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Kings of the Shadow World (Private)


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"Prove it then." Soul said dropping his weapons and ripping off his hood. "If all the things you did for the Order mean nothing, if the people who took you in and made you who you are mean nothing to you, if the ones closest to you mean nothing to you, then prove it to me. Show me how much you hate the Order. Kill me." He said glaring at Killjoy.

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((is that such a good idea? Like she doesn't know about her and Soul being kinda siblings. She is a heartless killer...))


"You're asking me to prove myself by killing you?" Killjoy asked gripping her sword "do you want to die that badly?"

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"It's simple Killjoy. Kill me or don't. If you do, I guess there's nothing left to say. If you don't, there's two reasons why you wouldn't. Either you're scared, or deep down inside, a part of you still has compassion for the Order. Just make a choice, Killjoy. It's not hard." Soul said holding his arms out to expose his chest.

((Just go with it, you'll see the point I'm trying to make.))

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((well...really, she would kill Soul, she really has no more feelings for the Order. I'm just telling you Killjoy wouldn't hesitate.))


Suddenly a glint of of something bright shined followed by a swift swishing sound. Blood started pouring across Soul's chest. Killjoy's eyes only showed darkness. "your choice."

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((In all honesty, She needs to be reminded she isn't invincible, just once. But thats just me, just voiceing my opinion. Kinda killed my pride when I decided to have Trax be beaten. Strangly it hurt.))

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((I wanted to do this because I was hoping that, if you would allow it, Killjoy would feel hurt by the fact that she just killed her kinda brother she never knew about because Soul reveals it at the last second. It's not about the Order, it's about her taking her path to revenge too far.))

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((Trax she knows that she isn't invincible, she has a missing eye reminding her of that. All because she acts cocky all the the time doesn't mean she doesn't think.))

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Soul grit his teeth as he saw the sword piece him and the blood drip down. "I guess I have my answer. Seems it was all for nothing....sister." He said as he dropped to one knee.

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"I told you...I'm not a sister in the Order...not anymore. What were trying to prove by this?" Killjoy's asked looking down at Soul as he bled out "what point is it that you are trying to make?"

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Soul spit up some blood and looked killjoy in the eyes. "I resented him for the longest time....because he liked you more. But towards the end he fixed our relationship.....father loved us both."

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Killjoy just stared at him for a while "Why was this kept from me...you, Chaosweaver...why did you two keep this kind of information from me?" She asked her the pupil in her eyes constricted as an insane look formed on her face, what started as giggle, became maniacal laughter "I've been killing parts of everyone else's family...it was only a matter of time before I kill a part of mine...the world is cruel isn't it?" She said in a insane tone. The knowledge of killing her adopted brother made her snap.

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Soul finally fell to the ground and his breathing slowed. "Now you see where your recklessness has led you.....if nothing else, finish your job. Stop Nergal..." Soul's eyes rolled back in his head as he took a final breath.

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Killjoy stopped laughing, began growling as her eye twitched frantically "you give me a lecture...?" she grit her teeth "just F**king die! Wait no...you're dead, dead...silent...I killed you...just...death...sweet, and silent. No noise, not talking." Killjoy started mumbling to herself as she grabbed her hair "leaving me alone..." she began giggling insanely.

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Killjoy looked at the growing flames "may I help you kind sir or madam?" she said still giggling "I must apologize, I'm not really myself."

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"She's not here right now, please leave a message after the beep....Beep!" Killjoy said as she laughed "I would be happy to take your message and give to her as soon as possible."

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The figure reached a hand out and grabbed Killjoy's face tightly. "Red Veil, calm yourself. Listen to my voice." The figure said, his ghostly hood came off and revealed who the figure was. "Listen to my voice....calm down." Chaosweaver said in a firm yet calming tone.

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Suddenly an image of demonic eyes flashed through Chaosweaver's mind as a dark force pushed his hand away "It's the old man! Did you know I have...had a brother? It so weird because you never mentioned it before. Soul told right before he died...I killed him so sweetly. Are you proud daddy dearest, are you proud of me? You should be, I think you knew this would all happen."

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Oakly nodded and flew them to the ground, "I have the same feeling."


Tavi walked into her house and gasped in horror, Trax lay unconscious on the floor, Tavi rushed to him seeing he was in the same state Celestia and Luna were in. "Oh Trax, what have you gotten yourself into?"

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Chaosweaver held Killjoy's head and looked into her eyes. "There was a reason you never knew.....and I regret never telling you. But I did it for both of you. Please listen, my child. There is a way to undo this."

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