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Copper Cogs [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Copper Cogs (Called Copper for short by most ponies)

Sex: Female

Age: Young mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: A reddish brown

Coat: Coyote brown (a mid-light brown)

Mane/Tail: A dark goldish blonde. Her mane and tail are kept short and are usually a little scruffy. She keeps them short because she finds it more practical (if she keeps her mane and tail short they won't get caught in anything around the workshop).

Physique: Copper is quite slim and is of average height.

Residence: Canterlot.

Occupation: She is a self-hired repair-mare/inventor.

Cutie Mark: Two copper cogs pointing diagonally down. The top one, further to the left is slightly larger than the bottom one, attatched to this cog wheel.

At first she wasn't bothered about getting a cutie mark, feeling that she would get it when the time was right. But as she got a bit older she began worrying it seemed as if everyone except for her was getting one. Copper attempted to gain her cutiemark helping around her parent's farm; tending to the crops, helping around the house with baking and cleaning up. Although nothing seemed to work. Her brother even tried to help her find her talent, but to no avail.

Not finding her talent in farm work made her feel that she wasn't a true part of her family, leaving her upset and distant. Her parents and brother all had cutie marks to do with something that could be easily applied to working on a farm, but she found nothing in that area.

After each attempt at what she thought would really help her find her talent and earn a cutiemark failed she would go to her Father's workshed. She would sit alone in their for a while before she got bored and began playing.

She eventually gained her cutiemark when she managed to put together a clock from random parts in her Father's workshed, after she'd gotten bored of her game and dared to try out the tools. She wasn't looking for her cutie mark when she put it together, she was simply bored. It wasn't the best, but was still good enough for her to find a talent in inventing and gain a cutie mark. Her older brother was the first to find out (after her of course), when he came to find her and she was bouncing around giddily over finding her talent. She still has the clock hung in her workshop today.

History: Copper Cogs was born on a small crop farm near Fillydelphia. She grew up there with her Mother, Father and older brother. Life was simple and comfortable. Her parents were almost always hard at work, so she was never all that close to them. She wasn't neglected, she still got everything she needed (food, roof over her head, education etc.) but she didn't get to play with them or talk often. Luckily her brother was always there to fill those gaps. Although when she was older her mother did apologise for always being wrapped up in work and not looking after her in a social way. When she visits now, her parents try to talk to her more and see how she is, to make up for not doing it when she was a filly.

She gained her cutiemark when she put together a clock from clockwork scraps in the old workshed on the farm.

She attended a small school in Fillydelphia. At school as a young filly she didn't have any specific ponies she would call friends.

Copper just liked to play with whoever was willing during her earlier years of education. Although during her early teenage years she befriended a filly in her grade and they speant as much time as they could together. Despite being so different they were best friends. As they say, opposites attract. Copper was quite bright and enjoyed partaking in class, but at the same time she wasn't the smartest pony there.

When she was old enough, she moved to Canterlot. Copper felt that she couldn't make enough money selling and fixing things at the farm and as much as she loved her family, the farm didn't feel like a true home to her. She'd absolutely adored Canterlot when she got to on there for a couple of days and had been told many positive things by her friend who had been born there and later moved back, so she chose to move there. Although it was only supposed to be a temporary move until she decided where she could find work and be comfortable, Copper Cogs soon began to feel settled in Canterlot. So after saving up for a long time and working as hard as she could, she bought her own house just outside of central Canterlot. She converted the ground floor into her workshop and the rooms upstairs became a kitchen, living room and bathroom. Her bedroom was set up in the attic. After that business began to pick up again and she was earning a reasonable sum of money. On one of her visits to see her family she learned that the farm wasn't making enough money, so she began to send some money back every month to help out. After a while she recieved a letter from her brother, thanking her and telling her that they didn't need anymore money.

She is regularly visited by her brother and still sees her best friend from school, but has also been more social and made a few other friends since moving to Canterlot.

Character Summary: Copper Cogs' talent is inventing. She excels at putting machines together and fixing pre-built ones. She's a bit of a workaholic, but very personable and happy to make friends. She is quite quirky and enjoys sharing her ideas and opinions with others. Copper isn't the best at anything musical. She can't sing or play any instruments, but she will hum or whistle when she's working on occasion, but will avoid doing it around other ponies and/or in public. She hates making mistakes, whether it be a mistake at work or a mistake in her social life, but can own up to them if she's made them. She can also be quite stubborn in certain areas, not one to accept help as soon as it is offered or anything like that, which will often land her in a tight spot and she has to work her way out of it by giving in and accepting help.

Because of how devoted Copper is to her work, when things go wrong she has a tendency to lose her temper. For example if after many hours of work her invention or repair task broke again, or she just couldn't figure out how to fix/build it she'd get very annoyed, very quickly, often shouting at the inanimate object or storming away from it. Although she will always return, unable to completely give up on a project. She finds having a break and a cup of tea can often calm her down enough to get back to work. She almost never loses her patience with ponies/other creatures in equestria though.

Outside of work she enjoys seeing her friends, especially her brother. Since he doesn't live so close seeing him isn't something that happens very often and they'll spend hours catching up. Otherwise she likes to read or, when she can, visit her brother and parents back on the farm.

A 'hobby' that she has taken up is drawing. She treats it as a simple pass time, though it started out as designs and plans for work, though it soon evolved into drawing whatever she felt like drawing at the time. Copper Cogs enjoys drawing, but not all the time as her work is her biggest priority, not only because it's how she makes a living but also because she really enjoys what she does.

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Hello :)

First off, i want to say cool char so far :)

Disclaimer: I am no RPH, just a user helping a friend :)

Anyway, as i read through it, i have seen little spelling errors, which is really good :D

The first thing i notice is that the cutie mark story seems a little short. You might need to extend it a bit. A way to do that could be maybe including what troubles she may have had, and what other things did she try to do for her Cutie mark. Who helped her find her talent? Those are a few things that might help out :)

I think the same goes with her history. Maybe you could include what her schooling life was like, how was her relationship with her parents. Was she good at makign friends? How in general was her childhood. What made her decide to move to Canterlot?

The summary, like the last two, i feel goes the same. Maybe you could expand on her personality a bit more? What are some things she hates? What does she enjoy doing outside of work? How does she interact with friends? Hobbies?

These are just some idea's.

Your doing great :D

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Hi there!

This is a great start for an approvable app! All of the required fields are filled and it is well written.

I do agree with RDD about the issues this app has, his analysis is spot on.

Just expand on those sections that are too brief and address the questions concerning the cutie mark story and this app will be ready for further processing.

Great start, just needs a bit more work to get it ready!


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I would like to keep this application open for a little bit longer, she should be completely finished soon though. Thank you :)


Please let us know when you've completed revamping this app so I'll be able to give you an analysis on it


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I want to be the first to say GREAT JOB :D As far as i can tell, i think that this will pass into World Of Equestri nicely :)

All you need to do now is wait for a RPH :)

Again, good job :)

Hope you enjoy WoE :D

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