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Kings of the Shadow World (Private)


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Oakly rolled to the side swinging his wooden long sword only for it to be knocked aside as he was dealt with several pin pointed blows to the stomach and sides before being kicked into the hay bales nearby. Trax stood next to Soul using his practice sword like a cane, "No Killers would be tougher than this lot." Black came in sliding to a halt next to Kane, "Oh good, it just started, I heard Trax and Soul were training them and hurried here as fast as I could." He said panting. Oakly climbed out of the bales and grabbed his sword, he gritted his teeth and charged forward stabbing at Trax but the Prophet merely deflected the attack and smacked Oakly across the face back and forth before hooking his leg out and watched land hard on his back. "Ooooh, this brings back painful memories." Black said biting his fists at watching the young kids get schooled.

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Venom charged at Soul with his practice weapons drawn but Soul simply back handed Venom sending him across the room. Kane winced when he saw it. "I remember when Soul did that to me..." He said, feeling his face.

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Oakly got up slowly, these two were leages better than them, this fight was hopless for them. "Come on Venom, we can take em!" He said before charging Trax, they parried swords but Oakly was able to move it so they both lost their weapon, He then countered with hand to hand since her was in close. Trax smiled stood firm holding up one arm and putting the other behind his back, Black knew this all too well. Oakly unleashed a furry of jabs and punches but Trax deflected them one by one using only his right arm. After a while Trax deflected one and striaghtened out his arm quickly punching Oakly in the face sending him stumbling back, "Dammit!" He roared swinging back at Trax but was swiftly hit in the stomach three times then kneed hard in the stomach again. "Do not let your rage control your actions, be calm and patient, watch your enemies movements to better see how they move." Trax told him as Oakly recovered from getting the wind knocked from him. "Your gonna lecture me old man, I think I prefer getting punched if thats alright with you." Oakly huffed as he caught his breath, he felt a foot under his belly and he was kicked up high then felt a hand grab his ankle and he was thrown back into the hay bales. Trax dusted his hands off, "Just giving useful advice boy." Black chuckled, "He should take it too."

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Kane turned away as the beating of the two initiates went on. "Black, I'm really intrigued by them. Only the Prophet and the Prophet-to-be ever hear from the darkness. Why are two young kids hearing it?"

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"I was wondering the same thing, they said they heard a voice speak to them telling them to seek us out. Normally the Darkness speaks to the Prophet telling him to seek them out and bring them in, but these two...... I dont know what to think." Black whispered back to him before wincing as Oakly was dealt a poweful kick back into the hay bales.

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Kane was silent a moment before getting up to leave. "I have to research this."

"You are strong. Much stronger than many at your age. But you have much to learn if you are to serve the Darkness." Soul said as he kicked Venom back down again. Venom had tried everything and got nowhere, and I was considering not getting up.

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Oakly growled and punched the ground before getting back up and running at Trax, but before he could react Trax swished forward, Oaklys face was dark as he stumbled a little then fell face down unconscious. Black shook his head, "Still havent figured out how he does that." Trax motioned for two servants to take him away, he then looked at Venom, "Your partner has just been killed, and there is no escape. What do you do?" He asked skeptically.

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Venom looked around frantically before taking a deep breath. He had an idea. "I hope this works." He thought as he lit his horn. "You love your Darkness so bad? Then have it!" He shouted as he lit his horn, suddenly making the room pitch black. Soul took a moment to let his eyes adjust. "Clever lad."

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Trax smirked, "He believes he can beat us, little does he know he just made it easier for us." Traxs voice seemed to fade as he vanished into the darkness, "You merely adopted the darkness boy, we were born in it, we are one with it." His voice echoed around the cavern. "Hes all yours Soul."

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((You're under arrest for ripping off Batman.))

It took a moment but Soul eventually reached out and grabbed Venom by the throat and threw him down before stomping his chest and kicking him across the room into Oakly. He clapped his hands twice and the lights came on again. "I think we're done here."

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"Indeed, fix them up, I want them ready for training by morning." Trax said as servants went to them. Trax nodded his thanks to Soul before leaving, Black stood up and left to go find Kane and see what he was up to. 

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Venom coughed up blood as he tried to stand. Soul went to him and lifted his face to look at him. "For now, you only see the curse...you see this as a hell you never wanted. Believe me, we all felt that way...." He looked around at the various order members standing around watching. "....but in time, you will see the blessing you have received." He walked was as the servants came to take them to the infirmary.

Kane stopped in the doorway of a dark room in the sanctuary. Ever Bloodmoon Sanctuary had a room like this. Pitch black, empty and only lit by a few candles on a single table. This room was called the "Book Room" by some of the members, because it contained the Order's most sacred item....the Sacred Book of Law. Kane felt a dark feeling as he approached. He heard small whispers in his head giving him permission. He gently opened the book and watched the words burn with shadow on the pages. He began to look for the thing that sparked his curiosity.

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Kane had been staring at one page for a long while before turning to Black. "Black....have you noticed that one of those initiates, Oakly I think is his name.....looks an awful lot like Trax?"

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Black scoffed, "Yeah they share the same piercing blue eyes, I swear those two together could break someone just by staring at them long enough, but Trax never had any children. He would have told me and Azure if he did."

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"I know it doesn't seem right....but there's a prophecy in the Sacred Book of Law. It says that two young people will one day hear the voice of the Darkness, one is the son of the Prophet, the other isn't." Kane stopped as the shadowy words on the pages burned brighter. "It says that during the darkest hour of the order..... They will do what is never been done before." Kane slowly turned to Black. "they will see his face."

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Black went wide eyed in surprise, he stepped back taking a breath, "Thats.... We gotta be sure, just because Oakly and Trax look alike doesnt mean they're father and Son. We should keep this between us till we can be 100% correct....." He told him quietly. Black then thought of something, "First, we ask Oakly. Then, we'll ask his mother, shes probably some civilian who we can easily intimidate."

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Kane nodded and shut the Sacred Book. It made a loud thunderclap as he did. "Even if it's true....just imagine. SEEING The Darkness? It's amazing enough that the Prophet even speaks to him."

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"I don't understand why though. What is the purpose of seeing the Darkness? What does he want with them?" Kane said as they left the room, closing the door behind him as the runes on the door lit up and sealed it back closed.

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"I just hope it doesn't lead to any more destruction...." Kane said to himself.

Venom slowly awoke in the infirmary, most of his major wounds healed. "Don't take it personally, sweetheart." Silverthorn said, sitting on a hospital bed nearby. "All initiates get this treatment. But you're such a strong stallion, I'm sure you can handle it." She said slyly with an evil smile. "Uh....thanks?" Venom replied, not sure how to feel.

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Oakly was sitting up staring down at his hands in his lap, Traxs words ran through his mind like a virus, he gritted his teeth angrily clenching his fists. "Screw him, I'll be better than he ever was......" He cursed under his breath.

In the Board room of the Nightwatch Academy, the Headmaster and four other members of the board sat down briefing a student on their mission. "You were close friends with Oak Heart and Venom, your mission now is to find them, and put them in prison to serve thier time. You will head to Canterlot and report to Captain Octavia, from there you will work with her team, but your true mission is Oak and Venom. Do you understand your mission and comply?" The Headmaster asked sliding over a folded to the opposite side of the table. "I understand.... Completely, they will get their just deserved reward for leaving behind." Hazel said coldly as she stood up taking the folder. She turned around and headed with the look of hate and determination in her eyes.

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Unknown to everybody in the room, Devildriver had listened in on the whole conversation. Being the best stealth fighter and spy in the order, Soul sent him to listen in and gather info on what the Nightwatch were up to lately. He flawlessly made his way undetected back outside and headed back towards the sanctuary with the info. "Those two initiates....Canterlot wants them bad for some reason." He thought.

Silverthorn's tail brushed in Venom's face as she seductively left the room, her habitual teasing of new members still going strong. Venom blushed slightly and leaned back. "You know, maybe it won't be so bad. Getting paid to kill people can't be as bad as people say."

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"Maybe..... Im more worried of what my mom will do when she hears about what happened, she told me that she didnt want me to end up like my father, so she put in Nightwatch Academy. An even scarier thought is what Hazel will do to us when she sees us again." Oakly said as he laid back wincing from his bruises.

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