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Why are equestria girls mutants.

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If you would kindly read the post directly above yours...I already adressed that repetitive statement numerous times.

Bottom line is, I wouldn't eat meat even if animals weren't mistreated and tortured, but you people have the nerve to say you can care about animals, even while you still eat them AND they were still being mistreated and tortured.

Is cafeteria food free range? Organic? Most likely not. Unless you are vegetarian, hunt 1 buffalo a year like a Native American, or only eat exclusively organic and free-range meat, I don't want to hear it.

You know a lot of Native American tribes corralled and killed whole herds of buffalo or even drove them off cliffs en masse, right?

Either way, I would advise you to drop it. We're kind of getting far from the topic, for one thing. For another, the site rules prohibit abusive and derogatory statements. Attempts to shame people for their personal beliefs and lifestyle choices kind of edge close to that. Discussion here should be kept civil and respectful.

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And honestly the only thing this argument has done is make me crave meat something fierce!

ANYWAYS I really wanna see this movie now.

PS: You make people instantly stop caring about your post when you say things like "YOUUU PEOPLE"

Anything I have to say on the matter get's censored, yet meat eaters continually shove their lifestyles in my face 247...I seriously want to commit suicide right now, I am not even allow to stand up for what is right on an internet forum, without being gang bullied and censored for standing up for my spiritual beliefs. If only you stopped and thought about what animals had to go through, if only you could understand the suffering they have to experience at the hands of people who consider them "lesser beings." would you even be able to sleep at night?

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Anything I have to say on the matter get's censored, yet meat eaters continually shove their lifestyles in my face 247...I seriously want to commit suicide right now, I am not even allow to stand up for what is right on an internet forum, without being gang bullied and censored for standing up for my spiritual beliefs. If only you stopped and thought about what animals had to go through, if only you could understand the suffering they have to experience at the hands of people who consider them "lesser beings." would you even be able to sleep at night?

You brought up meat, this thread was originally about Equestria Girls, you're causing conflict, please stop.

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Anything I have to say on the matter get's censored, yet meat eaters continually shove their lifestyles in my face 247...I seriously want to commit suicide right now, I am not even allow to stand up for what is right on an internet forum, without being gang bullied and censored for standing up for my spiritual beliefs. If only you stopped and thought about what animals had to go through, if only you could understand the suffering they have to experience at the hands of people who consider them "lesser beings." would you even be able to sleep at night?

I don't think you understand the problem here. Throwing a tantrum certainly isn't going to fix anything at the least. No one here shoved anything in your face. I and others answered the questions you presented in your OP with opinions, which is to my understanding the point of discussion threads.

The problem here has nothing to do with your beliefs or censoring them. It's a simple matter of respect. I suggested to you in no uncertain terms to stop and you did not. More importantly, this is not a place where you can say whatever you want without regard for the others in the discussion; it is meant to be a community for civil, controlled and responsible discourse The message I hid was blatantly and aggressively shaming toward another member (DreamySunday), which is not something we can tolerate here.

This thread has been locked because I do not think it serves any further purpose. Do be aware for the sake of future activity here that you are treading on very thin ice.

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