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Gladiators: Forged of Steel and Blood


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Black grit his teeth and grabbed Nergal by the collar but a few nearby guards held him back, "Watch your back worm, watch your back!"

Tia and Luna exchanged a glance but shrugged, "I'm sorry Autumn, but it isnt our place to intervene, the people want it so we have no choice. I'm sorry."

Tavi held onto Twilight and looked back at Trax wanting him to do something, but Trax could only shake his head, there was no way they could escape now. 

Oak shook his head, "This cant be happening..."

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"You DO have a choice! You're the queens! They do what you say! Please don't do this! This is not even a real match!" Autumn said beginning to beg. 

The gate opened as Soul walked out into the arena with his armor and weapons. He grimly looked at Kane who looked at him with bloodlust. He stopped a few yards away from Kane and the two stared each other down. 

"Prepare to have your best warrior dismantled, Black." Nergal taunted.

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Tia and Luna looked at each other with concern, "Autumn dear whats with you?"

Trax glanced side to side, 1, 2, 3..... Over four dozen guards, even if he could free the others, their chances of escape would be slim.

Oak and Kaveck stood with Blade and Moonshield, they couldn't believe this was happening.

((Do you wanna speed things up and do the escape now?))

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Autumn grit her teeth trying not to say too much but still panicked. "Don't you see? This is wrong! You should have known it was wrong as soon as Nergal got involved!"

"Kane...please listen. You've been brainwashed, poisoned by that worm Nergal. He's turning you against me!" Soul said to Kane. "No...I must destroy you...Nergal is my master...Nergal made me strong..." Kane spoke with growls in his voice. "Kane, please listen to me! This isn't you! You're being manipulated!" Kane ignored Soul as he raised his weapons. "Die..." He said before charging Soul as unleashing an unreal volley of strikes that Soul barely blocked. He hadn't fought an opponent that fast in over a decade. The crowd cheered as the battle behan.

((Actually, no. This fight is going to end in something huge that changes everything. Maybe if they tried and failed we could work it in?))

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"Calm down Autumn, we knew Nergal would try something, which is why we put someting into play for him. Is everything set Trax?" Tia asked, "Everything is in order My Queen." Trax replied going to attention placing his right hand in a fist over his heart. 

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((Alright, I didn't want to drag this out across a bunch of posts, so here's a long one. Probably the biggest turning point in this story yet. Strap in.))

Soul barely dodged a strike from Kane as he swung his axe at him. Before Soul could recover he had to dodge another strike from his sword. Soul was barely able to keep up with all the strikes coming from Kane so rapidly. Finally Soul saw and opening and bashed Kane with his shield sending him back. "Kane! It's me! Don't let him control you!" He shouted as he took a defensive stance. "I will bury you..." Kane growled as he ruthlessly beat Soul's shield with both his blade and his axe. The drug inside of Kane had made him unnaturally powerful and combined with years of Soul's training it made him a killing machine. But Soul was still able to hold his ground, for he was one of the strongest warriors to ever compete in the arena and possibly one of the greatest warriors to ever live. The fight was a true clash of the titans, but Soul was unable to show his full strength without risking the death of his own son. The crowd cheered as the viciousness of the fight, for a fight of this magnitude had not been seen in over a century. Soul ducked under another strike before realizing he had no choice but to fight back. He slashed Kane's shoulder and pushed him back again with his shield. Kane grit his teeth as his wound bled, but it was much darker, almost black in color. Kane wiped some blood up with his hand and licked it, glaring at Soul evilly before charging at him with a powerful strike of his axe which Soul barely countered. "Listen to me Kane! It's me, Soul!" For a moment, Kane's red eyes lost their color. "S-Soul...?" he said, his normal voice breaking through. "Master...I....I...." He tried to speak before his eyes returned red and his growl came back. "You are dead to me...." Soul grit his teeth as he went on the offensive against Kane again driving him back. He knew now that Kane was trying to resist a little bit. "Kane! You have to fight it! You know who you are!" Kane stepped back as he tried to fight the poison. "I....I can't....it's too strong..." Kane groaned in pain as the poison worked against him. "I can't...it's......no. No! I must obey! You will die!!!" He shouted as he was consumed by the effects and mercilessly attacked Soul harder than before. Soul fought back as hard as he could but he was finally overwhelmed. Kane ripped his shield away from him before smashing him in the face with the side of his axe and slashing him across the chest. Soul fell to the ground as the crowd gasped in shock that somebody had defeated the Harvester of Sorrow. "Now you will die." Kane growled lifting his axe to finish him off. Soul breathed heavily from his wounds as he looked at Kane with tears in his eyes. "Kane...my son..." Kane immediately stopped when he heard this. His eyes lost color as he stared at Soul. "Did you call me...son?" he said in his normal voice. "Yes, you are my son." Kane took a step back. "You...you told me my father was dead..." Soul weakly stood up. "I am sorry, Kane. I am sorry I've told you this lie your whole life. I did it because the it would make you stronger, it would make you more determined. My father did the same to me. But since we have been captured, I see now how wrong I was. I'm so sorry Kane. I am an unworthy master and and even more unworthy father." Soul said in tears.


"Please take care of him." Twilight said, gently handing a small, sleeping child over to Soul. "I will. I promise you." Soul said. "I know how hard it is for you, having to keep your pregnancy a secret all this time just to send him away, but I promise you he will be safer with me." Twilight nodded with tears in her eyes as she hugged Soul tightly. "Are you sure raising him the way you said is a good idea?" Soul nodded. "If he thinks his parents are dead, it will make him strong. The determination will make him more powerful and give him a stronger will. I know it sounds wrong, but it will work. Besides, I'll still be there for him as a father would." Soul put a hand on her face and looked into her eyes before they kissed passionately. "Goodbye my love." Twilight said softly. "I will see you again one day, Twily. I promise." With that Soul turned to leave for the Republic with his young son in his arms." 

((Present Day))

Kane was stunned silent, but soon the drug began to take him back over. Kane cried out in pain as he gripped his hands on his head. "I can't stop it....its too strong!" He groaned. "We can fight it Kane!" Soul said. Kane looked weakly at him. "No...I can't stop it, there's only one way out..." he said as he grabbed his sword. "Wait...Kane don't!" He called out, but it was too late. Kane turned his sword on himself and ran it through his own chest. "NOOOOOO!!!!!" Soul cried out as Kane pulled the sword out and fell to the ground. Soul went to his side and held him in his arms. The would bled black as the poison seeped out of his body and soon normal blood could be seen. Kane's red eyes returned to normal. "Father...I forgive you..." he said weakly. "Kane...please...don't leave me..." Soul said as tears fell from his face. "Even though I never knew the truth...you were still my father in my eyes...and I couldn't ask for a better one..." Kane weakly grabbed Soul's shoulder. "I'll see you again father...I am free....goodbye...." Kane breathed his last breath as his hand fell. "Kane! KANE!!!! NO!!!!!" Soul shouted as he held his dead son close. 

Twilight screamed and cried out in agony as he witnessed the death of her son. She held onto Autumn as she cried uncontrollably. Autumn held onto her as she mourned the gladiator she began to have feelings for. Everybody around them was shocked to see a princess suddenly cry for a gladiator. "YOU DID THIS! YOU KILLED MY SON!" she screamed in pain at Celestia and Luna. Everybody around them was shocked at what they heard, that a princess was the mother of a gladiator. 

"No..." Moonshield said to himself as everybody else in Black's house was shocked and saddened that their brother was dead.

"NO!" Nergal shouted in rage as he flipped two tables next to him. "That stupid kid! He ruined everything! He ruined my vengeance! I WILL MAKE SOULSCREAM PAY FOR THIS!" 

((Bam. Time for a hurricane of feels.))

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Tavi was shocked from the scene, she couldnt comprehend what had unfolded before her, like every pillar had suddenly gave way all at once. Tia and Luna didnt know what to say or do, they had been curious about Twilights leave of absence for a year but they didnt expect this.

Oak and Kaveck stared wide eyed and mouths gaped open, not expecting this end.

Black sat back and smirked, "Plans fall apart when your out of the game for too long." He sneered pridfully, suddenly he was pushed aside. Trax dealt away Nergals men with two well aimed slices to the throat, he full out decked Nergal in the face sending him against the wall. Trax grabbed Nergal by the throat and held him off the ground, his eyes were yellow with black surrounding it. "No, you will pay for what you have done." Trax lifted Nergal up and lobbed him over the side down into the arena. Trax turned around slamming another guard against the wall slicing the second guard down then taking his sword and impaled it through the first guards chest practically nailing him to the wall. Black and the other Dominus backed away in fear.

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((Is Trax just trying to take out Nergal or is this when they try to escape?))

Soul saw Nergal fall into the arena with pure rage in his eyes. He walked over to him seething in anger. He kicked Nergal in the face repeatedly until his face was a bloody pulp. He stuck his sword in a nearby brazier to let it heat up. "You...you corrupted my son...you made him an animal, and now he's dead." Soul said in rage. "I hope you're happy. You got your revenge for me ruining your plan to conquer Equestria. I no longer have the will to live. My son died in my arms. I hope it was all worth it, because now I'm about to send you to hell kicking and screaming." Nergal tried to back away from Soul in fear. "Please...have mercy. Please don't hurt me." Soul's eye twitched as he kicked Nergal in the jaw breaking it. "Mercy? MERCY?! Where was the mercy when you ruined my son!" He shouted in rage. He grabbed Kane's axe and brutally hacked at Nergal's knee until his leg was chopped off. He moved to the next leg and then the arms. Nergal's cries of agony were so chilling that the horrified crowd began to leave the arena en mass. Soul cut his stomach open as his insides spilled out. He took the heated blade and cut Nergal's tongue out before gouging his eyes out as well. Finally he ripped Nergal's mutilated head off and held it up. He threw it with incredible strength towards Celestia and Luna and it landed right at their feet. "You're next, you wh0res! You hear me?! YOURE NEXT!" Soul shouted with inhuman rage and an unbearable pain in his voice.

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Trax looked up as more guards began showing up, "It would seem plans are going to have to change."

Later that Day....

Trax and Soul were thrown into a cell in the dungeon, "Everythings gone to dirt now, its up to Kaveck and Oak now." Across from them Twilight had also been thrown into a cell but only for a couple nights.

Outside the city, one of the Guards drove a carriage as fast as he could. He made it to a large cavern where several other military men halted him. "How goes things in the city?" A dark voice asked from the shadows as the man sharpened a sword, the guard dropped a knee with head bowed, "Sir, things in Equestria are getting to a boiling point, it is almost time. Also," the guard walked over to the carriage and pulled off the tarp, the dark man walked over and looked at what he was seeing with a smirk. "This is the Son of the Harvester of Sorrows, Nergal is dead but before he died, he supplied this man with the Dragon Elixir. Son took his own life rather than kill his father." The guard explained, The Dark Man chuckled, "Then get this man down to the pit, I want him ready by the time we're to take over Equestria."  

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Soul had not said a single word since everything happened. He looked like an empty shell of a man, as if his whole world was undone. He could hear Twilight softly crying in the cell across from him. Every tear she shed was a knife in his heart. "You have five minutes." A guard suddenly said as a hooded man entered and knelt at Soul and Trax's cell. He removed his hood to reveal it was Moonshield. "I don't have much time, so I'll make it quick. I have good news." He said removing a letting addressed to him and Blade. "I've been trying for months to get a message out of here, and one finally broke through." He handed Trax the letter, which was signed by a person named Nightwish. "Our friend Nightwish is the Commander of the Empire's special forces, the Crystal Rangers. She said she's getting the Princess involved in getting us out." 

The doors to the throne room flew open as two women dressed in regal attire entered the room. They were followed by 10 soldiers, five were Crystal Rangers and five were soldiers wearing a heavy navy blue armor with moons on the shoulders. The guards blocked their path and pointed their spears at them. "Is it the best idea to threaten royalty?" One of the women said. Slipknot hesitated but ordered his guards to finally step down. "I see you haven't changed much, my dear aunts." Cadence said as she removed her hood. The other woman with her removed her hood revealing a navy blue haired woman. "This is High Chancellor Nova Star of the Lunar Republic. We want to have a little chat with you two."  

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Without a word, Tia and Luna teleported next to Cadence hugging her tightly and tearing up, "Cadence... I'm so glad your okay." Tia cried. Tavi watched from afar, she had a close relationship with Cadence before she was exiled but she had done nothing to defend her and regetted not doing so.

Trax glanced at Soul, "Do what you must. I already gave my son the GO, he'll do what he can from the shadows. You, Blade, and Kaveck will have to look out for eachother." He told him.

Black slammed his goblet of wine against the stone wall of Oak and Kanes cell, now empty of both. "Those damñ Tribal warriors, should have known Trax and his Kinsman were too cooperative. Be on the lookout, he may come back for me or his friends." He ordered his guards. 

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Cadence coldly pushed both of them away from her. "If I still had love in my heart for you two, I might actually be happy to see you. But what little there was died when you murdered Twilight's son, my nephew." She said harshly. Nova stepped forward glaring at them. "Word of your atrocities in the arena have spread across the land. We have allowed you to go unpunished for too long now, even when you enslave our own people, but no more. If you wish to keep your thrones you will listen to us." 

Moonshield nodded and quickly left the prison. Soul wearily looked over to Trax. "I'm sorry, my old friend...I'm sorry for everything."

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Trax shook his head, "No, it is I who should be sorry. While under the Princesses control, I... Learned of something..."

Tia and Luna looked at each other worridly, "Cadence please, dont do this, you dont whats going on." Tia began shakily.

"Celestia and Luna aren't really the ones making commands, theres another presence there, I felt it right away. It was dark and cold, ancient."

Suddenly Tia and Luna were dragged back towards the throne chairs by dark purple chains around their necks, Tavi was being held with a knife to her throat. A woman with long pitch black hair, dark gray skin, and bright purple eyes like venomous Amethyst gems. Her smile bared sharp canines, "Well this is a predicament isnt it?" She stated evily as she flexed her left hand in which the purple chains restrained the Princesses, they were then shocked with electricity. The walls turned purple as every exit became sealed off from them. The Equestrian guards under the Princesses command changed into black armor wearing Wendigos, they screamed horrible sounds as they surrounded the Crystal forces. The Dark Lady chuckled, "I had hoped to make this last but I guess I should have seen this coming. You troublesome then and your now a nuisance. So, since I cant obviously let you leave. I guess I'll just have to debate killing you. Oh, and by and by, these Wendigos are easily startled. Just in case any of you, strong, Rangers get a little brave."

"I should have told you sooner but I was being watched by this dark force. Escape may prove more difficult than we thought." Trax admitted.

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Cadence and Nova's men all drew their weapons as they formed a circle around them. Cadence looked at the woman with anger. "Nova!" She called as Nova nodded to her. The two of them together formed a large magic circle which lit up the entire darkened room. In a second they were all gone. 

Soul looked at Trax with disbelief. "So you're telling me that all of this was done by somebody else? The Arena, the Domini, the gladiators...my son's death...none of it was the princesses doing?"

Cadence and Nova reappeared in the hills outside of the city, both of them collapsing from the exhaustion of the spell. "What the hell was that?" Nova said in awe. Cadence looked back towards Canterlot. "I don't know who she was or what she's doing, but either way it sounds a lot like a declaration of war." 

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Trax looked at the ceiling, "Yes, what we've been trying to escape, may be exactly what we need to save."

Tavi dropped to the floor breathing heavily, the woman walked down the steps past Tia and Luna as they sat up from the restraints being loosened. "Please Rose, we've done all that you asked, even pushed away those we hold dear. Please just release Her!" Tia cried out, Rose turned around extending her magic aura out in the shape of an arm and grabbed Tia by the throat. "Silence!" She began angrily, but Rose gradually calmed down releasing Tia, "Hmm, I guess its not your fault they showed up. Should have killed Cadence and wiped out the Republic myself but I thought they'd just be another toy to consume with ease. Oh well, they're just a bumb in the road for the trip I have in stored." She rambled to herself, she snapped her fingers and suddenly a young girl appeared unconscious. She had tan skin with light brown hair in braids, her dazzeling light green eyes blinked open tiredly, she was hardly fifthteen years in age. Luna crawled over to her and held onto Her caringly, "Spring, Spring its me Luna, are you alright sweety?" She asked worridly. Spring groaned slipping in and out of consciousness. Tavi couldnt believe her eyes, many years ago before the Gladitorial games and the long strand of wars and battles with the bordering nations. The Princesses left on a mission to a far off country across the sea, there was rumor of a young girl gifted in the arcane arts. Tia wanted to give her to Cadence to teach and raise like Twilight was doing with Autumn. But sadly they returned saddened, explaining it was a hoax, they wanted to surprise Cadence. Instead they surprised her with all this bloodshed and political nightmares beyond measure. This girl, she is Spring Leaf! Rose ordered for the Wendigos to put on their disguises, "Well I guess things are going to get a little more complicated again." Rose waved her hand around her turning her into a replica of Celestia, she glared at Luna with a dark threat in her eyes, "I shouldnt have to remind you what you're protecting here. You're to behave beside me at all times. Tia and Spring will be put with Twilight." Roses gaze went up to Tavi as she smirked, "As for you my dear, a certain Daughter and Husband should be enough to keep your silence, does it not?" Tavi starred at her in absolute fear, "Y-yes... My Lady." She said with a bow reluctantly.

Moments later, guards came down to the dungeon and opened Twilights gate, and to everyones surprise, threw in Tia and another young girl. Both seemed exhausted from a recent unearthing of events. Trax went to the bars feeling a bad vibe from the guards but let it slide as he tried to whisper to Tia, "Celestia, Celestia wake up!" He whispered as loud as he could. Tia tossed and woke up in a gasp, she saw Spring beside her and took the young girl into her arms, she glanced and saw Twilight in tears, Tia could barely look at her former student without bursting into tears, "Twilight... I'm so sorry... Rose threatened Springs life ... I... was useless..."


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Twilight was shocked to see Celestia of all people in a jail cell with her. "What's going on? Why are you in here?" 

"It was all a lie, Twily." Soul called from across the hall. "The Arena and the Gladiators and everything...the princesses weren't responsible for it. They were forced into it!" Twilight looked back at Celestia holding the young girl. "Is...is that true?" 

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Tia nodded in tears, "Her name is Black Rose, she's the last survivor of the Darkness Race that threatened the world thousands of years ago, she was the very one who killed Luna and I's parents. On our journey to meet young Spring here, she appeared from the shadows and took Spring hostage, telling us to bend to her will or she'll kill Spring. We had no choice. Every step was torment, the games, then the endless wars that raged on our borders. Exiling Cadence nearly broke our souls, we had only Twilight to hang onto, and Rose pushed for us to silence you too. We just couldnt break, Springs life was too great of a sacrifice, No, we just had to for her safety." Tia sniffed and stroked Springs hair, "She was supposed to be Cadences student, like Autumn is for you Twilight. Luna and I shared you equally I'd say, and wanted Cadence to know that feeling of Teaching the next Generation. She and Nova showed up and forced Rose to come out from hiding, they escaped but Rose has Wendigos under her control, desiguised as the Elite Guards." Trax stiffled a gasp of horror, the sick feeling he'd been having, the constant pang of remembrance of his past lands. He'd been walking amongst his tribes greatest fear for moons and didnt see them, he should have smelled them at the very least. "The Wendigos will already have Cadences scent, nothing short of a Fortress will be safe for them."

Outside the castle, Oak and Vi hid behind a wall as three Wendigos passed by them, the last one paused to sniff around but luckily the stink from the closeby pigs covered Oak and Vi's scent. Oak held his hand over his half sisters mouth, keeping her from screaming. The Windigo sped off to follow the others.

A crystal guard came galloping up to them atop a sabertooth, he shared Traxs stature and tribal tattoos,  "My Ladies, Wendigos, we need to get you to safety right away. Nothing short of a well guarded Fortress will stop them."

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Twilight teared up as she felt the long dead joy of her teacher's love returning to her. "You...you never changed, Celestia. You were still the princess I remember all this time." She wrapped her arms around her and softly wept. "I'm so sorry. I said such horrible things about you and Luna. You always cared about me. You were still the noble ruler you've always been. I should have known better." She said as she cried tears of guilt. 

Cadence looked back at the castle clenching her fist. "That b!tch tore me away from my family. Made me hate my aunts when they did not deserve it." She said turning to them. "Nova, return to the Republic and prepare your forces. I will do the same. We're going to assault Canterlot like never before. We're going to destroy this monster once and for all and free Canterlot." 

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"Its alright my dear, we're all safe for the time being, lets just hold onto what hope we have." Tia said putting an arm around Twilight and pulling her closer.

Rose sat back into Tia's throne, "Well Slipknot, what do you think?" 

The Wendigos tore through the undergrowth as they followed the scent of their royal target, since they were down wind of them, their scent carried for miles.


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((I'm going to say Slipknot was in on it the whole time.))

"People will see Soul's son as a martyr. Other nations already support the Empire and the Republic. They no longer fear Equestria." Slipknot said. "We need to make an example of those who would defy you. Black's house has been a thorn in our side for too long. I say we execute Soul and Trax publically. It would return fear to the hearts of our foes."

One of the Crystal Rangers removed her hood, revealing a black haired woman who despite a few scars had a beautiful complexion. "They're coming. You need to leave." She said. "Nightwish, don't do this." Cadence said with concern. "I'm doing my duty, Princess! I'll hold them off. Go!" Cadence hesitated before she and Nova teleported everybody farther away. Nightwish drew and arrow and awaited the wendigos to come.

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The Tribesman jumped off his sabertooth at last minute, "You wont be alone dear sister, I have faced these beasts before, my own brother even killed one." He pulled back his hood revealing himself, "My name is Drop Shot, it is an honor to fight beside you Nightwish." He said with honorary dark green eyes.

Rose nodded semi-agreeingly, "Would be a waste to kill such handsome faces, and no doubt executing two legends would send out a good message.... No, any execution will be in the arena, a fight to death. Them versus how ever many gladiators it takes to kill them."

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Nightwish nodded at Drop Shot respectfully. "I am honored to have you." She said as she pulled the arrow back on her bow when she heard the sounds coming her way, awaiting the beast to reach them.

"Or better yet, my dark lady..." Slipknot said evilly. "A fight to the death with each other. Imagine it. The two greatest warriors to ever step in the arena. The duel to end all duels. A true clash of the titans. And if they refuse to fight each other, we have two lovely ladies to use as leverage." 

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Rose thought for a moment, "I do like this idea... And the attendance for such an event would no doubt bring in loads of Bits."

The first Wendigo burst from the tree line, its speed unlike any thing seen before, it lunged at them outstretching a long skinny arm with long razorsharp claws. Drop jumped in front slashing his sword across its chest and throwing it aside, "Dont let them get close!" He said as the other two appeared in sight.

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"It would secure your victory, my lady. You may even have the power to...permanently dispose of the princesses." Slipknot said, imagining his idea unfolding. 

Another wendigo appeared behind Drop about to attack him. Nightwish fired two arrows straight into it's chest knocking it back. "Gods, they're fast!" She said as she shot another one. 

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Drop whirled around slicing his sword across a Wendigos long claws before kicking it away, he threw down a bottle causing it to exploded in a thick gas. Drop tossed up a another bottle and dove at Nightwish tackling her down, the second bottle hit one of the Wendigos and cracked open igniting the gas and causing a firey explosion. The Wendigos screech from the burns retreating back into the shadows of the treeline. "That wont hold them off for long, and I have only two more rounds of that mixture left." Drop said getting up then offer his hand to Nightwish. 

Rose sighed, "Yes I suppose I've tortured them enough, and their parents were a nuisance to me when I attempted to kill them the first time. Perhaps I will kill Celestia and Twilight, along with the other brat. Luna however," Her gaze slid upon Luna who sat beside her sweating, "I do want to meet a certain Nightmare thats been hiding from me." Luna swallowed her fear and tried to remain dignified.

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