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General Granite


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Name: General Granite
Species: Gargoyle
Age: 1,024 years old (Pretty young for a gargoyle I would say, in his very late teens)
Gender: Male
Height: 5"4'
Weight: While stone 200pounds, while flesh, 150pounds
Appearence: (If I had a picture, I would post it here) Grey skin, horns like a ram on the sides of his head, Blue and red uniforn with plenty of medals and patchs showing his experience. He has a pair of dragon like wings, four fingered claws in the front and three toed claws on his legs. His tail is smooth to the touch, though it has some scars. His eyes are sky blue and have lizard-like pupils. He even has a beak-like mouth, though he does have teeth behind it.
Bio: General Granite is sadly the last of his kind, since all other gargoyles were smashed up by the griffins in a war the gargoyles started to get more land. While Granite is the last one, he does not share the want of land his kind did. All he wants is peace. Before Nightmare moon was sent into the moon, he joined the royal guard, and quickly rose to the rank of General of the Lunar Guard due to his amazing tactics, and his skills on the battlefield. He was only able to be active during the night though, due to him turning to stone at dawn. out of the battlefield, he is a generous soul, as well as a loyal one.  

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