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Our Town (Skype- Closed: Quicklime)


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((QuickLime- Sugar Belle))
((SteelEagle- Night Glider))

Sugar Belle wiped a bit of flour off her hooves onto her apron, sighing  happily. It had been a busy, blustering day of baking, and now she was just enjoying the warm smell that filled the air of her little shop, not many customers but that was just fine with her, she did this for the joy of creation not for bits, granted a few bits wouldn't be too bad....
Sitting behind the counter with a  hot cup of coffee, and a nice crisp apple fritter, she hummed as she waited, enjoying the few moments of peace.
Night Glider yawned as she looked down on the nearly empty streets of their small town nestled so far away from Equestria as to be a singular outpost for the misfit and mistaken. It was almost time for her to work. While most ponies worked during the day, she worked exclusive at night and was often sleeping while everypony else was having their fun filled days. Today, thanks exclusively to her slightly altered schedule, she had the honor of actually being up and about while a few other ponies were up and about. Very few still, but she knew each and every one of them and that made this place special.
First order of business though was getting breakfast. She should get some sort of helpful, healthy breakfast, Maybe some soup. Or she could just get some doughnuts and muffins and whatnot. Well, she always did have poor impulse control...Night Glider lived up to her name and glided towards the front door, landing into a trot as she entered her friend's bakery. Sugar Belle was there- good ol' Sugar Belle! Night Glider didn't know many ponies that well and she wouldn't start now and lie by saying she and Sugar Belle were the best of friends, but she sure did like Belle and she liked her cooking almost as much. “Hey there, Sugar. It's looking really quiet in here. Slow day?” Night Glider asked, always a little concerned about the well being of her town.
"Well well, look who's up and among us waking folks" She teased, before yawning "Just a tad slow, but it's the off season, Princess Twilight most likely hasn't been able to alert the world of us yet, what can I get for you Glider?" Probably 50 different things before deciding she just wanted oatmeal.
Slow season?
That wasn't so hot. There was never a slow season at her job, especially at the edge of Equestria where pegasi weather magic had less of an impact. Storms were always coming around and at night she was up there alone to tame t all. It was tough work and she wasn't sure if it was rewarding or not. In any case- yay, something to munch on. She looked around, her eyes watering. She realized she was allergic to something in the area but oh well, eyes could water for a bit. “Oh my, I don't know. There's so many choices! They look so...fresh! I'm used to the late night leftovers you package for me. What does...'Elementary, My Dear' taste like?” Night Glider asked, snout almost flayed against the window separating her from the yummy.
"Mhmm the Elementary  tastes like a delicate bouquet of  brie cheese, layered with succulent figs, honey, and just a few crumbles of goat cheese, smoked with a bit of cherry wood, and  crisped to perfection, so it has a sweet, salty,  smokey flavor that by itself can count as a meal due to it being so filling!"
"Oh. It has two cheeses? That must be complex to make it so one cheese does not outcheese the other cheese. How do you get goats to give you cheese? I can't even get them to come near me. Huh. Hmmm, it looks really tasty, though. How much is it?"
"Oh it's simple! I let the goats graze in my grass field and they in exchange give me some of their milk to make cheese with~" She grinned a little bit "Pft you know I'm not going to charge you for it," using her magic she levitated it out of the case and into a bag "Here, take it with my well wishes hn?"
Well, that was super duper!
But why free? Was something wrong with it? Night Glider didn't think anypony wanted to hurt her, least of all Sugar Belle, but it was really odd for something like this to just be free. Everypony deserved to be paid according to their abilities, deserved the recognition for their efforts. This was true of respect and payment and it was something that she had only realized when her cutie mark came back- her abilities deserved respect, and so did others.
"Are you sure? I can pay you. Or is there something I can do for you?"
"You work hard and keep things running around here Night Glider, Of course I am sure! Plus you're my friend, and I like being nice to my friends, especially ones usually too busy to enjoy fresh baked wonders!"

Night Glider lit up.
“Well, thank you! I'm starving. Well, not literally starving because that would be a curl thing top say to real starving ponies, but I'm super hungry. This looks yummy as heck! When did you make it?” Night Glider asked as she wandered over to the service counter, ready to receive the treaty treat treat.
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