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Cold steel (wip)


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Name: Cold Steel


Zone: Woe


Sex: Male


Age : Stallion


Species: Pony (Earth)


Eye color: light Blue 


Fur color: white


Mane/ tail coloe: Light blue


Physique: Slightly taller than average, lanky and very lean.


Cutie Mark:  Smithing hammer and anvil


Residence: His Shop in canterlot.


Occupation: Blacksmith 


Personality: Cons

 Can not display outward emotion well, very flat (Think maud pie) 


 Obsessed with work, sometimes to an unhealthy degree (Will often miss sleep to fill an order


 caring as can be if someone can manage to pull him away from his forge.


Takes pride in his work, plain and simple 


Cold steel was born in Canterlot in a middle-class family, even from an early age he was an introvert. He didn't seem to want to play with any of the other colts and fillies. All he seemed to do was sit there and play with little metal pieces and sneak into the tool storage and play around in there, despite the worries of his parents.  Around his eleventh birthday, he got his own set of tools. (On the condition he only plays with them with one of them around.) While this may seem odd to buy an eleven-year-old a set of tools, after his previous escapades it seemed like a good compromise. As it turns out this was a good idea, about one year later  and after a long day of pounding a chunk of metal he had what looked like a nail, the next day he had a small box of them, then a rough hammerhead, and a little knife. He was having so much fun, losing hours. He wanted to do more, but the metal was too tough he needed to make it playable some how. He ran into the living room to ask his mother if she knew how to do that. She just looked at him smiling, pride and a few tears in her eyes. He looked at her confused. In his flat and near toneless voice he asked "Whats wrong, why are you sad." his dad looking at him did the same, pointing just a little bit behind him. he looked around for a moment before seeing his flank, and the anvil and hammer that now covered it.  This was one of the very rare occasions where anyone saw him smile. As the years went by his skill increased, far beyond the simple nails and rough first attempts he made as a colt  and on to beautiful blades and magnificent sets of armor all as a hobby. The moment he left school a noble was at the doorstep with a job offer.  With a hug from mom and dad, he was off to the upper districts of the city. There he worked as an apprentice under the resident smith Iron wing Who after less than a year he surpassed in skill. He stayed on with that family for a few years getting to know his fellow smith well. During the time, they spent together he taught him a few things other than smithing. He taught him that friendship was a bond stronger than any metal. A phrase he quotes to this very day. After he hit around twenty-five he moved into a shop down the street from his parents house, still visiting that family whenever he gets the chance.  When he left they gave him a neckless with a pentacle and a few runes on the front and "Expressions as cold as the metal in ice and a heart warm as the core of a forge". He hasn't taken it off since.  He now fills his time with exercise and forging. If you see an officer walking around with a smile on his face a and a new shiny sword there is a good chance cold steel made it.  Every once in a while he will travel  around the world, weather in search of rare metals or to deliver an order, but he always is happiest  at home with his forge in front of him and his family nearby. 

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Hi! :D I'll be happy to help you with this app!


First things first, make sure you place (WIP) or (Ready) in the title of the app so we know when you would like us to do a thorough review.


Also, make sure you check over Rarity's Guide for WoE applications so that your app is posted in the correct format. ;)

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