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DJ PON-3's Event R2(Foxglove / Vinyl Scratch)


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Vinyl trotted back up into the DJ booth with a mischievous grin on her muzzle. The first round of speed dating was about to come to and end...and the second about to begin! It seemed that everyone had enjoyed their first round, she knew she had! But, there were more ponies to meet and who knew who she would end up dancing with at the rave later. Though she had originally thrown this event as a way of earning extra bits, throwing herself into the mix had ended up being fun so far. She stepped up, placing her muzzle in from of the mic.


"Alright fillies and gentlecolts! Time to back away before things get hot and heavy!" She winked at a coffee brown mare and a griffon that seemed to have had fun on the first round. "Everyone on one side of the tables move two spaces right, all you on the other side two spaces left! You've got five minutes, make em' count!" Her unicorn magic caused the clock nearby to reset to five minutes. "Ready go!"




After her encounter with Inkbrand, Vinyl actually found herself a little flustered. That stallion just had this way about him that made her feel...well..weird maybe? But not in a bad way. Definitely in a 'just hung out with Inkbrand' way. He made her think differently, and made her head spin a little. While the others were shuffling to their new seats, Vinyl trotted down and took the same seat she had been in before, this time sliding across from a rather striking mare. She was white, and had a distinct goth look to her. To her surprise, Vinyl found herself feeling sort of the same way she had felt around Inkbrand.


for one thing this mare across from her was hot, in an alluring almost 'you can't touch me' kind of way. Of course this made Vinyl want to reach out and move the stray strand of black and purple laced forelock from the unicorn's cheek. The DJ stayed her hoof though, taking up the beat on the table once more. Her hooves moved softly on invisible turn tables, scratching out a sweet sound that was only audible in her ears. Eventually she got up the nerve to look the other unicorn in the eye, from behind her shades of course.


"Hey, what's up? Havin' fun?" She raised an eyebrow, a half smile playing on her muzzle.

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