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Kings of the Shadow World (Private)


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((The Darkness was pretty lenient on Killjoy since she served him so well, but killing Soul pissed him off. But she has a chance to make it up to The Darkness so she won't be totally screwed when she dies.))

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((I actually had something planned.))


"and what if I don't want it undone!?" a demonic woman's voice came out of Killjoy's mouth as a forced pushed Chaosweaver away and a woman clad in steel armor walked out of Killjoy's body. The woman was Killjoy, but dark and an immense power surged from her "I will not bow or seek forgiveness, we no longer follow the darkness, I don't give a d@mn about his thoughts."

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Chaosweaver glared at Killjoy. "Nightmare....you're meddling in affairs beyond your comprehension." He lowered his head as a tear fell from his face. "I've failed you, my daughter." He then slowly began to fade away until he was gone.

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The Nightmare grinned evilly "no...I've come to the right party, and I'm going to enjoy it. wouldn't be the first time I killed a god." she said going back into Killjoy's body as she laid unconscious. 

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Oakly and Venom finally reached the desolate sanctuary, feeling the emptiness of what once was the first sanctuary of the order thousands of years ago. Suddenly they both felt a voice in their head. "My children, I have sad news. Our brother is dead. Death Knight Soulscream has fallen." Venom's eyes went wide in surprise.

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Oakly looked down in sadness, "She is a plague to this world, I'm beginning to think of letting Nergal just kills us all and spare us from her. Lets go get this over with, while we still have an Order to return to."

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"Don't say that, Oakly. She can be dealt with, but the destruction of the world cannot." Venom said as they approached the door. Rather than be asked a question, the door simply fell over. "Looks like Killjoy wasn't kidding."

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Suddenly a huddled over figure appeared in the corner. "Is she gone?" He asked wearily. Venom took a step back. "If you mean the batsh!t crazy woman, then yes. Why?" The figure stood up at full height and appeared from the shadows. "Good. You must been the chosen ones. Thankfully I survived long enough to help."

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The figure nodded to them. "My name is Emberglow. I was the leader of this sanctuary, the oldest of them all, where the Order first began." He led them to a chamber where an object was wrapped cloth. "This is the first item you will need to return The Darkness to this world." He said as he unwrapped it, revealing a sword case. "This is the sword Nergal used to destroy the Darkness' physical form. Handle it with care." He said, opening the case. The blade was a large two handed sword made of a blood red metal, and it shimmered in the case with a dark energy.

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"Now I have a feeling we'll be guarding this from you know who. We should get going before she doubles back, though with what its giving out I dont know how we can hide it from anyone." Oakly said closing it back up.

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A voice appeared in their heads. "Go to the cave where Nergal was imprisioned...the next step is there." Venom shook his head when the voice finished. "I can teleport you to our sanctuary, Emberglow. You will be safe there. We have to keep moving."

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Venom nodded and teleported Emberglow safely to the sanctuary and the two of them outside. "The Shadow Hunters are the ones who woke him, maybe they left behind something useful."

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A book suddenly landed on the table, "Hey, Emberglow told me you two needed to go to a certain cave. Found a book that'll answer yalls questions." Black said as he passed by. Oakly took the book and opened it, "Looks like its about Nergals imprisonment, Writtin by one of the Healers who joined the Order after Nergal was sealed away."

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Venom grinned at their good luck and peered into the book. Somewhere in the middle was a map leading to Nergal's tomb. On the last page of the book was a hastily scribbled message. "Do not read the scroll...." Venom tore the page containing the map out and tucked it away. "Looks like we got lucky."

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Back in the sanctuary, Kane and Autumn were training on dummies. Kane suddenly stopped and turned away. "What's wrong baby?" Autumn asked. "Just something I've been thinking about...." He said as he stepped out of the ring. "Who wants to go on a little field trip?" He said to whoever was in the room.

Venom teleported them out of the sanctuary and they continued down the path. "So, I was thinking, when this is all over....what are you going to do? I mean, we're stuck with the Order, but what do you think is next?"

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