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Special Somepony RP?

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I'm looking to do a one on one RP with my OC, Ambrose:http://www.canterlot.com/topic/21044-ambrose/

I'm looking for another stallion OC to ship him with.

I would prefer we RP on Kik or Skype just so its easier for me to keep track of it. I guess rping on notes via Deviantart would be okay, too.

Please show me an example of your writing and your OCs sheet to apply. It would also be great if you could draw, even just a little bit so we can make cute fanart for each other. ^^


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I guess that PG rated Romance is forbidden on this site so nevermind, I guess. >:'U

I would delete it, but IDK how.


Hi there, where specifically did you see "PG rated" romance was forbidden? IIRC only the 18+ flavor in our public areas is unwelcome, as well as invitations to off-site mature roleplay..

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Hi there, where specifically did you see "PG rated" romance was forbidden? IIRC only the 18+ flavor in our public areas is unwelcome, as well as invitations to off-site mature roleplay..

Oh! I must have misunderstood. The way it was written in the warning post on this OOC thread made me think that Romance was also a no-no. Sorry for the confusion, I suppose?

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