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Foxes, Misfourtune and the Great Demon (Invite only)


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//Hoo boy, first post after like...months of giving up after starting

Toxin had woken up first, the green pegasus slowly making her way out of the door, paying no head to Ama as she made her way down to the study to wait for her father. Physics meanwhile was a heavy sleeper, and wouldn't be up for another hour at the least.

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Toxin looks to Ama, jolting to a halt, almost as if she didn't realize Ama was there, even though such a idea was fairly ridiculous. Uhh, hey there Ama.... Toxin said, sounding fairly uncomfertable having to talk to Ama, she tried her best to avoid doing so for the past week, she didn't like strangers in the home.

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So um...I'm going downstairs now... Toxin said, heading down to wait for he dad in peace. A while later Physics wakes up and exits his room.

Hey Ama, how'd you sleep? Physics asks, stretching a little.

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"well you remember those two mares that we saw when I first started living here right? I saw them in my dream they were in a large cavern area with a bunch of other ponies. They seemed to be talking about something but I couldn't tell what." She starts looking down "They pulled out this orb like thing the one with red eyes looked at me and smirked a bit before a woke up. Like she saw me. Nopony else did in my dream aside from her."

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Physics gives a shrug. Well I don't really know what to say about it...dreams aren't normally real, but if you don't feel too safe here, I can take you to Flames home for some better protection. Physics offers to Ama.

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Physics shrugs. Sure, go ahead, though I suggest you stay out of the room itself, I rather not have Toxin get any more distractions then necessary. Physics heading down stairs and into the study. Daddy! Toxin said, showing some emotion as they hug. Alright then, let's begin our lesson, where were we on the alchemy text book? Physics asks Toxin with a smile, letting his foal go so they could begin their daily lesson.

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Physics goes on to teach Toxin several more potion techniques and recipes, watching his daughter rapidly make a potion from the regents available to her. It was a pretty repetitive process actually, only sometimes deviating to go into specific regents every once in awhile, most of the time spent just being gross repetition of formulas.

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Hold on dear... Physics says, messing with Toxins mane a bit before getting out of the study to see who had come into his shop.

(For those reading and unfamiliar with the layout, Physics home is also his shop, 1st floor is the shop, 2nd is his home)

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