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The lullaby of the Stars (private)

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"A race?" She asked, then noticed the 7 hooves race and smiled. "Sure, might be fun." She said smiling and lead him there, the guard walking behind them.

Once they arrived, the pony in charge took care of them so they were ready, then lead them to the starting line.

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Light caught on with this rhythm quickly.  He felt a pattern with each step and mimicked the pace.  Light wasn't one to give up and didn't like losing but could deal with it.  He started to increase his speed as they caught on with the rhythm.

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Lullaby noticed that he was getting tired, but she kept up running with him. At the end, they arrived in second place. The other pair won almost by nothing.

"That... was fun..." she said, panting a little.

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Light nodded, panting a lot.  He hasn't been that active in a while.  "Good work...Lullaby...We did well."  having to sit for a bit but not before grabbing some apple cider.  He was sweaty.  The guard was near Lullaby again.

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Lullaby was not sweating, well at least not as much as him. She smiled and drank some cyder also. It had been some time since she drank some. Once she finished it, she looked at him, then to his back. "Hey, Applejack is there." She said smiling.

Applejack was in another game. Several fillies, colts and other ponies were bucking some trees, like a in a strenght competition or just for fun.

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Light turned around after he was able to not pant so hard.  "Oh that looks like fun. I am not a bucker but I have read about them some where." Light said still drinking cider.  He read some history about it once when trying to make a spell for bucking harder, bucked a little to hard.

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She smiled and lead him there. "Good day Applejack." She said smilng to her.

Applejack turned around to see her. "Ah, Lullaby. Good t' see ya." AJ said smiling to Lullaby. "So, your dad and Luna didn't came?" She asked as she noticed the guard.

Lullaby shook her head.

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"Howdy partner. Name's Applejack. Nice to meet ya." She said smiling to Light, then turned to Lullaby.

"Friend of yours?" She asked her.

Lullaby nodded.

"Huh, I didn't knew you were into this type of Stallions." AJ said smirking and chuckling.

"A-Applejack!" Lullaby said blushing a bit.

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"Don't ya worry sugarcube it's easy." AJ said smiling as she lead them to a tree. "Ya jus' have t' stand in here..." she stood infront of the tree. "And buck it." She added, then did it. A lot of apples came down into the ground, then she picked them up.

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Light did as AJ said and when he did he wasn't completely sure that he could do it.  So his buck turned into a slight tap from one hoove while the other hoove slipped off the bark and made Light fall down.  He got up as soon as he fell trying to make up for the fall and retried with more success having some apples fall from the tree.

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