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Guardian Academy (Private RP)


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Zero glanced back between them, "Mhmmm, welp Im beginning to see a pattern here. Demon Lord becomes too powerful, King of Demons takes away his physical form so he requires a host. Demon becomes powerful and is saught by an evil student, then consumed." Motioning from Killjoy to Slipknot, then puts his hand on himself, "Evil Darkness from one of the most poweful ancient magics in history, takes over his natural self... Kinda feeling left out a little... Ah well time to step it up a little." As he spoke the his body seemed to give a blue icy like flame as half his face was incased in black ice with a dear like antler forming from the ice on his head. "I hope you brought a coat cause its about to get real cold in here."

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The shadowy flames engulfed the area around Alzrius "What I'm about to do to you...neither of you will need one." he said pointing his finger as his hand was shaped like a gun, he smirked as his arm swirled with fire "bang..." his thumb dropped and like that, a large fireball hit Slipknot making him fly deep into the caverns. He then turned to Black and did the same launching Black far into the caverns eventually crashing into Slipknot. "you are not ready for what you are about to face..." he said peering into the dark abyss of the cave and soon engulfing the walls with flames. "Black, Killjoy has went all this way to find you and save you from this darkness, she's risking her life as we speak to save yours. Do you hear me...BlackFrost?" he said slowly advancing towards the two of them as fire swirled in both of his hands.

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Leandros' hands produced fire and he punched the ground, causing it to break apart and fire rising from them, quickly setting most of the cave aflame. "You know nothing of true power....of true fear. Behold the mouth of hell itself!" he roared as he blasted Killjoy with fire.

Kane had settled down into his new room in the Saints penthouse, and sheepishly walked out into the common room. He remained silent, not feeling comfortable enough to make conversaion with the most revered students in the Acadamy.

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Alzrius put his hand up and absorbed the fire "I'm not interested in sightseeing places I've already been, you should know better Leandros...fire...is MY domain!" he said firing the flames back at Slipknot with great force. "I'm just here for him." he pointed at Black. "I'm leaving with him, I don't mind killing you in the process!"

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Leandros absorbed the fired back into his body like it was nothing. "You talk of killing me, yet here I am unaffected by your 'domain.' You've failed to remember mine." He said as he waved one of his hands as a darkness came over Killjoy. Inside her head was a terrible vision of Luna, battered and bloody, hung on a noose from the walls of Canterlot. The remaining Saints were all dead, their heads severed and planted on spikes at the gates. The city burned, and the dead were piled high. "Your worse fears....are my domain."

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Alzrius felt the struggle inside of him "Sadly only hers, those nightmares are hers and hers alone. You fail to realize that I'm in control right now so your petty visions will do nothing to help you." he said waving his hand launching a wave of fire at Slipknot breaking his eye contact and breaking the connection. "and what good does fear do if not aid MY power. Fear is what leads to destruction and last I checked, no one else has taken my place as the harbinger of ruin."

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((Demon Lords in this RP are a lot like Daedric lords in Elder Scrolls I've noticed))

"That was the point. The seed has been planted." Leandro said as he caught most of the fire. "I can destroy you with power alone. You haven't impressed me yet, Alzrius. You're slacking." He said as he returned the fire wave.

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Alzrius sighed and dispersed the fire wave "you're like a child...trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. You keep trying to use fire and know nothing of how to use it." he said as he conjured up black flames "you can try to block this...but I don't think it will work out for you. you see this fire, this fire sucks out the soul of any demon touched by it, of course after burning them to death. I wanna see you dance..." he shot multiple bolts of the flames at Slipknot in rapid succession.

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((I have it so that elemental magic users are like Benders from Legend of Korra and Avater the last Airbender.))

Suddenly two spikes of black ice impaled Alzrius's hands and brought them out wide, Zero stood in a stance with his hand out wide like he was doing a type of martial arts. "Good thing I dont use flames then." He said with a grin before bending a small icy storm and blasted it onto Alzrius sending him into the cave wall, the icy storm not letting up as it swirled mercilessly onto him.

Tavi entered the Saints room and noticed Kane at the stairs, "Hello Kane, how are you settling in? I've just come to drop off something for Trax." She said walking up the stairs.

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"okay...I'm getting really tired of this sh|t..." Alzrius said before exploding in flame, melting the ice. He launched himself into Zero putting his hand on his face and started to drain the darkness out. "not the greatest tasting but it will have to do."

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As darkness seemed seep out it stopped and black ice formed over his hand not melting from the hell fire flames, "Ever hear the phrase, Ice so cold it Burns?" As Zero spoke a cold yet burning sensation could be felt on Alzrius's hand. Zero moved his hands and feet blasting Him away to create space, "Little Blacky is away, leave a message at the sound of your soul freezing over." Zero chimed with an evil smile.

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Alzrius growled "now...now you've done it..." his voice echoed in the darkness of the cave "been trying so very hard to keep you alive because it's what my host wants, but no I've grown be quite annoyed by you. So this what I'm going to do, you'll live but I'm going to hurt you...oh yes you will know the true meaning of pain once I'm done with you." he said as the cave started to rumble and shake. The darkness was gone as the cave walls was lit ablaze "I'm done playing."

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"You and me both." Leandros said, blasting pure shadow from his hands at Alzrius' head, causing searing pain to his entire body and mind. "This is where you die, whelp."

"I'm not completely used to it." Kane said with a sigh. "It's all so much."

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Alzrius growled as the pain surged through his body "Enough!" he yelled in anger blasting Leandros through the wall of the cave. He then engulfed Zero with the black flame causing complete agony and pain but also draining the darkness. Alzrius knew that anymore punishment would put Killjoy in danger of death so he had to do this quickly.

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"Dont worry Kane, you get used to it after awhile, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask. Trax will be along shortly to congratulate you personally and welcome you into the Saints." Tavi dipped her head and went down the hall and to the middle right door which lead to another stair case which leads to the Official bed room of the High Saint, Laxus moved out months ago and Trax would begin tomorrow.

Zero put his right foot back in pain and moved his hands to his chest with agony then pushed out blasting a typhoon of black ice and snow at Alzrius pushing back the flames at bay. "Not so fast my dear.... You might get rid of me now... But what about later? Black and I are one the same, cant get rid of one without killing the other." He began to laugh horribly and manically. A brief glance of Black struggling inside of Zero appeared in Killjoys mind, "... Kill me before I kill! .... Come on do it!"

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Alzrius ran through the wave enduring what last amount pain he could as he took out a small dagger and stabbed Zero close to the heart and continued to drain the darkness since he now had a direct link from inside Zero's body.

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Zeros image began to fade and soon Black came back with a gasp of air but before he passed out he glanced into Alzrius's eyes as if to see Killjoy still, "... Finish it already will ya..." His body went limp with a sudden jolt.

((Hes not dead or going to die btw, just being dramatic lolz))

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Alzrius quickly threw Black over his shoulder and exited the cave with haste. "I got what I came for..." he said as flame swirled around them and they were gone. They teleported as close as possible to the school but the fight left Killjoy too weak to hold Alzrius' power any longer. Alzrius put Black down near a tree, he then went back into Killjoy's mind and giving her control again, but Killjoy lost consciousness during the middle of the fight so she quickly fell to the ground.

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Leandros smirked as he returned to Slipknot's normal form. "The seed has been planted..." he said to himself.

Kane found his room and set down his stuff, sitting on the bed. He still felt nervous and weary about his sudden promotion.

Some guards noticed Killjoy and Black and quickly rushed from the school to help.

((We have two saints spots right? Because I'm going to throw a character in))

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((Yea, you two fill in the last two spots))

Trax walked slilently into the Saints penthouse, he looked around but felt like something, someone, wasnt there. Souls funeral would be the day after tomorrow, and the votes would be in the morrning, he was informed Killjoy and Black were in the hospital. He moved past the chairs and to the staircase, next he was knocking on Kanes door and opening the door, "Kane, I apologize for Blacks behavior earlier and hope Autumn and Viola are doing well. Also, Im here to congratulate you on your new status, Welcome to the Legendary Saints."

((Vi is with Black by his hospital bed btw))

Tavi walked across the large empty room to the back wall where a sword case was on a podium. Tavi opened the case revealing the Golden sword Excalibur, she activated her Personal Equipment Band(PEB) and spawned a light blue and black sword with a black scabbard in her hands, she placed the sword inside with Excalibur. The symbols enscribed on the black scabbbard read Dark Repulser.

Out of a red portal appeared Shadow and Gleam, "So let me get this striaght, 25 years in your personal realm is only two and half days here?" Shadow asked making aure he heard it right. Gleam nodded his goatlike head, "Indeed Sire, the last of your training will be your body adjusting to this time." As he spoke Shadows body began returning to his 18 year old self before he left, Shadows well kept beard faded and he frowned as he felt his hair shorten to his short spiked front hair. "****, cant wait to be 43 again, as wierd as that sounds."

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Kane quickly stood up and faced the new High Saint. "It's ok, I know he wasn't acting on his own. I was about to go check on them." He then had a sorrowful look on his face. "Im sorry about Soul....I know you two were close."

Autumn slowly awoke in her bed and stretched. She saw Black in a hospital bed with Vi nearby. "What happened to him that made him act like that?"

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"We still are, he lives on in here." Trax began placing his fist over his heart, "To us our friendship is immortal, everytime i enter the fray, he fights with me and protects my back. It would have been the same if it were him here instead of me."

"Sir Trax explained to me the problem with Captian Flint from the Magic Team, the type of magic he uses comes with dark price, the Black we met was actually a magical copy made by Blacks Dark self. Flint says that he didnt train or meditate to control it like the others on the team, sadly Black didnt even know about it. Flint explianed that the best way to put the darkness at bay is Love. Each of the Magic Teams memebers have found their soulmate, Black never knew so he..... Didnt make it a priority." Vi explained twitching her hand wondering if she could hold his as he recovered.

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Kane was about to respond when he suddenly felt a tremendous pain in his head. He grunted and put a hand to his forehead. After a few moments, it disappeared. "Forgive me, high saint. I must have a migraine."

"He must know then when he recovers." Autumn said, getting up and sitting next to Vi, putting a hand on Vi's other hand. "You have to tell him how you feel about him. Your a good person, Vi, I'm sure he'll take a liking to you as well."

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