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Guardian Academy (Private RP)


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"So is facing an Angel." Shadow pointed out with a chuckle, "I'd say you're best bets are Silverthorn or Thunder. Trax would turn it into a training session, and I doubt he could even touch Tavi, considering her emotions are a little all over the place." As he finished Tavi ahot him a glare.

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Thunder shrugged "I don't mind, though I can't say I'll go easy on him." he said glancing at Silver "though of course I won't take the chance of kicking a newbies tale away from someone else." he looked at Silverthorn "you wanna do it or shall I?"

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Silverthorn thought about it for a second before nodding. "Alright, I'll smack him around a few times. See if he can hang." She said confidently with a smirk as she took a sip of her wine. "...maybe even taunt him with what he can't have." She said slyly winking at Shadow.

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Killjoy and Thunder rolled their eyes "confidence sure is a virtue." Killjoy said taking a sip of whine and shuttering "so weak..." she mumbled

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Shadow looked at her with a begging face, "Please dont Hun." Trax chuckled, "Its settled, Silver will spar with the newcomer tomorrow. Thank you for your patience, back to the party." He turned to Tavi and kissed her.

The Black Cat outside perked up in surprise, then she smirked as a plan came to her, she poofed away.

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Silverthorn giggled as she nuzzled Shadow. "You know I'm joking." Kane took Autumn's hand as they began to dance with each other.

Moonshield slept in his room, tired from the journey. Unknown to him, he was being watched by two hooded figures. "You're sure he's the one?" One asked. The other nodded. "He has to be. It's our only shot. Tomorrow he'll surely be accepted into the Saints, then we can begin." The first one nodded back. "I hope you're right. He could be our only shot at protecting the world from him." The two figures then disappeared.

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Black went to refill his glass, as he started to pour, the wine faintly glowed a bit for a half second but didnt catch it. Black then passed it to Jagg who went to fill his, Knights, Ivys, Auroras, Arials, and Bolts. 

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Kane and Autumn danced for a while before rejoining Trax and Tavi. "So where do you think it goes from here? I don't know why, but I feel like just when we find peace, something else will soon come."

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"just a reminder to keep that Shinokage in check as we do the beating...I'd hate to have to break my foot off in that demon's ass." Killjoy said not really giving the warning to Trax but the Shinokage himself.

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Kane looked down into his wine. "I'm just saying Trax, the past couple of times I've had a bad feeling about something, something bad has happened." He sighed as Autumn kissed his cheek. "I guess I'm just still getting used the whole thing. Things are normal but...with less of our friends."

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Trax took a sip before giving her a look, "The less you bring it up the better, besides, I have more than enough reason to keep him in calm. I chose to bare the responsibility, now trust me to do it." His tone was a little harsh but also didnt want to bring up the demon fox with Tavi around. Tavi cleared her throat and backed up from Trax at the mention of the demon, she had a scared expression as she walked away from him. Trax sighed, he knew since the occurrence that Tavi now had a great fear for the Shinokage, combined with her coming motherly instincts she was over cautious of him. She hated to put Trax through it but he also understood it and never blamed her or thought differently of it.

((Time skipp to tomorrows match? I have something big planned for after it when they're back in the Saints penthouse.))

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The next day came fast as the classes were over for the day, Trax walked into the Saints box overlooking the stadium arena, he sat into his chair and yawned, "Why did I take that class so early..." He asked himself. Tavi walked in holding a green shecat that looked familiar, "So you'll never guess what's happened." Trax looked at her then to the cat then back, "I'll bite." Tavi set the green shecat on his lap, "Meet Ivy, the cat." She said introducingly, Ivy looked up at him and smiled, "Hello!" Trax went wide eyed in surprise, "Did not see that one." Tavi shook her head, "Oh theres more hun." She said as Rogue and Carla came in holding a dirty-brown tomcat, a dark gray tomcat with metal piercings, a blue shecat, a silver marbled shecat, and a yellow and blue tomcat with a lightning bolt on his forehead. A black cat with white dottings all over him jumped up on the armrest of Traxs chair, "We still dont know what it is, not even Celestias magic could undo it, she did say the magic was familiar but she doesn't know for sure who did this." Black meowed, even as a cat he kept his striaght posture and noble behavior. Trax shook his head, then started petting Blacks head, "Now this is too funny, though I do hope we can find a way to undo this." He chuckled a little, Black tried to resist the urge but eventually started to purr. Jagg started to play with Rogues hair but was dropped, Knight shook his head sayinf he wasnt going to do it.

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((I like my things cat free if you don't mind. Plus it would be kinda hard to turn the Devil into a cat you know?))


Killjoy walked in and her eye began to twitch "I don't understand..." is all she could say as she tried to process what she is seeing.

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Kane looked at the group in surprise. "They're....all cats?"

Moonshield stood in the tunnel leading to the arena, fully armored and gripping an energy blade. He took a breath as the looked at the ground. He was slightly nervous but confident in his abilities. He heard the crowd chear as Silverthorn walked out with her battle gear, taking in the praise.

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"You dont know the half of it, classes today were helł when everyone is cooing and tossing around a ball of yarn." Arial meowed grumpily, "Damñ yarn is so enticing I couldnt help myself." She added blushing. "Hush down, the match is about to begin, and the Saints should be paying full attention." Trax reminded them but kept petting Black. Shadow set back with hand behind his head, "Shes gonna mop the floor with this guy." He said proudly.

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The announcer said Moonshield's name as he came out of the tunnel to meet Silverthorn. A few people cheered just out of courtesy but the arena was mostly silent, with a few others booing him just to spite him. Kane looked over the newcomer. "He looks capable enough, and I've heard a bit about his resume. Maybe Silverthorn is in for an awakening today."

Moonshield and Silverthorn shook hands in the center of the arena as a referee stood between them. "Your weapons have been put under a spell that makes them non-lethal. Fight with honor and integrity. Anything dirty or cheap and you lose. Good luck." He said as he backed away. A horn was sounded as Silverthorn drew her twin blades. "Ever been beaten by a girl before?" She asked with a smirk as she got into a fighting stance. Moonshield opened his energy shield and drew his energy blade, a serious look on his face as he didn't answer. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Moonshield just looked at her as he got in a fighting stance. "I don't lose." He said simply as he swung at Silverthorn, who blocked the strike with one of her blades, causing the crowd to erupt in excitement.

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Shadow threw his fist up, "Go get him Silver!" He shouted encouragingly. Trax narrowed his eyes which flickered to a demonic slit and turning a little red, he could their moves in slow motion, examining their movements. "His posture and style is better than most of our Paladins, interesting." He whispered under his breath, Black flickered his ear hearing what he said and agreeing, his cat eyes gave him a new perspective of the world around him. The Elemental cats sat up at the window watching the fight, some didnt care about the transformation but others were more okay with it.

The Black shecat sat high on top of the Saints Box, she watched the match while lickering her paw, "These humans are more interesting than I thought, maybe I could....... No! I cant be straying from my course, I.... I just cant." She said before frowing and flattening her ears.

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Moon leaned back to avoid Silver's quick strikes with her twin blades. He bashed her away with his shield before striking at her with a powerful hit. She barely got away from it as she did a backflip kicking him back. "Holy crap...he's actually difficult." she though before parrying with one blade and striking another. Moon hit her hard with his shield knocking her back again. He never seemed to wane and was consistently attacking with strong strikes.

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Thunder leaned up on the edge "Silver if you lose then I play the winner!" he shouted out.


Killjoy crinkled her nose "I smell something weird..." she looked up at the ceiling "hmmmm...."

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