said as something flickered in her eyes. "you think hurting the people closest to you gives you purpose!? you're pathetic, unlike you I don't have a choice to follow the madness... I fight with all my strength everyday to not become a bigger monster than I already am. you're just Black's b|tch. once he's done with...he will just toss you aside. You honestly think he gave a new life...please...you're a bucking product! Wake up and smell the roses sweetheart...what you are doing now will get you nowhere except impaled on the pikes that will line the walls." she said coldly.

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Echos anger snapped loose as she repeatedly smashed Killjoy into the wall then letting her fall forward, then kicking her up into the ceiling, "SHUT THE HÊLŁ UP!" Echo let gravity carry Killjoy down onto her hoof, knocking the wind out of her, suddenly a sharp pain came as Echo drove the shiv into Killjoys side. Echo let her drop to the floor and walked out, "Heal from that you Psychotic Bïtçh." She called back coldly before leaving the dungeon.

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Killjoy spat out some blood and grinned as she pulled out the shiv "truth hurts, but I got what I needed..." she said putting pressure on the wound and grabbed the steal shard from earlier and put it back on the torch until it glowed red. Killjoy cauterized the wound shut. A thud echoed in her cell, she looked to the back and saw that a loose brick fell from the wall. she went over and saw Luna through the other side.

Luna looked at Killjoy "why did even do that, you knew she was going to hurt you." she whispered. Killjoy scoffed "She had something I needed, don't worry about me princess...this is nothing." she said. "All because you can handle doesn't mean you're invincible!" Luna said angrily "All you ever do is get hurt-"..."So you want me to accept that this is the end for us!? buck that, I'd rather die that just accept that this is our lives now." Killjoy said cutting Luna off. Luna sighed "I don't want to lose you...especially now...I can't do this without you." she said quietly.

"you won't lose me Luna..." Killjoy observed the shiv "but I will get us out of here."

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Wolfbane looked over the young ponies. "Did your father by chance teach you any combat? You'll need all the strength and skill possible if we're to survive this."

Soul winced at the violence that ensued between Killjoy and Echo. He struggled to sit up as Twilight finished healing his leg the best she could. "We can't stay here. We have to do something."

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((I sense both of you are rushing this whole final battle, why the rush? We can put on a little Red Dawn show and be the resistance.))

Dawn swung her cutlass in a flury if timed and aimed slashes , "He may have taught us a couple things." She said confidently. White unsheathed his katanas and went up against the dummy and slashing it apart in a series of smooth movements. "Dad wanted to make sure we could handle ourselves should we come into trouble." He added as he sheathed the twin swords. "But pratice makes perfect either way." Dawn said smartly.

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Wolfbane nodded to the children. "If either of you need a sparing partner....I'll try and go easy on ya." The burley, muscular bat pony said in his deep voice as he split a training dummy clean in half.

Soul thought for a moment before looking out the small, barred window of his cell, seeing the light of day outside. He tapped the wall a few times and turned to Twilight. "Twi, I know you can't use much magic right now, but can you do illusion spells?" Twilight nodded. "Yes, I can, but why?" Soul picked up a nearby brick and another shiv he had been creating. He placed the shiv into the wall and hammered it over and over with the brick. "Because you'll need to cover this up while I work on it."

Devil and Silverthorn had returned from the waterfall in the Sanctuary and found Mephisto and Serenity standing by a table with a map of Equestria, Black's controlled areas shaded. "Now that we're all here, we need to start planning a counter attack." Helios and Hellion both stood off to the side, growling at each other like dogs.

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Radz was practicing her technique as she swung her battleaxe fluidly without stopping. She kept the momentum going so that the weight of the axe would help carry itself so speed isn't hindered at all. Her stances and movement were perfect. Even in heavy armor, she could be quick thanks to Killjoy's rigorous training. She lit up her horn and casted a few spells such as bolts of magic and waves of fire to make her fighting more effective. she sliced through a training dummy and launching it upper half into the air only to be slicing multiple times and hitting the floor in pieces.

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"We're fortunate that a Canterlot military officer made it with you young ones, her imput will be beneficial. But first thing is first, we must stop any expansion outside of Canterlot that Black may be planning, and with only a handful of us, we may have to resort to guerrilla warfare." Mephisto said as he looked over the map.

Wolfbane smirked at the two young ponies. "Alright...your on." he said, raising his axe.

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