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Guardian Academy (Private RP)


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Killjoy sniffed the air "are we getting new students?" she asked sniffing two more times. "Maybe that is why Trax left. Though..." she sniffed again "hmmm....new Saints?"

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((Actually scratch Moonshield being from the same academy as Thunder, this will make more sense.))

"Princess Cadence." Moonshield replied simply. Sure enough, a page in his file containing a letter of recommendation was right behind his transfer information.

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"I do." Moonshield replied. "I don't wish to sound overconfident and arrogant, but it got to the point where the Crystal Empire Guardian Academy wasn't doing me any good because I had become stronger than most of the other students. I always want to improve, so I came here."

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"If I must." Moonshield said simply.

Twilight soon arrived with Flint at the party. She immediately noticed how the penthouse had been prepared for the event. "Pinkie must have been here."

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Suddenly Tavi tackled Twilight in a big hug, Flint chuckled at the scene then raised up his arm and stopped Jagg in his tracks before he got any closer, "No hugs, thats cool too bro." Jagg said in a little pain.

"Take today to rest and cool off from your journey here, tomorrow you'll meet your opponent." Trax said handing back the recommendation, Celestia took it and placed it back in his file. Trax turned around to face Moon, as he did his bright blue eyes flickered from normal to slit then back, a red glow started from his neck and ran up into his eyes, "Good to meet you Moonshield, I look forward to your test." He said before walking out.

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Twilight smiled and hugged Tavi tightly. "I'm so glad to see you Tavi! This is such a wonderful time for you!"

Moonshield simply nodded to Trax, but his eyes followed him out the whole way as he left the room. He turned back to Celestia. "By the way, your niece says hello, your highness."

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Celestia looked up smiling, "Oh shes such a dear, thank you." She then pulled out a keycard and Student ID, "This is for you, your room number is on your ID. Of course if you get into the Saints, you'll be moved there instead. You'll start classes three days from now, have a good day Mr. Moonshield."

Tavi smiled happily, "Thank you Twily, now its you and Autumn next!" She said giggling. Flint froze and went white, Jagg poked his face, "Uh Flint, hello?" He said waving his hand in front of Flints face.

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((so who's gonna be Moon's opponent?))


Killjoy sat slumped over on the couch "this...wine stuff...it's sooo....weak." she mumbled as she groaned. "I guess I'm just used to hitting things during a party. not used to be so civilized like those snob mortals you see on T.V" she thought as she downed another glass of wine like it was water and just watched the others. "though I can't say I mind the change of pace."

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Black sat down across from Killjoy, "Apologies for having nothing stronger, well actually we have a whole cellar full of various liquor, but because of Tavi's pregnancy we aren't having the kind of party your probably used to. Thunder asked about it earlier and I haven't seen him since, just hope he know not to let the door close behind him, it tends to lock on its own and can only be opened from the outside. Took us three days till we noticed Boomer was missing, cant imagine the hangover he must've had, or the money total to restock all he drank." He said taking a sip of his wine then holding it up to look at it in admiration.

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Killjoy raised and eyebrow and rested her head on her hand "you have a strange way of saying thank you, you know that?" She smiled lightly "is becoming a butler a common practice for you mortals?" She asked.

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"No, its something I enjoy doing, do what you love is what they always say. And what am I supposed to thank you for exactly?" Black asked as he poured more wine into Killjoys glass, then his own.

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"I saved your life and risked my own remember, I saved you from your darkness, obviously it wasn't important enough to you. Ever since then, you have been pretty friendly and all the sudden you are a butler. Just strange is all." Killjoy said leaning back in her seat.

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((I guess he can spar with whoever. It sounded like Trax was implying that he would spar with him.))

Moonshield nodded and left the room, heading for the place that he hoped he would temporarily be staying in.

Twilight blushed and rubbed the back of her head. "I...uh...I guess. I never really thought about it....uh, Flint! Let's go get drinks!" She said changing the subject and grabbing Flint's hands, pulling him away.

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Tavi cocked her to the side, "Was it something I said?"

Black chuckled, "Killjoy, you know I am thankful for what you've done, honestly. I've always served as a sort of host for the Saints, I enjoy it. My way of thanking people is through services, such as bartending, and cleaning. Now sit back and relax a little, enjoy the peace while we still have it."

The black shecat on the ledge peered in with a smile but then frowned, "Aww where is he?"

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Killjoy narrowed her eyes as she felt a powerful dark presence "right...peace, I fear it may be short lived." She mumbled. "Whoever you are, mess with my family, I'll kick your ass." She thought.

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Trax stepped off the elevator and went to the bar to grab a glass of wine, "If you wear the crest of the Saints, stand up. If you dont, please take a seat, I want to make a quick speech and announcement." He announced outloud. Shadow kept standing with Silverthorn while the rest who weren't Saints took their seats around the living room, Trax walked around to the other side of the living room to stand infront of the large glass window wall. The black shecat watched him all googly eyes as she plopped on the ledge. Tavi went to stand next to him, she smiled brightly as she pressed closer to him laying her head on him shoulder.

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Kane stood up and nodded to Trax respectfully. Silverthorn layer her head on Shadow's shoulder as she stood with him. A quick breeze from outside came in and whisked through Trax's hair, a sign that Soul and Blade were given their regards from beyond.

Moonshield layed down on his bed once he got to the room. He put his hands behind his head and watched the ceiling, taking a moment to rest after his journey.

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"First, I want to formally welcome you all here to this little get-together, all thanks go to Pinki Pie for the decor. The last few weeks were troublesome and hard, we lost good people, friends and family that will always remain with us in our hearts. We faced many Hardships, but we stood together and faced the challenge head on, resulting in bringing peace to the lands and to our loved ones. We've shown that when you mess with our family, you've just signed your own death warrant, a reminder to those who wish to bring us harm that we will show no mercy. But, let us not forget, that sometimes showing mercy is a greater victory than bloodshed. Enemies are brief, Friendships last, and Family is forever." Trax paused and held up his glass, "To Family." Everyone held their glasses up and chanted, "To Family."

A man was held up by the throat by a large black metal hand, "Please! ..... Dont kill me Please!" The man shouted in agony, the shrouded figure was silent, suddenly the mans body lit up, "NOOOOOO-" His scream was cut off as he and the entire village was blown sky high in a massive detonation. Through the smoke walked an Black Steel clad armored brute, a large longsword and shield strapped to his back, blazing green eyes shined through the eye holes in his helm. A nuke symbol was painted on his chestplate, with a WARNING sign writen under it.

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"That brings me to a second order of buisness," Trax began, "A new student from The Crystal Empire Branch has just arrived, and he's been recommended for the Saints. I need a volunteer for his oppenent tomorrow as part of his test, any takers? Saints only lads." He added as Jagg and Knighy slumped back frowning.

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((I changed it, he's not from Thunder's school anymore. He's from the Crystal Empire school.))

Kane thought for a moment before nodding. "I'll do it. I haven't sparred with a potential new Saint yet, so I'll give it a shot."

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