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Idea discussions anyone?


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Hello and welcome to... ...I don't quite know what this is.

So! Welcome to this thing I have here!

I'd just like to start out with a little bit of idea discussion.

Say for instance, I have a zebra character that makes different powders, potions and brews and such. She also studies ancient Zebrican runes.

Would it be in the realm of possibilities if say, a certain set of runes opened a pocket dimension and once opening said pocket dimension, one could pull something an item out that had been placed there previously? Such as a sword, or a box?

What else would the runes be able to do, you ask?

They could possibly open portals to places that have been marked with a rune before.

How would the runes be written?

A special paste, hard to find the correct materials to make and is ruined easily when making it if you're not careful.

Yes, more thought needs to go into this but it's a start. Does this sound like an ok thing?

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I saw this and it peaked my interest, then i saw the idea of multi-dimensions and I was like 'NOPE!'

I'm quite against the idea of dimensional traveling, the whole idea of it rubs me the wrong way and can be very Over-Powered in the hands of, well, everyone.

Again, portals and dimentions just feel, wrong to me. Technological portals yes, but screwing with dimentions feels wrong and such.

I'm not a fan of runes doing this, runes doing other stuff yes (Like causing explosions, fireworks, smoke) is fine, but it just feels wrong to mess with portals and dimenions in my opinion.

Sorry for this negative post, but once it peaked my interest, i couldn't not post in it.

Sorry! <3

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For me, at the end of the day, I guess it depends why you ask.

For 'could we possibly see it in the show', or 'would it make sense in the setting' then sure. FiM is a fairly open-ended fantasy setting. Bags of holding (which is basically the first thing you described) as well as already exist in other settings, and we've already seen portals in the comics and movies. So in general, I think what you've described could be easily and cleanly worked into the setting, depending on how one characterizes magic.

As for difficulty, I would imagine that portal magic would be a dangerous affair. When you're connecting points across space like that, I think there'd be a lot that could go catastrophically wrong. As such, while the materials being rare probably makes sense, them being so frail while in use would make any sort of portal magic very impractical in my opinion. If you're looking for a balancing element to such abilities, personally I would go with either complexity of the runes themselves making them difficult to make functional, and/or making the runes very energy-costly to make and/or maintain. As a result, in most cases very few characters in a given story should be capable of it.

On the other hand, I don't know if you could make a character in CC or WoE with such capabilities. It's probably possible, though I expect you'd have to work in a lot of restrictions about just what the character is capable of. There's only a tentative link between such things and the show itself, and portal magic always has a potential to be overpowered, so it would have to be handled very carefully.

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Thank you both! I'll get to reworking my little idea right away. I do suppose it seems a bit too overpowered now that I'm looking at this idea again, but that's a simple fix. Add some restrictions, make it fairly unstable and risky then it should be fine, correct?

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I'd say, reliable if you know how to do it and can do so in a safe environment, but it requires a lot of skill an concentration to pull off. Sloppy attempts would probably be pretty dangerous. So, a character who specialized in it to the exclusion of other things could probably use portal magic reliably. That's how I'd handle it anyways.

Other than that, I'd say you're good to go, and it's just a case of making sure it's compatible with the specific setting.

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