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Together We Stand (private)


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Blast shook his head "wrong...he is ours. You don't honestly think I will just step aside and let you take what belongs to me also?" he said with a sadistic grin "we will bring hell to his doorstep...together." he said turning around and walking off.

Luna looked at Kane "Of course, Celestia does all the work around here so I have a lot of free time." she said resting her head on her hand. "So what do you need?"

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Kane entered, uneasy of what he was about to tell the Princess. "I came to tell you we were somewhat successful in our latest mission. We didnt capture Slipknot, and there was a surprise attack by the Northern Wolves, but we managed protect the VIP guests from assassination. But there is some bad new...." He stopped for a moment and felt the pendant in his pocket. "...one of our team members was killed. Murdered execution style by Slipknot himself."

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"Staff Sergeant Soulscream, one of the senior members of the squad." Kane responded, still feeling the pendant inside his pocket. "That's actually the reason I'm here, your highness." He said with a sigh.

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Though she was immortal and lived for thousands of years worth of death, Luna never got used to dealing with the dead. "we will make he is properly tended to, do you know if he requested burial or cremation?" she asked

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Kane had to think about it for a moment. "I think he said once he would rather be buried. But he also had a final request that he wanted me to fulfill, and it involves you, Princess." He walked forward, pulling the crescent moon pendant from his pocket. He took Luna's hand and placed it on it, closing her hand into a fist holding the pendant. "He wore this crescent moon pendant because of you. As I'm sure you know, he is a former Republican who joined the Nightwatch. He told me many times of the horrible things he endured under their command, and how much of a hell his life was. When you forgave him and allowed him into the Nightwatch, he became a new person. He told me the past ten years have been the best of his life. And he wore this in honor of you." He had to stop talking for a moment to compose himself, as his explanation was growing harder for him to say, and the last thing he wanted to do was break down in front of the Princess. "His last wish was for me to tell you his story, and give you this pendant he wore as a daily reminder of what you did for him. He wanted you to know that he owes you his life, and that you saved him from hell. He wanted me to thank you."

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Luna looked at the pendent. "Even in death he is stubborn...I've told him countless times that he owes me nothing and I deserve nothing." she put it back in Kane's hand "I do not deserve such gifts. It was you who stood by his side through everything and became his closest friend. If he wants me to have this, then it is up to me on what I shall do with it and I see that you deserve his pendent more than I."

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Kane looked at it for a moment in his hands. "I have a better idea..." He thought to himself, knowing a pony who should truly own Soul's artifact. "As you wish, thank you for listening to me, Princess. I can rest easy now knowing I did this." He said with a bow.

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"They could smell my scent Tia, the charm you gave me is fading."

"Then we will have to get you a new one, here take this one, I crafted it after I gave you the first one. It needed time to crystalize so the magic inside would last longer and be stronger than the first."

"Thank you Tia, your doing more than what my kind deserves, I promise you our relations will be kinder after this."

"You are a wise King, Frost. Follow your dreams, They know the way."

Wolf ambled onto the balcony and sat down on the railing leaning against the castle wall.

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Killjoy was behind Wolf "you know what he is don't you? I know the look you both gave to one another, it was the look of recognition as if you two knew each other. I know that you know what Blast is, no ordinary person could take on a Werewolf, the leader at that. He took the Wolf on with such strength and power. Is he even human?" she asked in a serious tone. "I don't blame him for hiding something like that from me, I know him enough that his secret protects us, but I can't just stand here and do nothing. I must know everything before I can help our leader."

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Killjoy scoffed " You know d@mn well that Blast will still try to hide what he really is, so I'm asking you. You know what he is and I want to know. If you want any form of forgiveness, tell me what I need to know." she said sternly.

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Wolf chuckled, "Of course you'd use that for leverage." He took a breath as he started explain. "Blast was part of a secret organization called TRINITY, it was made to fight the growing number of Werewolf attacks. He was a special case in the project and got more.... Engineered than the rest. Then one day My old Leader devised a plan and attacked the Trinity HQ with ten thousand werewolf spawnlings, the sheer numbers over ran the building easily and in a matter of minutes, the super soldiers were killed off. Only Blast escaped alive after a giant explosion brought the building down. After that I went my own way and Blast escaped to here I guess. He made some good friends too as I can see."

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Kane had returned to the base, now knowing why to do with the pendant. He noticed Twilight and her friends were still here, and Twilight had finally started to calm down. "Your highness....I have something to give you." He took the pendant and gently put it around her neck. "It was Soul's. i think he'd be happy to know you have it." She looked at it on herself for a moment and smiled, hugging him. "Thank you." She said softly.

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"That explains the anger and hatred in his eyes, why he was fighting with such ferocity...It would explain all the times he did acts considered superhuman like knowing where exactly to shoot when the enemy was behind a wall and how he took out that one group with such speed and accuracy." She remembered trying to pull his arm "and why he felt like a machine." she felt sorry for him, he lost everything in only minutes. She turned around "I'll make sure Blast doesn't do anything to you for telling me all this. Consider yourself forgiven." she said walking out.

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((Alright, here we go))

The next day, many people lined the streets of Canterlot, a somber tone falling over the crowd. Blade, Kane and Headshot stood in the front with the rest of the team in their formal uniforms. Twilight stood with the other princesses, trying not to break down into tears, although the pain was clearly visible on her face. Soon the hearse arrived, and Soul's casket was removed. Six Nightwatch carried it as pallbearers, with several more following, marching in formation.

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Black stood in his formal uniform, scored with commendations of his service, with the other members of the team.

Wolf stood leaning against the side of the castle overlooking the ceremony, his eyes closed and his hood up.

Octavia played her cello on the podium, her feelings went out to her dear friend Twilight.

Celestia stood with Luna, her head down in sadness.

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Blast was next to Black in his formal uniform, but not the Nightwatch uniform. It was his uniform he wore as a guardian. The uniform was lined with ribbons and medals from both occupations. It didn't matter who knew what he was anymore, he knew none of them will go yelling about him.

Killjoy, Thunder and Radz were all in formal attire standing at attention in the front row saluting to their fallen comrade.

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The casket reached the front of the ceremony. Blade walked up to the podium and looked over the crowd. Blade was hurt just as much as his teammates, but he always knew when to contain his emotions and be strong. He cleared his throat before speaking. "People of Equestria, today we have gathered to mourn one of the greatest sons of our land. A hero, a soldier, and a friend, Staff Sergeant Soulscream was an inspiration to all those he encountered. I know that my teammates and I have always looked to him for guidance, and he always did all he could to ensure our safety and success. He was one of our closest friends, and he will be missed." He stepped down from the podium once he was finished, and the crowd gave a round of applause for him.

((Each one of you can have a character say something, then we can wrap it up, if that works for yall.))

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Black walked up after him and took post at the podium, "Soulscream was one of my best Agents, been with him since the start of my commission, and hoped he'd be with me at the end. Life is not eternal, so we make it eternal by leaving behind our legacy to be remembered." Black turned to the casket and waved his hand upwards, an icy rose formed on top of the casket. "This ice will never melt, just as he will not be forgotten." Black finished and began his walk off the stage, suddenly he heard a soft thud and glanced back at the casket to see a knife inscribed with Wolfs tribal marking and made of a non-dis-solvent metal. He looked up to see Wolf watching from afar. Black returned to his position and stood back at attention.

"Im still gonna Howl for him, its custom for a wolf to howl in mourning for his lost friend." Wolf mumbled folding his arms to keep watching. But something nagged at him, WHY, why would Trax do any of this. Something didnt add up, and Black knows.

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Blast didn't bother walking up to the podium, what needed to be said was already said. Though knowing Soul's death wasn't his fault, he still thought he could have done something to prevent it. All Blast could do was stand at attention with a salute, respecting Soul in the way he knew how. Words weren't important, Blast felt that his respect was all that Soul would need. Blast never thought of Soul as someone who wishes for praise when he died so he stayed silent.

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