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Kings of the Shadow World (Private)


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Before Shadow left a voice echoed from the shadows "you and the Prophet having complications?" it was Killjoy's voice. "so what do you plan on doing if the Prophet submits to the darkness's will?" she asked in a sinister tone.

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Shadow paused knowing the answer she wanted, He stood tall and activated his sharingan, "I will do what I must to protect my family, even if it means fighting against those I now call family, blood is thicker than water." His eyes finally rested on hers glaring into them challengingly, "Take it how you like, Death Knight, Killjoy." With that he left with Trax into the night towards Canterlot.

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Killjoy came out of the shadows and watch Shadow walk off with a sadistic grin "If it comes to that, blood will flow...the question is...whose blood will it be?" she mumbled under her breathe as her eyes flickers with darkness.

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Soul was in the training room practicing on some dummies. Kane and Autumn were nearby, with Autumn giggling like a filly as Kane tickled her. Soul scowled at the two. "Can you two keep it down?" He said sternly as he split a dummy in half. Kane looked at him. "You alright?" He asked. Soul sighed. "Just wish I could have driven my blade into Hailstorm. I was a fool to assume he would back down."

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Tavi and Echo landed side by side on a roof top starring down on three corrupt noblemen brothers bonded dead together, "We fell for it didnt we..." Tavi began as they jumped apart just as an arrow slammed between them, the paper attached to it lit a flare then exploded them further apart, Echo landed sliding right into Shadows kick squaring her in the face sending her crashing across multiple rooftops like a skipping rock. "Echo!" Tavi got out before she realized her own fate, Trax suddenly popped out from inside the roof behind her, Tavi was able to block with her arms but she felt him push off with hardly any force, then a kuni struck just an inch from her with a paper slip lighting up like before. "Crap-" She said as she prepared for explosion but instead felt Traxs foot upper cut her from below sending her high into the air, now she understood, he was using ancient ninja art, able to act as bombs or teleportation with a slip of paper and a written seal. Her thoughts were disrupted as she felt Traxs hand to her throat, 'again he used teleportation', as she figured out his second paper was on her hip before he kicked her up. Then before she knew it, she was held off the ground and smashed into a wall, 'Again', she thought weakly staring down at Trax who was looking back at her with azure blue eyes like the sky. Meanwhile, Echo stood up in time just to see Shadow coming at her again slamming his foot into her stomach sending her back and planted into the wall of Canterlot. She looked up seeing Shadow standing before her, "Before you end me, let me see them, let me those eyes again just one more time." Shadow instantly unsheathed his sword and drove it into the wall just missing her head by and inch, "Trust me, if you continue to pursue the Order like this, you will see them before your sucked into oblivion." He said closing his eyes then opening them in their final stage, Echo went wide eyed in horror as she looked into them with sheer terror, hers eyes seemed like they were going to the back of her head before she passed out. Shadow caught her as she fell and put her over his shoulder, his returned to normal but as he turned around there stood Trax carrying Tavi. They're eye contact exchanged silent words, it was Shadow who sighed and broke eye contact, "You've been a good friend Trax, I consider you family like my own flesh and blood, you deserve an explanation." He promised with a nod, Trax breathed through his nose, "Lets complete this night, Im suddenly very curious." He said before he and Shadow leaped from building to building.

Later Celestia hurried through the doors and gasped horribly as she saw Tavi and Echo laying unconscious before her, "Quick get the docters, and prepare them for healing." She commanded as she went to her friends sides, "Yes your Majesty." A guard said hurrying off. "Oh girls, what have you gotten yourselves into?"

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"At least somebody dealt with him. Now we as an order can be rid of him." Kane said to Soul. Suddenly a servant entered. "The Prophet has made his decision."

In a dark chamber, many Shadow Hunter's stood around Hailstorm, who had been healed and strengthened with dark magic. "Now you see who the real servants of the Darkness are, Hailstorm." The High Priest of the Shadow Hunters, a cruel dark mage by the name of Slipknot, said to him in his ear. "I will grind them into dust, High Priest." Hailstorm said, proving his new loyalty.

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Shadow and Trax stood looking over the land atop the mountain, "So because your a batpony born on the night of a bloodred moon, your eyes posses a type of magic that you still dont know the extent of what you can do?" Trax said after hearing his explanation, Shadow nodded, "My brothers look similar to mine but his are blue because he was born on the blue harvest moon, he and I are linked by more than blood, he and I can be immortal as long as the other is alive. We heal about ten times faster than normal, even though we are both pegasi we posses alot of magical prowess, as long as we feed of the living through their energy. But because I am considered the evil one, my kind resent me from pasts legends of how the red eyed ones killed many of their own kind just for the fun of it, they gave into the beastly thoughts. Since they found out my brother and I are immortal, they want me imprisoned, and kept like a trophy so their King can rule. Bloodline is loved and respected, but I do not blame my brother, nor do I blame my own kind." He explained solemnly. Trax folded his arms, "If the Prophet chooses to kill your brother, I will fight alongside you, for all your friendship I owe you that much."

Later Trax and Shadow returned to the Sanctuary hearing the Prophet had made a decision, Shadow made his way to the prophet, hoping things would not take a turn for the worst. Trax sat back and waited, preparing for the worse.

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Killjoy was already in the room, hiding in the darkness as she over looked the entire room and most of all watching Shadow with a sinister grin. It was no question that Killjoy would take the Prophet's side and defend him if things got nasty. She knew how powerful Shadow was, but with just some of skill and some hidden trick and secrets, even a god can fall to a mortal.

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Shadow entered instantly feeling Killjoys gaze, he didnt want to activate his eyes so not send the wrong message, especially to her of all ponies. A fight between them was anyponys guess, her tenacity of killing would match his level of skill, keeping it a pretty fair fight. Which was the last thing he wanted.

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Once all of the sanctuary was present, Chaosweaver emerged from his chambers and stood at a podium made of bones. He looked over his sanctuary before speaking. "Children of the Darkness, I have meditated with our Unholy Lord for some time, and I have come to a decision regarding the contract to kill the King of the bat ponies." He paused for a moment, as the sanctuary grew tense. "The Sacred Book of Law states that once a person has prayed to the Darkness, the Order must answer. We answered when Soul went to speak with the potential client." He then looked to Shadow, knowing the fear in his heart. "The Sacred Book of Law also states that causing harm to a member of the order invokes the wrath of the Darkness. Accepting this contract would cause harm to one of our brothers. Therefore, we shall NOT kill King Bloodline. So sayeth the Prophet of Darkness." He walked away from the podium as the members bowed and began to chat amongst themselves.

((I know it seems like a letdown, but I have a plan))

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Shadow breathed deeply with a sigh of relief, Trax came to him and patted his back, "Maybe your eyes are a blessing in disguise?" He said with a smile. Shadow smiled, but inside he wasnt so sure, he had a feeling the Prophet wasnt telling them everything. "Maybe..."

Shade Lock, one of King Bloodlines royal advisers and top General, pushed through the gates of the Vampireece Castle. He paced himself hurriedly till he came to a knee a couple feet away from the King, "Sire, we just received news through our sources, we found him. We found your brother, Lord Shadow Umbra."

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Bloodline sat up in his throne, his attention on Shade. "Where?" He asked, anticipating news on his long lost brother.

Outside Vampireece, Hailstorm stood on a hill watching the city. A Shadow Hunter stood behind him. "This is your first task. Show your true loyalty."

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"Apparently hes allied himself within a dark organization called, The Bloodmoon Order, basically assassins for higher. They have a hierarchy and role of leadership with levels of authority. The Order Worships a darkness, who calls upon them to answer when a ceremony has been performed to their deity, a contract is then formed in exchange for gold." Shade Lock explained to him as he recalled what his informant had reported, "As of now he resides in the Kingdom of Equestria, near their Capital, Canterlot. Shall I send a message to the Princesses, requesting to pursue him on their territory?" He asked loyally.

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Bloodline was silent as he heard the news that his brother was a bloodthirsty killer. He went to the window and stared into the distance. "He has fallen into a dark crowd. I must consider this issue in private." He said solemnly.

Hailstorm crept through the city in a black robe, approaching the castle. He had his eyes on one target, determined to be reborn as a killer under a new order.

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((Yes. Since the Prophet chose not to carry it out, the Shadow Hunters jumped at the chance.))

Bloodline continued to stand at the window as everybody left him alone. Suddenly another figure entered the room with him. "Your reign is over, bat scum." Hailstorm growled at Bloodline. Bloodline did not react with fear. "I do not smell my brother's scent on you. You must be of the other cult." He said calmly. Hailstorm growled. "It matters not, I am here to kill you." Bloodline sighed. "Sorry to disappoint you, but if you came expecting me to be begging for mercy or stricken with fear, you will have to look elsewhere."

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((Dont do it yet, Im gonna have Shadow do something crazy when Bloodlines about to die, since he wont be needing his eyes. Remember Bloodlines eyes are just like Shadows, my profile picture except blue, pretty much can see his enemies moves before they make them. His left eye can create the inextinguishable blacks flames at the spot of his eyes focal point. His right eye can create a vaccum like void opening at the spot of his eyes focal point. He can see and sense things 10 times better, he can even trap his victims inside their own mind, causing them to experience searing pain and torture. Their most greatest power is the ability to summon forth a giant spiritual samuri called a Susanno to attack and defend for them, they can also control it themselves.))

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((Yeah, Bloodline can warp Shadow there realizing his death is inescapable, and Trax hitchs a ride. They appear just too late and Shadow watchs him be run through. Of course Hail will want to scram right away, staying any longer he might as well slit himself.))

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((That works))

"There is no escape for you, your highness." Hailstorm said coldly as he approached Bloodline. He walked right up to him, and was preparing to strike him down, but as soon as Hailstorm raised his blade, Blood turned around and kicked him in the chest, sending him across the room. "Brother...where are you?" Blood said to himself.

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Shadow and Trax tapped their glasses together, "Tis good luck that your situation kept you and your brother safe. But you must know that other groups will probably get the same contract." Trax infered him. Shadow starred at his glass, "Truthfully I shouldnt be so worried, Blood is more than capable to handle anyone of the Prophets choosing, especially with his gifted eyes. But still, he was never good at using them as an offense, but his defensive tactics were honed in very well. I believe if he really desired it, he could use his warping ability to transport me there without breaking a sweat, something I am not able to do yet since I balanced myself between offense and defense. I dont know why Im so worried, call it a weakness that I cant help obviously showing." Shadow said chuckling to himself.

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Bloodline and Hailstorm were both bloody and battered as they fought in the throne room. Hail was not expecting the bat pony king to be this powerful. Blood closed his eyes and focused, blue mist coming from his blue eyes. "Brother...you must be here." He said as the room shimmered. Hail growled. "I'm through playing, your highness."

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Shadow and Trax tipped glasses again but before he drank he felt a weird sensation, "No way... hes..." He began as his body suddenly began to swirl on itself, Trax out of worry for his friend grabbed hold and both were sucked int a tiny wormhole. A minute later they were blown out of another swirling wormhole, this time they just yards from Blood inside Vampireece Castle. "What the?......."

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Blood saw his brother and smiled at him. "Shadow....my brother...." He said quietly. He then turned his attention back on Hailstorm, delivering a brutal punch to his face before slicing him with his blade. Hailstorm growled in pain. "This ends now." He said before binding Blood and running his blade through his heart. Blood gasped as he saw the blood drip from his chest.

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"Brother!" Shadow cried out as he watched helplessly, Trax threw a kuni before Hail then teleported himself towards Hail kicking him away from Blood, Shadow slid and caught his younger brother in his arms, "Blood, stay with me..... your country needs you..... our ponies need your guidance."

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