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Guardian Academy (Private RP)


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Trax sighed ignoring Killjoys regard for formalities and didn't understand why Thunder had to say his nickname, "Nameless Trax does agree. Congratulations Moonshield, evey member recognizes you as a member of the Ten Saints, welcome." He said holding out his hand to Moonshield, in it was the Saints emblem patch for the schools uniform.

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Moonshield took the patch and bowed to Trax. "Thank you, high saint. I will do whatever it takes to further this organization and do my best for the good of all." He said respectfully.

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"I'd expect nothing less." Trax said placing his hand on Moons shoulder, "I now present Moonshield, Saint of Guardian Academy!" Immediately Shadow rushed up and bro hugged him, "Congrats man!"

Rose softly clapped with her paws then paused wondering why she suddenly started to clap, her ears flickered as she sensed something stirring........ A growing power, like it was..... Condensing?

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"found you..." a voice said in Rose's ear "your scent is kinda odd I must say." it said, nothing was behind Rose but Killjoy was peering from a distance into the window Rose was looking through. Her eyes were locked onto Rose "mind telling me what you been doing, there must be a reason you were watching us."

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Moonshield was surprised for a moment but smirked and embraced him back. "Thank you, and I'm sorry if I caused any trouble by fighting your girlfriend." He said. "That's the most I've heard you speak so far." Kane said jokingly.

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"Hey dont sweat it Man, she's stronger then she realized sometimes." Shadow told him with a punch in the arm. "Careful Shadow, you'll break the newbie before he can get started." Flints voice came as he walked into the room.

"Shut it!" Rose hissed as she turned to look out into the horizon, her eyes flashed as she scanned it. Vi waved her hand in front of Killjoys face, "Hey Kill you good?"

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Rose was suddenly pushed off the ledge she was sitting on. Killjoy looked at Vi "yeah I'm good, just zoned out is all." she said glancing at the window one last time "I'm watching you fur ball." she thought as she looked away. "so when does the harder stuff start?"

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Kane sat on the sofa, and soon Autumn came and cuddled up against him. Moonshield looked at him and then back to Shadow. "If you don't mind me asking, I've heard about some things that happened recently. A few of you are....different?"

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"Mind her, she's a bit conceded." Shadow whispered into Moons ear, "But yeah, My Father was a demon and my mother was an angel, I fall in between. And Kane over there is a fully fledged Angel, so we've got out bases covered." He said with a little laughter. Trax put his arm around Tavi and pulled her closer kissing her head, "Our family is growing." Tavi laid her head on his chest, "Yes it is." She said placing her hand on her belly.

Rose poked her head out of the bushes, "Damñ that she-devil, I'm trying to investigate something!"

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Silverthorn seductively sauntered over to the fridge and bent over to open the door, winking back at Shadow. Moonshield raised an eyebrow. "It's good to hear you guys are happy. It's funny...there was a girl that I used to go to school with who's been going here for a while. I was...I might try and find her again." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

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"Her name is Nightwish. She's in the school's Mage's Guild. We used to go to the Crystal Empire Academy together but she transferred here a long time ago. We were always close, but she was gone before I could get any further." Moonshield said. Autumn suddenly sat up on the couch. "Did you say Nightwish? I love her! She's in my Illusionist class. She's such a sweet girl, and she's talented as hell too." She said happily. Moonshield smiled slightly, happy to hear she was around and doing well.

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As Trax left Tavi's side to conversate with Flint, the room was suddenly a lit by a bright light, everyone turned to look out the window. No one saw it coming, and no one expected it to ever happen. A massive beam blasted through the Saints Penthouse, annihilating the top of the dorm building and burning a giant hole in the Saints Penthouse. Thousands of miles away, a man in fully suited armor lowered his smoking fist and turned away walking back down from the moutain he stood atop. Celestia had watched the whole thing from her seat in her office, a pen dropped from her hand as her eyes grew wide in pure horror. Students froze as they saw smoke rise from the Saints penthouse, a wave of terror swepted through the school as news spread.

Trax saw a female figure appear in front of the beam, she had batlike wings and long dark brown hair in a ponytail, her magic shield seemed to hold for a split second before it shattered...... Suddenly Trax awoke with a deep gasp for air, he looked around coughing, he was on a bed in the schools infirmary hall. He saw Ivy and Arial across from him back in their human forms, to his left he saw Flint hooked up to re-breather, burns and scrapes littered his body. Trax looked at his own body seeing his legs in casts, his left arm was in a sling while his right arm was in a cast, his torso was fully bandaged up and could feel the burns and scrapes underneath. As he looked around he the others all in bad states with either a re-breather machine or passed out and covered in bandages. He saw Shadow, Killjoy, and Kane all hooked up inside large containers of healing water, they were designed just for them to help their supernatural bodies heal faster. As he looked to his right he saw the woman who he saw before it happened, she was laying in a bed breathing normally and asleep, he didn't recognize her but he could sense a very powerful source of dark magic from her. Then like a train it hit him, his eyes grew wide in terror, he then spotted her across the room. Tavi was hooked up to a re-breather and was being examined by a few nurses, Trax sucked in fought through the emmense pain that shot through him like constant lightning. He struggled horrifically to make it over to Tavi yelling at any nurse who tried to stop him, he made it to her side and collapsed. But Celestia caught him with her magic, she set him into a wheelchair a nurse brought up. A tear slid down Celestias dark face, the whole room had an eire air of grief and horror stricken feelings. Trax lifted his head weakly trying to look at Tavi, "Tavi....."

((Go with it please? And no wild outburst, just be cool and go with it, pretty please in Fluttershys voice?))

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((Well honestly Killjoy wouldn't be in such a state since she pretty much took a full powered blast from the Shinokage and could still stand, but whatever I'll just a large chuck of debris hit Killjoy in the head...or something.))

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Kane gasped violently as he woke up inside the healing waters, shocked that he could still breath despite being submerged. He felt his wounds slowly healing and a soothing feeling coming over him. He put his hands on the glass, trying to find some way out. Silverthorn sat in front of Shadow's tank sobbing softly. Kane did a head count of everybody in the room, but saw one was missing. "Moonshield...."

Back in the penthouse, Moonshield slowly crawled out of a large pile of rubble. He looked in the distance out of the hole in the wall and grit his teeth. He grabbed his gear and leaped from the hole.

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Killjoy's slowly opened, she looked seeing that she was in some sort of fluid filled tank. The fluids started to boil and quickly evaporate as Killjoy realized what happened. The pressure from the sheer heat started to crack and warp the glass.


Thunder opened his eyes and saw that he was in a tree about 200 meters away from the castle, he looked down and saw a large scorch mark on the chest pate of his armor. he smiled slight as his armor protected him, without it, he would of  undoubtedly be dead. Thunder got up to his feet and spread his wings, he launched off the tree and towards the castle. He landed on a balcony and entered the infirmary to check on everyone, but instantly covered himself as Killjoy made the tank explode due to the pressure. Killjoy turned and saw Tavi, her eyes widened.


((is Tavi dead, dying...or really hurt?))

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(("No matter how good you are, there is always someone better." Basically no one is safe, they'd all be dead except for Shadow, Killjoy, Kane, Trax and Tavi( she will be explained soon) they all survived but with some bad wounds but they'll heal quick, Rose just focused more on those who weren't immortal, Roses attempt to block the blast saved eveyone else and kept them alive. Rose is actually in a coma right now, she doesnt seem banged up cause her body is just a shell as she is just living Darkness, her coma is her healing process. As for Heaven and Hełl, they're going to be getting a wakeup call.))

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"Relax, she'll be fine, but there's been..... An altercation." Celestia said as she walked up to Killjoy. Trax was in an emotionless state as he just stared at Tavi. Shadow opened his eyes and shuddered, "Silver?"

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((sure there is always someone better, but they don't just poof out of nowhere. Killjoy isn't going to have her power short lived, whoever is giving Hell a "wake up call" will be getting an angry lady with a shotgun if you know what I mean. She just became a supreme power...she's the f**king Devil whose had literally hundreds of thousands of years in combat experience. To go up against her in face to face combat is suicide, this person better be really intelligent.))


"an Alteration...what alteration?" Killjoy asked as her eyes went into their Devil form. 

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Kane tapped the glass, wanting to be let out. "What happened? What's going on?" He said. Silverthorn looked up in tears, but smiled when she saw Shadow alive. "Shadow!" She said as she pressed against the glass, ignoring the pain from her wounds.

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Celestia almost couldn't control herself as she looked away in tears, "We did all we could and ran every test, but.... She lost the baby." Shadows heartbeat skipped a beat as he heared the horrific news, looking around he saw the others, most of whom were in comas and had not awaken yet. Flint was the only other one still conscious. Shadow blinked and he was teleported out of the tube collapsing to his hands and knees, "Does anybody know who did this?" He rasped as he stood up, the black etchings on his body had spread more due to his healing process.

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