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Canterlot.com Official Skype Roleplay Opens!


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Canterlot is happy to announce that we are creating a sanctioned roleplay environment on Skype!


This topic will discuss the official rules for sanctioned Canterlot.com Skype roleplay. Effective immediately, Skype roleplay can and will count towards your activity on the forum as long as the following rules are followed:
1- Obey all forum and roleplay rules regarding content and conduct. Skype roleplay or conduct that breaks the forum's rules in either regard will earn you a punishment just the same as if the rules were being broken on the forum.
2- For Skype roleplay to count towards activity, the logs of the chat must be posted in a forum topic the same as if they were posts. A log may be of any length and contain even a full roleplay, but it still must be posted in the appropriate forum. If there are logs that contain messages from players not in your roleplay, please edit your logs down.
3- A forum topic with Skype roleplay posts must be tagged (Skype) somewhere in the description and title. This does not apply to threads that currently exist. Please mark all OOC comments in Skype RP Logs and posts with ((...)). This does not count for the main Skype Roleplay Room, which is more of a gathering point with limited roleplay. If you do RP in that room, then please mark all OOC comments in your RP with ((...))
4- In order for Skype roleplay to count, you must be part of the official Skype roleplay room. The majority of Skype roleplay will not take place in that one channel- while not disallowed, it is a gathering point and discussion channel for people to launch their RPs out of. In order to join the official channel, please message one of the moderators or Senior Roleplay Staff of this forum with your Skype contact information.
Once you have joined the official roleplay channel, your roleplays. pursuant to these rules, will now count for Canterlot.com!

Stay safe and have fun everypony!
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I have a Skype...


Let me know if anyone is interested in RPing with me I guess?


My Skype name should be in my account information I think?



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