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Bon Bon's Bonbons, (Skype) Edition!


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((SteelEagle- Bon Bon))
((Rackenhammer- Sky Sailing))

Bon Bon was the luckiest of mares, she thought to herself as the sun lazily pulled itself over the hills in the distance. Lazy, lazy sun- Bon Bon wasn't about to blame Celestia but ya'd think that she'd use the fine summer months to their full effect by blasting everypony with her sun for a few extra hours. It certainly would have made her mornings easier as she found herself having to rely upon everything up to and including the kitchen sink to get the energy to not go back to bed. It was a very tempting and warm thought and she had no doubt that Lyra would appreciate an extra hour or two or three or four or the whole morning to themselves. But alas, Bon Bon was a business mare of some caliber and reputation and she could ill afford to allow a day to pass by without trotting out her wares. Even if her bed was cozy, the sun wasn't fully up yet, the house was nice and cool, the tea was nice and refreshing, her bed was cozy, she didn't feel like leaving the house, her bed was cozy, Lyra was fun to hang out with on a lazy day, she felt lazy, and her bed was cozy.
But she was the luckiest of mares, for even in this somewhat unhappy state her task for the day was one she could pleasantly toss herself into once she managed to get out the door. Who didn't love treats? Well, Gilded didn't like treats but Gilded didn't like anything and that was why nopony liked him during his school colt days, but aside from him? Everypony loved treats! Bonbons were her specialty but she could give you anything you wanted as long as that everything you wanted involved sweets enrobed in chocolate. She frowned at the thought that her selection had grown a bit lazy lately but Sugarcube Corner had cornered the market on pretty much everything. She thought about expanding into ice cream but then you had to worry about keeping them iced and she didn't know if Lyra had enough magic in her to get the job done. Obviously she needed somepony else to love, somepony else with the proper magical abilities to further her inert business ambitions! Maybe Twilight could be the next one, since she could do anything. Would she be content with being the fridge mare? Probably not. Did the Apples even know about refrigeration? Did they even know about technology? She wouldn't bet on it. Maybe Rainbow Dash could snuggle up at night and whip up some snow? Nah, she could be a grump. No, Bon Bon thought to herself with a Cheshire grin, she would have to be satisfied with her relatively tame partner and her lack of business-helping magical attributes.
Bon Bon tied the apron around her and then trotted outside, long shadows tempting the sun as she yawned optimistically and gazed at her cart. Everything was still in order. It was a nice sized stand, large enough for a little workspace and a decent variety of chocolates. She slowly peeled the covers off of the merchandise and let the aroma of decently fresh chocolates to hit her like a brick.
"Aha, yeah, this is what it's all about," She said in a low pitched voice, imitating almost to a tee a rather burly stallion she had known as an older filly. He was a cute one but had a penchant for dresses that bordered on the creepy. He was a nice enough stallion but it was hard to really get the image of him in a dress out of her mind. Not because a stallion was in a dress, she wasn't close minded about that, but it was her dress that had went missing weeks earlier and it was on the night of the community's formal dance. Salt did crazy things, petty thievery included!
Bon Bon strapped herself into the front, the harness easing against her with unnerving dullness. She looked closely but could scarcely see through bloodshot eyes the lines on her neck that marked where the harness had delved into her over the years. Unflattering and unsurprising. She was about to come up with something witty when the sun finally breached the surroundings and shone directly into her face.
"Okay already, geez! Turn it down already," She said hypocritically, her eyes closing tight for a second as she turned away from the offensive light and pulled down her business sign.
Bon Bon's Bonbons and Chocolates- Open for Business! The sign read almost in an amateuristic fashion, the letters fading as time passed to hide their slightly different sizes. Life was imperfect and Bon Bon wasn't even perfect at life. She took a deep breath, unleashed another yawn, and started trotting towards the center of town.
It was time to get her sale on. Maybe this time Derpy wouldn't destroy everything.
OOC Rules:
1- This is a shop room. While having characters hang around is welcome, please remember that Bon Bon is working.
2- Please do not destroy the shop.
3- Respect the line!
First in line today was a pegasus, for whom 'early in the morning' was technically 'late at night.'  An early morning implies that one had slept the night before, which Sky Sailing rarely did.  His sleep schedule was not only out of whack, but relatively sparse.  
That was alright though.  What sleep could not restore, music could.  He would live off music if he could, and given that he had just quit his day job, he might have to for the next few weeks.  Best then to spend his remaining bits on high energy food to stimulate the creative juices.  What better than chocolate, then?
And so, with a lazy drift along the breeze, the stallion sailed gently to the ground in front of the booth, nodding at the earth pony shopkeeper.  "Hello," the sky-blue pony said softly.  "Are you open?"
Yes, her first catch of the day! Somepony who was just traveling through, no doubt, but that fit her just as well. That meant less haggling opposed to Sugarcube Corner, those invulnerable demons of culinary cruelty. Everypony locally wanted to get it all tied to the prices that they could offer but c'mon, they had big business banking behind them while Bon Bon's behind behald little lusciousness financially save for a few prized bits. She was happy, therefore, to have a pony who wouldn't waste the next hour arguing over a bit.
That accent? Hmm...Cloudsdale perhaps. Bon Bon allowed her vocals to cut a bit higher and wavier than usual, since that was the closest she coould get to the otherwise airy ways of her beautifully airheaded brothers and sisters in the sky. “Hey there! Happy to see a new face around here. I'm Bon Bon of Bon Bon's Bonbons! What can I do you for? A bonbon or six?”
Subtleties are lost on the sleep deprived, or else magnified to outsize importance.  In this case, the modulations of the voice passed right over Sky's brown-maned head, but the numbers stuck in it.  "Do... you only sell them in 1 or six?  Because I was hoping for ten.  Or a box.  Supplies to last through a long journey of life when you're sailing far from safe shores of job security into the lands where the parrots eat your livelihood..."
He blinked.  "What was I saying?  Or was I singing?"  He yawned.  three hours is just not enough time for rest, not if you wanted to speak coherently
Some  ponies just want to help one another. Another decent percentage just wanted to watch it burn. Still other flew into ine too many clouds and looked really silly and sounded outrageously tired. Could she catch a falling pegasus if she needed to? At times she felt strong enough to do it buuuuuut she wasn't trying to save Lyra or serve Celestia, so she probably couldn't have saved this fellow if he hadn't found his way to the ground safely. 
But anyway, bonbons. “I sell them in any amount you want, buddy! For six bonbons the total is one bit. Or you can purchase a small bag for five or even a large bag for eight!"
Sky blinked again, understanding the words 'large bag' and 'eight' at least.  "I think I shall have the large bag, thank you."  He nodded, and with the care of the tired, pulled out the required number of bits from his wingbag.  He placed them, one by one upon the counter-top.  "..six... seven... eight."  He smiled, having managed to do so without dropping any.
Cha-ching! Any and all bittage for her was good bittage, period. Ponies could get so hung up on exact pricing models- her prices changed day to day, depending on the all important chocolate futures exchange in Trottingham. Today, a large bag was eight bits. Tomorrow, it could be eight bits and two pennyfolds. Who knew? Only the Futures knew the Future. In any case, a deal was a deal. Bon Bon quickly scooped up the delicious, not so nutritious, but tasting so good you could hardly care treat that bore her name (this year) and stuffed a large bag full of it, hoofing it over for the eight bits. “Here ya go buddy! Hope it tastes as it good as it looks, right?”
 Sky smiled as he received the bag, and his smile was the least tired thing about him.  Perhaps it was that the care and love that Bon Bon poured into every, well, bonbon had an invigorating effect.  At least, the pegasus hoped so.  "Well, let's find out, shall we?"  And with that, he retrieved a sweet treat from his bag, and popped it in his mouth.
The taste hit his tongue like the music of Beethooven had hit his ears.  Every element was what it should be, all put into the right place.  His eyes closed, and for a minute he was somewhere else.  Where exactly would be hard to say, but it was not too far from the place that a certain lyre-playing unicorn went when searching out new notes and music.
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