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Thunder Wing


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Name: Thunder Wing

Sex: Mare

Age: Filly

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: Ice Cloud White.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Thunder Cloud Black, and Lightning Yellow Two Tone stripes, in a Wild Windswept style.

Eye Color: Lightning Yellow.

Cutie Mark: A black thundercloud and a gold lightning bolt (in the future, not yet gained )

Physique: Atheletic

Origin: CloudsDale

Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Occupation: None

Motivation: Adventuring, Friends, and Competition.

Likes: Racing, Adventuring, Making friends and flying.

Dislikes: being cooped up in one place for too long, and being told she is too small to do something.

Character Summary: Born in CloudsDale to Lightning Storm and Thunder Cloud, She was always a rambunctious little filly, always flying too close to the sun sometimes and getting into trouble when crashing into other Pegasi. When she was old enough, she made the decision to go out on her own to Adventure and find out where her place in the world was, to make her own way and find out what she was special at doing. She has yet to find her Cutie Mark, but it gives her motivation to search harder when she feels down. She is Rambunctious and Irrational at times, rushing head first into situations without second thinking what could happen to herself. She is Sweet and Loyal, though obsessive at times, caring for her friends over her own feelings. Competitive in nature, She is always up for a challenge even if it seems bigger than herself, she always wants to prove herself bigger than she really is. On a side note, she has a nearly unlimited supply of hyperactive energy... which often gets her into trouble.

As an added bonus, with the Adventure Search for her cutie Mark, she has left her home with out telling her parents, a sign of a growing rebellious streak, while she cares deeply for her parents, her ideals to make them happy by coming home to them with her cutie mark, overclouds her reasoning that maybe she shouldn't leave CloudsDale with out informing them, or with out a Chaperon. Instead she has braved out alone, as a Run-Away Pony, to find her way in the world, her Parents however,

They believe her absence is merely temporary as she has been known to leave home for a little while, then return.

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I like where this character is going but I have a concern I would like addressed first I believe she is too young to be traveling on her own just yet unless she has a chaperone with her unless you mean that she goes out on adventures then returns back home which then would be totally fine.

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She doesn't have a chaperone necessarily but i guess you could say it's kind of like she's run away from home so to speak, so she can find what her cutie mark is, so she is probably in a dangerous situation, but I'd like to find her another place to go to open up ideas and stuff, to go on adventures or something.

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You've got a good start, but it seems like your character summery could be expanded upon further. I'd like to know a little more about her rambunctious exploits. How have things been for her growing up? What of school? What constitutes being "old enough" to go adventuring? Why wasn't she concerned that her parents would worry and miss her?

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