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DJ-PON3's Dating Event (Rainbow/Razor)


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"Ok Joe, you ready to get this party rockin'?" Vinyl called over to her friend as the cream colored unicorn put the finishing touches on his section of the place. Donuts and coffee, his regular. However they were not being used in the regular setting. DJ-PON3 had done her part to turn Pony Joe's Cafe into a sweet scene. Low lighting, neon accents, and sick beats pervaded the place. Giving it a feel of the rave that was to come on the following evening. Even Joe had dressed to the event. He was wearing a black shirt and even had a set of old school ear phones around his neck. He certainly looked the part!


Vinyl had been looking for a way to earn a few extra bits and this was what she had come up with. A night of speed dating, followed by a rave with potentially a new date! She would let the participants get to know each other tonight and then who knew what would happening on the following evening at the Electric Mane! It was such a fun idea that even she would be getting involved in the dating scene!


"Let's get this party started!" 


The white unicorn opened the door to the line that had been forming outside. It looked like the participants were ready for some fun! Once everypony was inside Vinyl took her place in her makeshift DJ box.


"All right all right all right! Let's get this party rockin'! Take your seats, say hi and make nice everypony! You've got three minutes!"


With that, Vinyl turned the tunes down a touch, set the clock for three minutes, and went to find her seat for the first round!






Rainbow Dash was stoked! This was going to be so much fun! She was gonna get to party with DJ-PON3. The pegasus had always been a fan of Vinyl's sick beats, plus she was hot! Plus plus, she was going to get to meet other hot ponies tonight. She had been checkin' out the others that had been in line. One pony, a goth looking mare, had definitely caught her eye. She hoped she would get a seat near her for the speed dating rounds!


After they were inside and had taken their seat, Rainbow found herself sitting across from a griffon. He was a good looking fellow. Rainbow smiled coyly at him, blowing a few strands of forelock out of her eyes.


"Hi! The name's Rainbow Dash!" She glanced at the clock. "I guess we're supposed to talk about what we like. Well," She flexed her wings causally. "I'm into flying fast! I'm an honorary Wonderbolt, and I'm gonna make the team this year!" Whoa! Don't get carried away Dash! What if this guy wasn't into that sort of thing?


"I also like to hang with my friends, and get my groove on." She moved to the music a little. "So what are you into?" Rainbow gave him a glance through narrowed eyes, a toying smile playing on her muzzle.

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'You can do this Razor....you can do this.' Razor thought as he took slow steady breathes. He felt sure his heart had gone over the number of beats per minute that would be considered healthy however. When the music started however, was when he really began to get nervous.


'No...no....just stay calm...you can do this. You can do this.....I don't think I can do this.' He thought as the mare he was speed dating sat down. A cyan colored mare with a rainbow colored mane. Razor felt his heart pause in beats as he observed his....'date'.


Razor immediately felt his face heat up. He gulped once before taking another breath to calm himself.


He could do this. He could do this. This was the first step to overcoming his phobia....at least partially.....maybe.....


....or maybe it will get worse.....


'Just take it easy...just open your mouth and say hello.' He thought, opening his mouth to greet the pony.


She beat him right to the punch, and very excitedly.


Razor leaned back, his wings shooting out in surprise at the mares exuberant words. She sure as buck wasn't nervous.


Razor folded his wings back down and cleared his throat, "Uh...yes. Hi, Rainbow Dash. My name is Razor, of the Ironclaw family." 


Razor found her talking of flying and racing connecting with him. That was good....right? That meant similar interests....right?


"Heh, well seems we like the same things. Flying and racing are my primary enjoyments more then anything." He said, "After that, can't really say I'm part of any race team. I'm kinda a roamer, going around Equestria and such. Its a....griffon thing."


Razor felt he had done good, though the way the mare looked at him with that smile and narrowed eyes...he couldn't help but feel his face heat up more. Did his feathers cover that?

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Well, this guy seemed nervous...or excited? Or maybe it was both. Rainbow cocked her head as he seemed to shift about in his seat. Was it the way she was looking at him. The mare let out a breath and leaned back in her chair, giving the griffon a little space. She didn't think she had come on that intensely, but hey she seemed to have that effect on some ponies...and apparently griffons too. 


"Cool! That's awesome that you like racing!" She tried a softer smile. She wasn't sure what was going on, but he just looked so uncomfortable. "Anyway, so, you've been all over Equestria huh? You been in any all griffin races? I've heard they have those in Aquilla all the time. Kinda like we have all pony races around here some times."


Rainbow leaned forward and tapped her hooves together a few times on the table. What should she talk about with this guy? He seemed nice and he wasn't that bad looking. In fact, as griffins went, he was attractive!


"I wonder why I've never met you before? I've raced almost everypony around here that's into that sort of thing." She smiled again, hoping he would relax a little. 

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Razor took a more steady breath, now that the mare seemed to be giving more space. Though that didn't exactly mean a good thing; cause it meant that she had seen that he was nervous....did that make him cute to her? He had been told that some girls found nervousness cute.


'No, this girl is a racer. She'd be into cool and awesome no doubt. Gotta keep it together. Come on Razor, you're an Ironclaw. So...Iron up!' He thought. Though he wasn't sure Iron Up was a real term. Well, it was now to him.


"Uh, yeah. I've been in a few races back in Aquilla. There was the Raptor Grand Prix I attended not three years ago. It's a race that spans the entire Raptorclaw canyon, from Rockwington up toward Talonopolis. A lot of races are done either in the middle of summer or onset of winter, when conditions are at the most extreme. Biting cold, or sweltering heat. The races are often more concerning endurance then speed alone."


Razor felt a little more comfortable now, as the conversation stuck with something he was familiar with. Though he did feel a bit apprehensive when she leaned forward again....goodness but her eye color was....very pretty. And her lean athletic body was proof all he needed that she was an athlete. He felt his wings starting to stiffen a bit, but he slapped them down.


"Well, I tend to roam a lot around the country. I can't really stand staying in one place for long periods of time yet. And uh....I tend to try to keep my visits in places like Ponyville and Canterlot to a ....limited amount of time for.....health reasons."


Razor rubbed his back, remembering old pains that this towns especially friendly occupants had caused him.  

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Well, he seemed to be into the racing thing! Rainbow listened, her eyes lighting up at the mention of the Raptor Grand Prix. She had heard of that race before, but never been able to see it!


"The Raptor Grand Prix huh? That's totally awesome! Ya I heard griffons like tough flying conditions. I heard they held a race in a winter so cold griffons were having to drop out from their wing feathers freezing off! That's tough for sure!" Rainbow was always fascinated with those who could fly through all sort of conditions. "Being a weather pony, I've seen some bad weather!"


....limited amount of time for.....health reasons.


She wondered for a moment what he might mean by that, but then let it go. This was speed dating after all, no time for deep discussion or anything like that. She leaned forward, fixing the griffon with her violet gaze once more.


"Maybe when this is over we can go have a race together sometime? That would be pretty awesome."

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Razor nodded, remembering the race Rainbow Dash spoke of. He found it easy to talk about this, like two fans discussing a sport.


"It is a tough race. The extreme weather conditions, and the fact that you have to keep an eye out for other racers. It's not an uncommon thing for a racer to end up in a dog fight half way through the race."  Razor said. He remembered a few races.


So far, Razor thought this had all gone off very well. He didn't feel so nervous now. Maybe this dating thing was easier then he had realized.


Though when Rainbow Dash leaned forward, he felt a bit apprehensive, but when he saw that look in her eyes. That challenging gaze....he couldn't help but smirk and lean forward to meet it. A competitive fire burning in his eyes.


"I'm always up for a race. Name the time and the place, and I'll see you at the finish line." He said, smirking a bit. A race would be a great deal of fun. He hadn't had a good challenge in weeks.

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