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[Lore] Kastrot


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Kastrot is one of the more unusual cities in the world, both for reasons of geography and design. The city lies not on a flat plain or even the riverbank but rather straddles both sides of The Xenophon as well as more than two dozen islands of various sizes that inhabit the major river. Rich in resources and perfectly positioned for trade, Kastrot has always been a hot spot of both Unicorn and Maretonian trade. Unlike the guild ran city streets of Hippostion however Kastrot is safe and well-controlled with an emphasis on individual or familial glory. Indeed, this is enough to see just on approach. Each island is controlled by a single family who rules from a large castle protected by walls, with small inlets for shipping and stone walkways at the top of the walls allowing for passage from one island to another, should it be allowed. Within the walls lay not only the family castle of the powerful unicorn family that runs the island but the businesses and homes of those in the employ of the ruling family or otherwise allowed to settle.


Kastrot is safer than Hippostion but can be considered a far more oppressive atmosphere, depending on where you live. Each island is run by the families who make every law that applies to that island, making the life of those not in the families dependent on the quality of the leadership. Some islands have progressive and kind leaders who have city-council esque committees to address concerns in a timely manner all the way to dictatorships and other unfair burdens. Ponies who do not like where they live may move- if they are able. Most families charge a hefty sum to settle and others a hefty sum to leave, and the shifting familial alliances and agreements can restrict or open up paths of travel. It isn't unheard of for a small business owner to badmouth his ruler and find himself taxed out of business, forced into bankruptcy when he leaves, and then denied settling a new island because of his poverty. These ponies form one of several Unattached communities, ponies without official protections or rights. They settle along the large stone walkways and form small communities on either shore. They have a degree of freedom unknown to others, but have no protections or rights and can be taken advantage of easily.


Of course, this all does depend on the families. For the most part they are not cruel or unforgiving and a well-run, profitable, and happy island is considered a success. This success can lead to power and influence and that is the real currency in Kastrot as the powerful unicorn families.are in a constant power struggle. Backstabbing and swift changes in alliance go hoof in hoof with honorable magical duels and agreements signed in family blood. The families are descendants from the ancient unicorn tribes and possess as a rule raw magical power the likes of which is rarely seen outside of it. Like travelers in the dark they are capable of a great many magical feats and once were charged with the movements of the sun, and that sheer prowess remains a part of their DNA. They are not as in control of the magic in the way an Equestrian might however, leading to more than a few cases of magical flaming out- the process by which a unicorn may suffer severe side effects from magic usage. Unicorns who have flamed out often bring great shame to their family in Kastrot and sometimes families will arrange for said family member to hide out and live amongst the plebeians for his or her existence, living and dying in obscurity. No shame can be tolerated to the family.


Kastrot has only a few binding laws and ideas, all of which are made by the Assembly of Heads. Each head of household of the great families joins with his or her fellows once a month to discuss matters critical to the city as a whole. What few laws are passed or agreed upon here are held sacrosanct over the entirety of the city and no family may change them in their fiefdoms. Of course, the alliances and friendships formed by the families can influence the actions of the Assembly so no law is guaranteed to stay forever. Currently, the Assembly is attempting to attract more ponies of all types and stripes to the city, even if several of the families are opposed to 'weakening the cultural strength' of Kastrot by doing so. More than other major Maretonian cities Kastrot has stuck to its guns in terms of cultural and special matters. All of the ruling families are unicorns and every position of power is taken by a unicorn. Depending on the island, other types of hooved creatures may face discrimination ranging from more taxes and less opportunity to forced military or city service to earn the right to live there. Some others are a bit more open minded but as a general rule one must pick carefully where to settle.

- A Journal Between Lovers: My Travels and Travails, by Flowing Stars


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