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Kings of the Shadow World (Private)


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Killjoy hopped down from the branch "well I did what I needed to do...you got careless Nergal..." she said with a smirk as she walked off. She thought for a minute "should I break the bad news...or just let the poor little b@stards find out...but I guess if they found out, I'd miss the faces they would make...hmmm hard decisions indeed." she rubbed her chin "ah f**k it, I'll tell'em" she teleported away and appeared inside the Sanctuary, Soul's chambers, in the shadows as she sat atop of a large shelf awaiting for him to notice.

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((Do you mean Soul? Blood's been dead bro. lol))


Venom followed him to the room containing the Sacred Book. He slowly pushed the door open and immediately felt the dark ambiance of the room as the book sat there ominously. "Wow...this is creepy."



((Wait until my master plan unfolds, Killjoy is going to feel so stupid. lol))

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((No but really, I have an awesome plot twist in the works.))

Soul didn't even react when he realized Killjoy was there. "You're not as sneaky as you think, Kill." He said, acknowledging that she was there.

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"it's because I want you to notice Soul...you know very well that if I didn't want you to see me...you wouldn't...couldn't and never would." Killjoy said dropping off the shelves and landed softly without making even the slightest of sounds "if you're right, then it would be weird for people to call me the best in stealth...so if you think you got someone better, I'm all ears, I might have to kill the little sh|t  because I hate competition." she sat down in a chair taking a bottle of wine that was on the table "The thing is, I'm not here to argue or taunt, there is news I guess you deserve to hear." she poured herself a glass of the wine and sipped it. It's about Trax, he...was stupid and decided to face Nergal all by himself, I tried helping but his d@mned pride and foolishness got in the way and so now I'm here to tell you he might very well be dead, if not he's about to be soon."

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Venom gently touched the book, causing it to shimmer in shadows. Suddenly it flew open and, instead of a page of prophecies or laws, a map appeared burning on the page, pointing towards the mountains to the north. "It...it's a map, but I can't read the directions. I don't recognize the language." Suddenly another prescience joined them in the room. "I do." A female voice said as Silverthorn leaned on the door.

Soul was silent before sighing. "I figured as much. He is a god after all." He approached Killjoy and poured his own wine. "Well I guess you're happy now. The one you hate the most is dead and your former family will now fight just to survive."

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"If it was under different circumstances yes, I'd be happier than a fat pudgy kid that's been given a cake. The thing is that B@stard did something I wanted to do. Plus you do realize that this effects me also. Nergal has the Princesses' and your Prophet's soul. I don't know about you, but...wait...It's up to me when it comes down to it." Killjoy then realized something and her eye widened "OH GOD NO, I HAVE TO KILL NERGAL, BUT BY DOING SO SAVES THAT PATHETIC FOOL!" she screamed almost pulling her hair out. "What fresh hell is this where I have to save...Trax...?" she said in disgust.

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Soul glared at her. "Does it bother you at all that every day you spend kissing the royal ass, you're stomping all over Chaosweaver's memory? The man who saved your life, gave you a home, taught you to fight, gave you a family to watch your back and, I'm assuming, was more of a parent than anything you previously had? Is your hatred of Trax worth the memory of him?"

Silverthorn sauntered in and leaned over the table, sticking her ass out at Venom and flicking him with her tail, causing him to blush furiously. She then got serious and began to read the words carefully. "Good lord, you two. This map leads to the first sanctuary....it's been ruins for years." Venom straightened up. "Akephalos must have something for us there to prepare for his coming."

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"Well...I might have had another insane moment and just imagined it...or it really happened, but Chaosweaver contacted me beyond the Void, he does not care what I do, he only wants what makes me happy. His memory is all in here." Killjoy tapped the top of her head. "or heart, whatever you prefer...either way, I know Chaosweaver doesn't hate nor frowns upon me." the tip of Killjoy's katana touched Soul's throat "I do not appreciate you talking about him like you know what he thinks or feels. Only I know...you don't." she sheathed her sword "I just came to tell you about your precious false prophet and nothing more." she said as he disappeared into mist and was gone without a trace.

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Soul looked at the spot where Killjoy once stood after she left. "That's where you're wrong, Killjoy. I've always known how he thought or felt. I knew long before you did. And if you have spoken to him beyond the grave, then he's a better man than me." He got up to leave the room. "I just hope you're happy....sister."

((Boom. How's that for a plot twist? But that's still not my master plan though.))

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((basically Im going for Soul being Chaosweaver's biological son making Killjoy his adopted sister. But nobody really knew about it because he favored Killjoy, leaving Soul on his own.))

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((Not so much a disappointment, just not the protege Chaosweaver was looking for. Anyway, that's why Soul is especially taking Killjoy's change of heart personally.))

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((Differences aside, that was rude of me, apologies. We could both learn to show some humility, I let my pride and greed get the best of me and its not right of me to judge your characters. In a way they are extensions of ourselves, but we must also remember that they are Not us, and must distance ourselves at the same time and not take insults towards them personally. Honestly I think Metal is better than both of us, and he's showed it over and over again, I admire that. Im deeply sorry for the trouble I've caused, and will do my best to ignore my greed and pride.))

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