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Together We Stand (private)


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A Nightwatch soldier nodded to the leader of a Rifle Squad. He gave the order and the squad fired into the air three times. The pallbearers returned to take Soul's casket to the grave site as the crowd began to slowly file out. Kane took one last look at it before it was carried off. Applejack approached him and put her arms around him. "Y'all alright, sweetheart?" she asked. Kane sighed and looked into the distance. "He's going to suffer for this."

((Unless you guys have anything to add, we can timeskip now.))

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((Ok, here))

About three weeks later, Blade, Kane and Headshot entered the conference room. Blade had assumed Soul's old rank of Staff Sergeant while Kane was now Sergeant and Headshot was Corporal. There wasnt much activity from either Slipknot or the Wolves in this period. The three took a seat and waiting for the others.

((If one of you has a mission idea, go for it.))

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Blast and his team walked in, his team sat down but Blast stayed standing. "this...is an unexpected report." his tone was surprised mixed with grimness. "I recently heard of a person causing havoc somewhere in the central region of the city. They said that the individual is fast and almost impossible to see and only one person got a photo of him before he was brutally killed." he put the picture of a dark grey man with bright orange and black hair. On his neck were TRINITY dog tags. "apparently this one has gathered a team of mostly spec ops personnel so they are dangerous." he looked at the picture but didn't recognize the person. Blast knew everyone in TRINITY but he never once saw the one on the picture. Blast knew he wasn't a fake due to the slight scars around his neck. Cuts were made to put in microchips and other hardware. "Everyone, Since it no secret of what I am anymore. This person right here is exactly like me." he looked at Wolf "another special case." he then looked back at everyone else "Intel says that him and his group are going to be pulling off an operation, an operation to destroy the homes of government officials. It is very important that we stop them before too much damage is caused. I will only say this once...stay away from this man." he glared daringly at everyone. "that means you too Wolf...you stay clear of this one, if he is a special case like me, he will definitely kill you." Blast folded his arms "I cannot express the dangers of this mission, I do not think we will suffer any casualties, but I'm certain of wounded. Everyone bring your A game because the will also, I need everyone focused and ready in an hour." he ordered waving everyone out.

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"Blast, I can still help you, you guys were made to kill me but I've killed some of your top commanders before. This special case guy wont be any different. Im not that far behind Traxs level." Wolf offered his help.

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Blast glared at Wolf "You do realize that there are only two special cases. the commanders you fought were just highly trained ordinary guardians. I'm telling you to stay away because I don't know what he is capable of, for all I know, he could be three times tougher than me." he wasn't about to underestimate his opponent "I admire that you believe in yourself but a special case isn't something to jump towards. Didn't Trax teach you anything about not underestimating?"

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"Trax trained us to adapt and overcome our adversities, find your foothold in the fight and use it to exact a crippling blow to his greatest strength. I have more speed than strength, you yourself have no idea what I'm capable of anyways so how would you know. Trax has never went full throtal before anyways so he's just as a guess as I am." Wolf pointed out. "I'll take your word for it now, but as the leader you should know how to use your team and what their strengths are." He said before leaving the room.

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Blast growled "Fool...bucking dogs, all of them, think that it is always so d@mn simple. Do they always think that everyone is going to give a foothold in a fight?" he said squeezing the metal frame of the chair making the metal form to his hand. Killjoy put a hand on Blast's shoulder. "Easy now, you might pull something." she said jokingly. Blast took a deep breathe and sighed "I'm sorry, no one truly understand what a guardian is truly capable of, for all I could be completely clueless to what my limits are." he said looking down at his hands. He remembered the last fight with Trax, his systems weren't going at full speed as they were the first time, at least that was what he thought.

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"Headshot, perhaps? He always bought drinks in college because he's a lightweight and gets drunk easily, so there was always more for us. Rich parents are the best parents, right Head?" Kane joked. Headshot scowled. "Shut up, Kane."

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"Gotcha. Thanks." Kane said, standing up and loading a clip into his rifle. Blade walked by fully geared and looked to Kane and Headshot. "Let's go boys." He said as the three of them went towards their chopper.

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Blast walked out fully geared but with no rifle, instead he had two desert eagles holstered on each leg with five combat knives strapped in various places. Blast geared himself for close quarters and hand to hand combat since the target he is after is the same as him. Blast and his team stepped onto the chopper. "Let's roll." he said knocking on the wall behind the pilot.

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The pilot nodded and lifted off with the squad on it. Blade couldn't take his eyes off the pilot. Since taking over Soul's team, he wasn't able to be the squad's chopper pilot anymore. He watched his motions like a hawk. "Can't even get the altitude right before accelerating." He scoffed under his breath.

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