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Kings of the Shadow World (Private)


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The four death knights carefully trekked through the sanctuary of the Shinokage. For some reason it was pitch black in darkness with no sign of activity. "This is creepy...." Soul comnented.

Venom shrugged. "I don't know ice magic....I don't know where that came from." Suddenly the cave was lit up by an eerie blood red glow. Before them was a massive stone door with engravings of a hooded figure standing tall as smaller figures with weapons stood in awe of him, a pile of skulls behind them. "Is.....is that...." Venom started, but couldn't finish out of fear.

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"That would be the entrance to a very, very, dangerous Organization." The voice came from behind them as a dark skinned man dressed in red and black armor. Oakly got into a fighting stance, "Who are you?" He asked challengingly. "Mmmm Now my question is, how do two kids find a place like this huh?" The Man asked as their breaths could be seen as the temperature began to drop rapidly.

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Black looked at them suspiciously, "Hmm, now this is interesting. Well the Prophet is out at the moment but I think he'll be happy for this." He said before walking up to the strange door, it lit up and a low rasping voice sounded, "What... Is the color... Of night?" Before Black could answer Oakly perked up, "Crimson my Brother." He recited surprising even himself. The door unlocked and began to open, Black looked back at the two, "It must be my lucky day... Come on you two, follow me and wonder off. Your life kinda depends on it." He told them before heading in. Oakly was hesitant to follow and glanced at Venom.

"Its not creepy if you like it." The voice from the shadows ahead made Trax stop them, "Welcome Prophet and Death Knights, the honor is mine." The voice continued as a man in a black cloak with a purple cloud design came stepping from the shadows, his white mask with a purple swirled design and two eye holes, in the eye holes shined a red and black demonic design in the right and a purple ringed design in the left. One by one the other members began stepping from the shadows around them, Trax glanced around, he counted only 12 total, meaning these were the strongest from the former Shadow Hunters.

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Venom slowly followed Black with Oakly. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "How did you know the answer?" He asked in a whisper.

The death knights got into a defensive stance, surrounding Trax to defend him. Soul glared at Slipknot. "I knew you were cowardly, Slipknot, but to sell your entire cult out to this clown? You've outdone yourself." Slipknot growled angrily at Soul.

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Oakly shrugged his shoulders still shocked the answer came to him as well, "I dont know, it just kinda...... came to me..." He told his best friend. Black led them past Kane and the others, "Kane, come on, we have some guests."


Obitos arm twitched as a small sickle dropped from his sleeve into his hand, "He willingly gave up his position for the greater good, but while you in my Sanctuary, you will behave yourselves.... accordingly." Obito sped forward at Soul but parred with Trax who appeared in front of Soul, "And you will not harm my Family while I still breath." Trax growled as he pushed Obito away and then flew after him. Crimson slammed his fists together and raced at the Death Knights along with the other Shinokage members.

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Kane was sitting down with Autumn on his lap being cute with each other. "You kids get lost or something?" He asked as Autumn got up to let him stand and walk over to them. "Wait, I've seen you before." He said to them as Venom looked around uncomfortably. "You're those recruits I've heard about. Best two in your class or something like that?"

Slipknot prepared to blast dark magic at Soul, but Soul quickly rushed toward and headbutted Slipknot knocking him back. Moonshield locked blades with Graves as Jolee drew her bow and Mephisto prepared a fire spell.

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Obito jumped back as Crimson and another rushed in, Trax held them off barely breaking a sweat, he moved his sword around accurately deflecting their attacks with precise timing. Traxs one blue demonic eye shined and swirled its pattern as he if he was seeing things slowed down before him, he knocked out one with hard kick to the face taking his polearm and twirling it around and wacking Crimson with an uppercut that broke the polearm in half. Trax took the spear half and threw it impaling another member through the shoulder to the wall before he could attack Jolee from behind. Obito scoffed, "Show off." Trax glared at him non too amused as he gripped his katana, the two took off clashing as they jumped off the walls.

Oakly glanced at Venom now more worried about how they knew so much about them. Black raised an eyebrow, "Oh thats these two? Could of fooled me, had to scare off an ursa minor for them since they were so helpless."

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Soul slashed at Slipknot, but Slipknot formed a black energy blade that held him off. "You should have left with us...look at what you could have been." Slipknot growled. Soul growled harder. "I'd rather die than be a cowardly Shadow Hunter."

Kane rolled his eyes. "Don't start calling people helpless, Black. Many times have you been broken out of jail or ran from wild animals?" He commented. He looked back at the two. "Let me guess, today was Grudge Day?"

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Black folded his arms, "Jail was part of the contract to get close to the target, and an angry mother Ursa Major is no joke to mess with." Oakly kept his guard up, "Yeah, things got out of hand, whats your point?" He asked coldly.

Trax slid back from a heavy hit, "We're leaving...." He said simply sheathing his sword, shadows wrapped around the Order Members and started teleporting them away. Obito at first was confused by the sudden retreat, then it hit him, he quickly ran to the wall and ripped off an explosion seal, "Explosives! Quickly take em down before they leave!" He shouted as he raced to another. Crimson shook his head clear and ran to find one. Trax smiled as he the Death Knights disappeared from sight.

From outside the Shadows old lair, the area exploded with seal bombs placed outside as well, during the fight Trax had two shadow clones lay them down while he lay some down inside during his bout with Obito. But Obito stood well along with his other members standing beside him, he had used his left eye to protect them from the blast, "Not bad for a once thought dead Order."

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Kane looked at him for a while. His hood was shrouding some of his face. "They ever tell you the story about Hurricane Lightning?" He asked. The nearly legendary tale of the deadliest trainee in Canterlot was known throughout the city's forces.


The crowd cheered as Hurricane Lightning, the most elite of his class, easily on his way to graduating on top, entered the arena. His silver plated armor glistened in the light as he gripped his sword tightly. Across from him was Death Rune, a cocky and arrogant trainee who tormented other students daily. Neither of them had ever been defeated in single combat. The bell rung and Kane rushed forward, swinging his blade at Rune. Rune blocked the strike and pushed him away, delivering his own strike. The two fought for hours until finally Kane had severely beaten Rune into submission. The crowd cheered as Kane basked in another Grudge Day victory. Suddenly Rune laughed. "You may have won again, Kane...but I won in the bedroom." He said with a smirk. Kane looked at him. "What are you talking about?" He asked angrily. Rune laughed harder. "Your little girlfriend....her screams were music to my ears...." Kane looked in horror at Autumn, who was tearing up from the memories of Rune assaulting her in such a way. Kane gritted his teeth in anger and drew his sword again. Without thinking and without noticing the protection spell had work off, Kane shouted in rage and decapitated Rune. The crowd gasped and screamed in horror. As Kane watched the headless body fall over and saw guards coming for him, he heard a voice in his head. "Come home...."

((Flashback Ends))

Kane pulled his hood off to reveal he was in fact Hurricane Lightning from the stories. "I like you kids.....it's better here."

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Oakly glanced at Venom then back to Kane, "So we're unintentionally following in your foot steps, again, whats yout point. You had your reason for killing, we have ours, though you were lucky enough to bring her along." He said nodding at Autumn as he figured out the connection. Thoughts of Hazel began racing through his head, he thought of how much she probably hates them right now for leaving her.

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Oakly gritted his teeth thinking about the situation they were in, less than 24 hours ago they were being trained to take this Order down, now they were welcomed in with open arms like long lost brothers. He glanced around then noticed an oddity, he looked Kane in the eyes, "Your not the leader...." He said challengingly. Black raised his eye brows in slight admiration, "Kids smarter than he looks."

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"And who might this Prophet be?" Oakly asked clenching his fists, maybe if they could some how deliver the Prophet to Canterlot his mother could get them cleared of punishment and back into the Nightwatch, maybe even higher. "Depends on whos asking." Traxs voice came from the entrance as he and the Death Knights came in, Black went over to him but Trax raised his hand at him. "No need, take a couple other Executioners and patrol the area." Black nodded and snapped his fingers signaling for two stallions nearby to follow him. Trax walked over to the two boys looking down on them, "You must be the new recruits The Darkness informed me about," He said glancing between them, he then looked at Kane, "Get them squared away with bunks and armor, then send them to the training cavern. I'll be along shortly." He ordered briefly. Taking one more look at the the two boys, Trax turned around and started walking off. "HEY! We never agreed to join you!" Oakly shouted out, he felt the cold gaze of the Members around them, he began to regret the outburst quickly. Trax paused silencing everyone, he chuckled and smiled slightly not turning to look at him, "To be clear Son, you dont have choice."

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Venom was stunned by Trax's words and froze before looking at Oakly. "Did....did he just say....?" Kane looked from Trax to the boys and back. "I'm sure it will be revealed to you soon. For now, I'm sorry to say that you're not in a position to go anywhere. Come with me."

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((Lol i didnt mean that in a revealing way, Trax still doesnt know and neither does Oakly, shiz even Tavi doesnt know its Trax, she thinks the father died years ago.))

Oakly grittes his teeth hating the feeling of not having a choice, he turned to follow Kane seeing that they didnt have a choice in the matter.

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((Ech. Scratch that then.))

Kane led them to the section of the sanctuary where the initiates stayed. "You'll sleep here. Our servants will provide for you. Come to the combat room in an hour." He said before walking off.

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Shortly after Kane left a servant came in and handed them two uniforms required by all initiates to wear. Oakly examined it and was quite impressed, "Fabric is tough enough to prevent too much injury but light and flexible for stealth and quick movements. Stuffs almost better then the Nightwatch.... Ah, its also weather and magic resistant to a certain degree." He said as he found the place at the back of the neck where a spell was placed. "I honestly dont know what to do from here..." He mumbled hating he didnt have a plan or thought of what to do.

Trax slipped on his old armor from before he was named Prophet, "Prophet, are you sure you want to do this? This is something for Silencers and Executioners to do, why?" The servent asked as she handed him a wooden practice sword, Trax smiled as he took the sword, "18 years ago when I was told by the Darkness to join, the Prophet at the time came to watch me train, being young and cocky I challenged him and was hopelessly out-skilled. It was a test to see if I would give up, instead I kept fighting till The Prophet said it was over, I passed because no matter how useless it seemed to continue, I fought on believing I could defeat him. Those two remind me of me and the guy with me when I joined, I wanna test them myself." He said as he went to the door, "Who was the other initiate with you?" She asked curiously. Trax stopped at the door, "Him..... Soul got his ass kicked right beside me, age and experience taught us alot down the road." He said before walking out.

((Hope that doesnt mess with anything))

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((Nah, it's fine))

"It made us better...it made us the meaning of fear." Soul said leaning in the doorway, remembering the moment Trax was speaking of. "Something about these kids feels different....like there's a reason they're here now."

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Trax thought for moment, "Then we'll ask then what happened before they came here, The Darkness lead them here because of what they did, it must have been waiting for them all along. Care to join me in their training?"

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Oakly stood with Venom in the middle of the trainin floor, he glanced around seeing some other members doing their own training and occasionally glanced at them with sorry faces. "Its like day on of Nightwatch all over again." He whispered to Venom.

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"I think it will be worse than day one..." Venom said, keeping a hand on his weapons in anticipation. Suddenly they both were hit with a massive force. "So, you two think you're killers?" Soul said menacingly over them.

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