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Through Blood and Dirt and Bone (Private)


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Shade starred at the portal, his anticipation bubbled over as he waited for his king to return. Maple held onto Blood tightly, Ragnorak and Rowan readied themselves as they wanted to follow in after their king. Suddenly something came flying out of the portal at super sonic speed, it crashed behind them digging into the earth and creating a long scar across the entire battle field and stopping just shy of the wall. The sword Shadowfang stuck into the ground just in front of Blood, "Thats Shadowfang! Then that means,...... My Lord!" Maple said in shock as she turned to head towards where the object had landed. Shade turnes into a cloud and whisked off down the scar, Rowan and Ragnorak raced after them.

Shadow lay half buried in the dirt, bruises and large scarring riddled his body, his head was back as his eyes fluttered open as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Caesar was the first to reach and started digging him out, "Stay with me Sire, you have a family and kingdom to get back to." He huffed as he scrapped away the dirt.

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As Kane was helped onto Ledus's back, he used what little strength he had to look to Shadow. "Wait!" He said just as Ledus opened her wings. "Help him too....please." Snow whispered to Ledus and glided over to the bat ponies. "We'll take him to Canterlot....King Kane requested it. They both need medical attention."

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Shade nodded to Caesar and the two helped Shadow onto Ledus's back. Shadow weakly lifted a hoof and placed it on Kanes shoulder, "Kane... Silent... Monsters.... Ghosts...... They're back." He stuttered weakly before passing out from the pain, as his hoof moved it revealed another large scar on his chest matching the two on each of his shoulders. Three large scars, each obviously made by a different weapon, Three attackers.

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Kane looked at Shadow's wounds with shock. One of the gashes sent chills down his spine. It looked so familiar, like it came from a familiar fighting style.

Blood sat down and unstapped his chest plate, taking deep breaths. "We won, but our kings are gravely hurt, and Silent has a dark power behind him."

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"I wouldnt count it as a win, both of the Kings were just reduced to scrap by the enemy, if anything that was a lose. They had us ready to slaughter, but the timing wasnt right for them, we were lucky." Ceasar said as he removed his chest plate. "Not to mention we lost four of our brothers out there, that Uchia ******* knows how to fight." Rowan stated untieing his bracers. "Lets not forget about the Demons we face either, those beasts were not of this world. Neither were we at one point but these.... Demons, they are something darker." Ragnorak spoke in his Scandinavian accent as he banaged up his wounds. Mapleshade was taking off her battle skirt when they all looked at her in surprise, She paused and went red on her cheeks, "What?" They all coughed and glanced around, "Nuthin," "Ahem nice day," "Aye," Maple narrowed her eyes suspiciously but continued to take off the rest of her armor.

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Blood stood up and stood between Maple and the others while she took her armor off, giving them a "this is mine" look. "Anyway, we better get to Canterlot to see if Shadow is alright."

Snow and Ash landed with the other Order members. "Is everybody alright?" Snow asked, making sure the other order members were unharmed.

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"Laxus has a few cuts but he'll be alright." Arial said as she applied a bandage to one of his cuts. "A couple new scars for me but nothing serious." Steel said taking off his shirt revealing a couple new scars along with his other dozen of old scars. Nara and Sting starred in marvel at the number of scars and began talking about wanting cool scars too.

At Shadows bed the nurse was cleaning his wounds but was nervous as Shade was standing on the side of the bed watching her, "You know its going to be awhile, and we do have chairs outside." She said hoping to get him out so she could lock the door. "Thank you for your kindness Ma'm but I must remain by my Kings side, I am trained to remain silent and motionless for days on end, I will be fine." Shade replied, The Nurse flattened her ears and threw on a look of annoyance.......... Couple minutes later, Shade was sitting outside the room in a chair next to the door, his ears down in utter defeat.

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Ash went wide eyed as Steel took his shirt off, but quickly looked away to not seem creepy. "Uh...well, I guess we better see if the kings are alright?"

Blood put a hoof on Maple. "Will you come with me? If something happens to Shadow....I don't want to deal with it alone. He's my only family." He said, worried about his brother.

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Mapleshade took his hoof and places it on her cheek, "I'm here for you, always. Lets go see you're brother."

"I just got back from them, both are in stable conditions, wether they will be awake when you get there is unclear. Their battles took their toles, Lord Kane took a pretty bad beating from his brother. King Shadow on the other hoof, from his injuries I'd say what ever attacked him wasn't messing around, he's lucky to be alive with those scars he has now. Its a good thing his healing process is faster than ours, thats whats saved him." Arial explained walking in. Steel walked up to Ash standing a few inches over her, "I'll go with you if you're wanting to see them." Nara whispered something into Stings ear, he then chopped Nara on the head, "Idiot, thats not how that works."

"Whats wrong Silent? You had him at your mercy, his life was in your hooves. Or were you wanting it to go differently, you want to kill your brother the right way?" Rose asked as she summoned Silent and Uchia too her realm, the Demons appeared behind them, each had their own scars from the battle. The Three stood behind her, their eyes glowed in the darkness, thier cold stares made even Uchia feel uneasy.

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Blood smiled and kissed her forehead. "All those times you flirted with me growing up, maybe I should have opened up more. I'm glad to have you."

Ash blushed slightly. "Uh...that would be nice." She said, a little awkward but still remaining cool.

Silent removed his helmet and threw it down. "We were being driven back, I couldn't kill him and complete my revenge if my army gets smashed." He looked around and his wounded troops and growled. "A million....a MILLION of you brutes landed on these shores, are you STILL can't win a battle?!" He said enraged.

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Maple giggled, "You sure took long enough." She said nuzzling him.

Steel raised an eyebrow, "Well, lead the way, still new to the castle."

"The only one at fault here is you Silent. You did not use you're Armies strengths, you charged head first when you should have surrendered them with your sheer numbers. But if you are still afraid of losing...." Rose trailed on mention the Three Warriors behind her, "With all the skill and power they have together, they are the Gods of War, you can't lose with them on the battlefield." Uchia frowned at the mentioning, he had hated the idea of them being recreated, never disturb the remains of the dead.

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Ash nodded and lit her horn, teleporting her and Steel over to the bat ponies. "We overheard you talking about seeing your king. I can teleport you as well if you'd like." Blood hesitated for a moment, he didn't know much about the elemental Order, but decided it would be alright. "We'd appreciate that." Ash nodded and the four were soon in Canterlot.

Autumn sat in a chair next to Kane. He was pretty beaten up, but managed to be saved. He leaned back in the hospital bed holding Autumn's hoof.

"I already told you, I'm not defiling the dead. You're lucky I don't kill you for enslaving the three legends of Equestria, one of which is my father, might I add!" Silent growled at Rose. "I just need to regroup and come up with a new plan. We still have a massive portion of our Horde remaining, plus these new powers. I do not need your witchcraft."

((Silent needs to be beaten a few more times before he breaks and uses them.))

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Rose held up hoof as it changed into a scaly demon hand, she snapped her fingers, Uchia slid to the side and the Demon behind them moved away as Silent was thrown back in the blink of an eye. He smacked into a black wall imprinting into it, then he was brought back fast right into Roses demon hand in which she then caught and slammed him into the ground. "Remember who gave you you're power in the first place Child. And if you're not convinced of my black heart, watch." Suddenly Treachery began cowering in pain, every single born in his body began to break and twist inside him, his entire body was being reshaped, his agonizing wails were cut off as he was blasted back into blood, bones and organs. Rose looked down at Silent, "He ran away because he was weak and showed cowardice. You dont want to use my gifts just yet," she picked him up and threw back, her hand turned into a hoof as she sat back into her chair. "Thats fine, but trust me when I say this, you'll be begging for them soon..." Her voice trailed off as she and the Three Warriors vanished from sight. Uchia stood by not saying a word, the other 8 demons straightened up except for Fraud who was closest to Treachery and starred at his remains with sad eyes.

As they rounded the corner Shade was peaking into the door window. Steel nodded towards Kanes room, "This is us Ash." He said opening the door for her. "Looks like Shade got kicked out of the room." Maple said as they walked to Shadows room.

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Ash nodded and entered the room. She saw Kane in the hospital bed with Autumn at his side. "My king, please tell me you're alright." Ash said worriedly, bowing to him. Kane held a hoof up for her to get up. "If anything, I should bow to the two of you. I owe you my life for all you've done." He sat up some more. "And I'll be alright. Just banged up."

Blood saw Shade outside the room. "Shade, what are they saying about Shadow? Is he going to be ok?" He asked, worried about losing his only family.

Silent wiped blood from his mouth as he got up. "I don't care what that witch says, I don't need her abominations." He looked to Uchia. "The bat ponies and the Elemental Order are their biggest allies. We must cripple them before we go any further."

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Steel nodded to Kane respectively, "A great soldier is lead by a great King, you should give yourself more credit Sire."

"The King is fine and will make a full recovery Lord Blood." Shade said standing up. "So why are you out here and not in there with him?" Maple asked curiously, Shade flattened his ears, "That nurse is Evil." He said fearfully. Maple raised an eye brow and peaked in seeing a red haired white Mare stitching up Shadows wounds, "Wow, thats the first time I've heard you leave the kings side without him actually being the one to tell you. How'd she get you out?" Maple asked turning to him. Shade put a hoof behind his head and looked away, "She... Has a way with words..."

"How do you suppose we do that?" Uchia asked, the demons inched closer so they could hear the plan.

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"And no leader succeeds without his followers." Kane replied. "I wouldn't be the king I am without you all." A nurse soon walked in and approached the bed. "Alright, your highness, your serious wounds are treated. You should probably take it easy and stay off the battlefield for a while." Kane sighed. "Well that's great." He said sarcastically as Autumn helped him stand. "Don't worry, Hun. I think we'll be in good hands." She said nuzzling him.

Blood peaked in and saw Shadow's wounds being treated. He sighed with slight relief knowing he was ok. He then looked back at Shade. "Sounds like she used more than words. If that little mare scared you then I'm worried about our future battles."

Silent thought for a moment before he finally smirked evilly and rubbed his hooves together. "What's the one beast a bat pony fears most?"

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"Dont worry My Lord, we'll save some for your return." Steel joked with encouragement.

"You didnt hear it My Lord, you didnt hear it." Shade said shaking his head. The Nurse inside cut the last stitching and put her tools away, as she went check on Shadow by lifting up his eyelid, he suddenly awoke grabbing her head and openning his mouth exposing his fangs. In a flash, Shade teleported in pushing the nurse out of the way so Shadow bit him instead, "Forgive me Sire." Shade said before taking his elbow and slammed on the back of Shadows head knocking him out. Shade lay Shadow back on the bed, he then went to help the nurse up, "Are you alright Madam, I hope he didn't scare you too much." The Nurse shook her head and smiled, "I've had some interesting patients but he tops them all, still, its nothing. I'd say hes a little hungry, how long has it been since hes fed?" She asked dusting herself off. Maple teleported her and Blood inside, "We usually dont get alot of pony blood, we've used cattle as a substitute for many years. Its not as strong but it's something at the least." She explained.

"Not alot is known about their kind beside the fact they are creations of the Nightmare Moon, over a thousand years ago." Uchia said putting his hoof in the way of Lusts face as she tried to get closer to him.

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Kane nodded and smiled. "Again, I'm grateful for what you and the others have done. I'm lucky to have you all." Autumn let go of Kane to see if he could stand on his own four hooves. He was able to, but walked with a limp. "We must return to our chambers. Gotta make sure he doesn't sneak off and hurt himself again." Autumn said with a smirk. Kane rolled his eyes.

Blood shook his head at his unconscious brother, not surprised at his desperation to drink blood. "He always gets jumpy when he's hungry. One time when we were younger we went to Canterlot, and he hadn't fed in nearly three weeks. He was so desperate to feed that he bit Celestia's ass. Needless to say we were almost stuffed above her mantle that day."

"But surely you know of the other creatures of the night? The beast that bat ponies struggled with for centuries. Their sworn enemies." Silent said. As if on que, a howl could be heard in the distance, causing him to smirk evilly.

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Steel chuckled as he watched them go, "Well Ash, are you wanting to see the batpony King too?"

"Sounds like an interesting foal-hood." The Nurse commented, she then took a small blade and went Shadows side, immediately Shade grabbed her hoof as she held it up. "What are you doing?" He asked sternly, "I was gonna ask you the same, you're King needs pony blood if he is to heal faster, and since I'm the only pony in here its kinda obvious." She retorted, "It'll only be enough for him to regain consciousness, I have blood packs in storage if I need them, and..... I want to know how it feels." She added glancing at the bite mark on Shades shoulder. Shade held her for a moment longer then let her go, The Nurse held her hoof over Shadows mouth then slit a little sliver in her hoof with the small blade, as the first drop of blood hit Shadows cheek, he awoke again and sank his fangs into her hoof. Shade held onto the Nurse as she shook a little then started to get weaker. The color in Shadows eyes came back and his eyes widened in fear as he realized what he was doing, he let go of the nurse lay back down sweating. Shade helped the Nurse over to a chair. Shadow put a hoof over his eyes, "Dammît Shade, its been over 100 years since I last fed on pony blood, I could have killed her." He said in a raspy tone. "Sorry Sire, but it was her choice, but Shes going to be alright." Shade reported as he set her up with a blood pack and began the process as she laid back in the chair, she waved to them saying she was alright. Maple sighed, "You're brother makes friends in the oddest of ways."

Uchia looked at him, "TimberWolves?"

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"I suppose we could. I'm sure Arial and Snow will want to know his condition." Ash said, walking down the hall towards the bat ponies. "Hey, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm following you all the time. I must look really creepy to you. I'm not trying to do anything weird I swear."

"You have no idea." Blood replied. "Are you alright brother?"

Silent gave Uchia a "do you seriously not know what I'm talking about" look. "Close, but no. Werewolves."

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Shadow groaned as he wiped off the blood from his lips, "Im fine brother," he said as the pony blood entered his system, already his three wounds were beginning to heal, "More scars for drinking nights, and more nightmares for the sleep." He said feeling his head. Images of what happened beyond the portal flashed through his head.

Steel chuckled, "Its alright, besides it's important for us to bond since we'll be fighting side by side from here on out." He told her with a smile.

Uchia rolled his eyes, "How are you gonna get Werewolves to fight for you?" He asked curiously again pushing Lusts face away as she inched in closer to him.

((I can put Lykos into play if ya need it))

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Blood was silent for a moment before looking to Maple and then back to Shadow. "What exactly happened in there?"

Ash sighed in relief knowing that Steel didn't think she was weird. "Yeah, you're right. I just....uh, was just trying to bond with you." She said, trying not to look embarrassed.

Silent smirked and turned away. "Oh, don't worry about that."

((We can say Silent and Lykos already know each other))

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Shadow starred at the scar on his chest, "I must have been teleported elsewhere, upon arrival it was dark and eire, I dont even know if I was still on this earth. I remember hearing female laughter, then Three shapes rushed me, ... I couldnt even touch them.... Next thing I know Im sliced and diced and sent flying back through the portal. Whoever they were, Silent has friends we know nothing about, we must be ready for anything."

"You're face looks really red, you sure you're not sick or sumthing?" Steel asked kindly.


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Blood kept staring at Shadow's scars. "There's something more to him that we don't know. This isn't just a sibling rivalry that spilled over into our lives. There is real evil going on here."

Ash blushed harder and rubbed the back of her head. "I....uh. Yeah, I'm....uh, im ok. Just....uh, just....a little warm in here." She barely managed to get out.

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"So you can sense it too? Shade came to me over 65 years ago about how his black magic powers have suddenly increased, and if I'm not mistaken that was around the same time the Lunar Republic declared war on Canterlot. I'd say whatevers been going on, has been in play since then. We should confront King Kane with this info, get my wheelchair, blasted landing nearly took out my spinal cord." Shadow grunted as he flipped off his blanket, Mapleshade got his chair and let him slid into it, "If its alright, I'd have my brother push me." He said holding up a hoof to stop Shade before he could move behind him to push.

Steel laughed a little, "Aren't you the Fire Element? I thought the heat would be nothing to you?"

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