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Together We Stand (private)


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Blade tossed two clips to Kane and Headshot. "Silver rounds. I knew they'd come in handy one day." The three loaded them into their weapons and surrounded Drop and Echo as Wolf stood over them, pointing their weapons at them.

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The words hit Blast like he just ran full force into a wall. He slowly got up and glared at Trax, his expression was different, his eyes were ice and his breathe was fire. Blast was pissed "Soul's death was not my fault and the word "better" never came out of my mouth, the people I failed to protect were better than me in every way. My vengeance is fueled by my failure!" Blast charged Trax jump kicking him in the face before putting rapid punches into his mid section then finally ending his attack with another stab into the same should before creating distance. "I can't bring back the ones I lost, I live because I made a promise to a friend. You speak of Selfish though you let me kill hundreds of your brothers and sisters before you kill mine. The vengeance is for myself and if I have to sacrifice my humanity to rise above monsters then so be it!"

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Echo and Dropshot stood up slowly raising their paws into the air, then Dropshot took Echo by the hands and swung her around kicking everyone away. Then they ran out the window for good. Wolf stood up shaking himself, "Gotta watch that one for future references."

Trax slid a ways away before catching himself, "Yes, I admit I used the spawnlings to defeat Project Trinity, sometimes you must sacrifice for the greater good. But why should I explain myself to you, I have my reasons, you have yours. We'll see who'll fight more for that reason." Trax took a fighting stance. Suddenly Wolf rammed into him, they locked hands together and pushed on each other. "Good to see you again son, hows the real world, met anyone yet? Any violinist you fancy?" Trax taunted him, Wolf growled angrily.

((really Trax isnt a bad guy in this, hes just doing these things for personal reasons that will be revealed later, theres a secret evil one whos basically controlling him. just a heads up.))

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((Blast is only going after his goals which are putting his mind at ease that his friends' murders are gone and he is trying to redeem himself from his failure. Blast pretty much lost everything and now since Soul died, he made another goal that he is going to protect his new family even it meant dying.))

Blast growled "Wo-" Blast was cut off when Killjoy grabbed him "we gotta go, Slipknot is lost." she said trying to pull his arm. She looked at Blast with concern when she realized that his arm was locked like a machine. "Blast..." she whispered, she knew something was much larger about blast than she thought. Blast growled "lets get out of here, Wolf...this time do what I say...get out when you can." he turning around "you can't take him alone either." he said walking off as everyone else followed. Thunder and Radz saw everything blast did and were silent.

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Wolf glanced back but in his moment of distraction Trax headbutted him then hit him back, "Go ahead pup, we're done here anyways," Trax went to the window and looked over his shoulder, "Sorry, it was not my descion, give my regards to his loved ones." Wolf narrowed his eyes as Trax dissapeared into the night. Wolf turned and followed the others out.

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The choppers landed to pick everyone up. Blast and his team stepped onto the chopper. Everyone was silent, not a single sound was heard inside the chopper. No one wanted to say anything fore there was nothing to say.

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Kane couldn't looked away from Soul's lifeless body. It was like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. Blade and Headshot were visibly hurt as well as the chopper neared base.

Slipknot carefully stepped out of Azure's care when they had reached it's destination. "Where is your boss?" he asked, looking around.

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"Right here you souless scrape of meat." Trax said coldly walking out from the woods near the woodden house, Dropshot and Echo were helping Seven along.

Wolf, back in human form, said nothing as he jumped off the chopper once they were close to landing in the landing pad. Black was already there waiting, his expression was blank but he shared in the teams mounring for Soul.

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Slipknot turned to look at the approaching werewolves. "The Nightwatch officer Soulscream is dead. You asked me to take one of them out and I did. Time to honor your end of the deal."

((I was thinking that the Wolves were going to hire Slipknot to take down an important Nightwatch member, but when they asked him, they meant for him to kill Wolf, but he killed Soul instead due to a grudge. Think you could work with that?))

Kane and Blade began to carry Soul to the morgue. Before they lifted him, Kane took a small pendant from around his neck and put it in his pocket. The Elements were nearby and when Twilight saw Soul's lifeless body, she fell to her knees and cried. Applejack held on to her to try and comfort her while the others looked on in sadness.

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Blast stepped off the chopper and headed to his room. "Blast" Killjoy called out but Blast didn't answer the call as he just kept walking. Trax's words whirled in his mind, he knew that they weren't true but it didn't help the fact that it bothered him greatly and started to question himself.

"what is he...?" Radz asked looking at Blast walking away. Thunder was looking too "hell if know, I just know I saw him go up against a bucking a werewolf with a knife. His strength is something I noticed too...unnatural."

"His skin was like steel, as if he turned it into armor." Killjoy said looking at her hands remembering the feeling when Killjoy tried to move Blast's arm.

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Trax took Slipknot by the throat and held him off the ground, "You insolent fool, your target was Agent Lone Wolf, you killed an old grudge because your not smart enough to see your true objective to the end." He threw him down and turned away, "The deals off Slipknot, now get out of my range of smell or I'll hunt you down like prey." He said coldly.

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Slipknot gave an unsettling laugh at Trax, not phased at all by his words. "Who is really the prey?" he said, and evil smirk on his face. "You think you are the ones who hunt. Soon enough, you will be the ones running, the ones looking over your shoulders. You will be the hunted soon enough." He stood and prepared to walk away. "The last guy who didn't follow through with a deal will look like he got off easy in comparison...."

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In just a mear heartbeat Slipknot was sent into the ground sliding into the car making a huge dent. Trax growled feriously, "If you value your life, dont threaten me when i can hear it, come after me and you'll wish I had killed you here and now." He turned back around and dissapeared into the shadows of the everfree forest.

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"Challenge accepted" Slipknot said, getting up and leaving.

Applejack went to Kane and hugged him tightly. "Ah'm so sorry, sugarcube." She said, as Kane held back his tears.

Blade lit a cigarette and sighed. Headshot did the same and sat down. "We need to tell the Princesses about the mission."

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Kane took the pendant he took out of his pocket and stared at it for a moment. He remembered what Soul had told him long ago if he were to die. He walked over to Black, holding it tight in his hands. "Black, I can inform the princesses of what happened. I need to honor Soul's last wish."

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Black nodded, "Go ahead son, she'll need to know, Miss Melody is with her right now."

The wall cracked and crumbled as Wolf hit it, his eyes blazed like blue flames, his teeth gritted as his canines grew a little bigger.

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"you know that's not going to help..." Blast said leaning in the door way "no matter how many times you hit that wall, Soul isn't coming back and Trax isn't dying. It appears we have something in common...we both want Trax dead at any cost. The thing is...I want to know why you want him dead."

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Wolf held his fist in the wall and sunk his head down, "He killed her, he made sure I could see it, he knew we loved each other.... We were supposed to start a family together....... Now I'll never see Kim again because of him."

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Kane left the base and proceeded towards the castle. He looked down at the pendant, a silver crescent moon on a black chain.


"You're being ridiculous, Soul." Kane said as him and Soul prepared for their mission. "I'm sure everybody feels that way at some point. Besides, if you keep thinking you are going to die, it might just happen." Soul sighed as he put bullets into a clip. "I know, Kane. It's just a feeling that's been haunting me for weeks now. Still, will you give me your word that you will do this for me?" Kane nodded. "Of course. What was it you needed?" Soul reached his hand into the collar of his shirt and pulled a pendant out that was around his neck of a silver crescent moon on a black chain. "Should I ever get killed on a mission, I want you to take this from my body and give it to Princess Luna." Kane was puzzled as he looked at the simple charm. "I promise, but if I may ask, why?" Soul turned to look out a nearby window. "If you'll remember, I used to be in the Lunar Republic, back when it was actually a political entity and not the terrorist group it's been reduced to today. I eventually began to see through the lies, and abandoned them to become one of Canterlot's Nightwatch. For 10 years I served Equestria, and they were the best ten years of my life. I was living in hell, and I was given new life. None of this would have happened if not for Luna's grace." He stopped for a moment. "Should I die, give this to her, and tell her my story. Tell her that I owe her my life." Kane nodded to his dear friend. "I will."

((Present day))

Kane clutched the pendant in his hands and pressed his closed fist to his face. He placed in back in his pocket as he continued on.

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"So the dog tags were Archer's...I can't say I am all that surprised, she always acted funny when the term "Wolf" was involved, I just thought it was her personality. Though you do realize a family would have been impossible...all "unnecessary" organs were removed to make room for hardware, plus even if they didn't remove any...the child couldn't survive inside her. The Inquisitions was cruel and wouldn't allow such things. I'm not trying to be a downer or anything...but you know forbidden love always ends in death and sorrow. Thought none of that is important now, I guess you could say it's my fault she didn't live. I couldn't protect her and Sabre, I failed them. Every day I think of what I should have done to save them both. Maybe if I did, we could all be a team." Blast said looking at Caesura's dog tags. "I wonder what that would be like..."

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Wolf chuckled and pulled his fist out of the wall and shook it, "We were going to adopt a few children, She had that smell about her so I knew she couldnt bare a child. You did your best Blast, she died fighting for what she believed in, and I guess she believed in you. But when it comes down to it, Trax is mine." Wolf said strongly.

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