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Guardian Academy (Private RP)


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"Come on hun, you got this, take your time." Shadow whispered to himself. Trax focused on the battle, his eyes moving fast as he followed each and every move they made, "An impressive shield user indeed, the Crystal Empire is known for their Phalanx Line during the wars."

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Silverthorn threw her two blades down, and suddenly they began to emit smoke until there was a massive cloud. The crowd cheered again, knowing this was Silverthorn's secret weapon. Moonshield braced himself, not knowing what to expect. Suddenly he heard a whisking sound, and quickly turned in time to block an arrow with his shield. He was born with a heightened sense of hearing, which gave him the advantage while his eyes were of no use. Another whisking sound came, and Moonshield blocked another arrow, and another, and another until eventually his shield was covered with arrows and not a scratch was found. Silverthorn retrieved her swords, clearing the smoke, but she was utterly shocked to see Moonshield had blocked them all. He glared at her and slashed his sword down hard, breaking all the arrows off into pieces of wood. This time the crowd cheered for Moonshield as he struck a still shocked Silverthorn, who barely blocked it.

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"I'd like to see him try, I've sparred plenty of times with the crystal imperials, they favor defense over offensive, then again their defense is their offense. Though the problem is with the Phalanx, it requires more than one soldier. in numbers, the formation is nearly impossible to get through, but alone...you just gotta hit him right. His hearing is phenomenal no doubt, but what good is that hearing against someone who isn't trying to hide. If we fought, it would a battle of strength, though given what I have seen, I think I'd have the advantage. Silver is having a rough time because she is relying on her swift speed which is not always an advantage over an armored opponent like Moon is. He's good against speed and agility, but could he take on someone who uses strength and heavy armor like me? Who knows." Thunder said shrugging "though it seems like fun."

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Silverthorn struck at him with a furious volley until one of her blade's caught the strap of his shield and flung it away. Moonshield blocked both her swords with his own and forced one of them away before striking her again. Both of them were now hindered, Moon no longer had a shield and Silverthorn had only one of her twin blades.

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Moonshield and Silverthorn clashed their lone blades, sparks flying from the impact of metal. Several gashes appeared on them from the combat. Finally Moon and Silver shouted mightily as their swords clashed. The impact sent both swords flying off away from them. The arena went silent, anxious to what would happen next. They glared at each other for a long while before Silverthorn finally threw a punch at him. Moonshield caught it and twisted her arm behind her back and drawing a dagger and holding it to her throat. "Game over." He said simply as the horn sounded again. The crowd erupted in cheers at Moonshield's victory. He released Silverthorn, who looked at him in shock that she just lost. "I've never fought somebody like you before....when the time comes, you have my vote." She said kindly. Moon nodded to her and they shook hands again.

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Killjoy crossed her arms "a bit boring must admit...though again...I guess I'm used to the stadium being destroyed like last time." she said leaning back in her chair still glancing up at the ceiling here and there still smelling something strange.


Thunder clapped "now we just wait for my turn eh?"

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Trax stood up, "Alright, regroup at the Saints Penthouse, we have a new brother to welcome." He said as he and Tavi walked out with Carla and Rogue, the Elemental cats followed them out in a big fury group. Shadow scratched his head, "Heck no, hes mine next, Im gonna wipe the floor with him for beating my Silver."

Rose yawned and noticed they were on the move, she got up and followed on the roof.

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Thunder laughed "no way, already called dibbs, you have to get in line. Don't worry Shadow, I'll avenge your girlfriend." He said putting his hands behind his head as he smirked.

"He DID call dibs, the rule of dibs is law." Killjoy said adding her two cents. She kept sniffing "dafuq is that?" She thought as she looked up "I'm not going crazy, something is here." She narrowed her eyes.

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"Calm down, Shadow. It was a fair fight. He's a powerful opponent, just be proud that she went toe to toe with her and didn't get hurt." Kane said to Shadow.

Moonshield walked back into the tunnel without a word as the crowd behind him chanted his name. He reached the locker room and began to disarm himself.

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"Yeah yeah, probably safe I didnt anyways, couldn't promise tapping into my angel or demon power. Maybe both just for him." Shadow said slyly as he walked out to meet up with Silver and head to the Saints Penthouse.

"Nice fight." Black meowed as he sat on the in the locker room, "I'm Black Frost, Former Saint, and dont mind my appearance its just a prank. I hope."

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Silverthorn disarmed herself in the girls locker room and stood in just her underwear. She pulled her hair up and walked over to a mirror to observe her wounds. She wasn't to badly beaten up since their weapons were altered to be non-lethal, with only a few cuts and some soreness. "You win some and you lose some I guess." She said with a sigh.

Moonshield raised at eyebrow at Black. "So you got turned into a cat? That's an odd prank wouldn't you say?"

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"You're tellin' me, anyways I wanted to congratulate you on your win, it was a good match. But know that what you're about to enter is a brotherhood, a family, and we protect our family. The only reason I resided is because I needed to fix myself internally first. I can see you're a smart one, dont prove me wrong." Black finished with a cold stare, the rooms temperature even began to grow colder by the second, he then smiled innocently and hoped down to leave.

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Moonshield shut the door to the locker and looked at Black. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm kinda getting a strange vibe from you. Are you suspicious of me?"

Silverthorn finished changing and put her gear away, walking out in normal clothes looking for Shadow.

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Black waved his tail, "Take it how you like, just know I wont be the only one." He said as he whisked off in a flurry of snow.

Shadow sweeped Silver off her feet and kissed her, "Great match hun, you fought well. Now come on, we dont want to be late." He said expanding out his black wings and taking off into the air towards the Saints Penthouse.

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Moonshield sighed and leaned his head on the locker. "Everywhere I go....somebody has to think I'm some creepy psychopath." He finished changing and putting his gear away and walked towards the penthouse.

Silverthorn nuzzled Shadow and kissed him. "Thanks hun, I'm not upset about it. He was a good fighter." She said as she held onto him.

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Once everyone was settled down, Trax stood facing everyone with the other Saints a step back lined up at either of his sides, Rogue and Carla sat together while the cats all sat on the couch watching. Azure, Vi, and Dawn had joined them and were standing behind the couch. Kane had been asked to escort Moonshield up to the Penthouse and present him to the Saints. "Bring him up Kane." Black said into his magic communicater which was directed into Kanes ear.

((Lol yes I am doing this formally))

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Kane nodded as he ascended the elevator with Moonshield. "Hell of a fight earlier." Kane complimented as they went up. Moonshield simply nodded his thanks. They reached the top floor and exited the elevator, entering through the doors of the Main room.

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Trax had his hands behind his back as he stood with an intent gaze, Tavi stood off to his right behind him watching her baby daddy all serious, she had to struggle to keep from giggling. Black glanced at Moonshield then motioned for Kane to bring him before Trax and the Saints.

The black shecat watched from the window, her tail swishing side to side.

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"There are few qualities that make a person eligible for the title of Saint; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. A Saint must be strong both mentally and physically, able to overcome any situation with skill and power, or resolve with witts and smarts. Moonshield believes he is worthy of this title we share in brotherhood," Trax turned around to look at the Saints behind him, "What say you?" He asked them. "Octavia Melody Trax does agree." Tavi spoke elegantly. "Shadowed Heart does agree." Shadow said pridefully.

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